Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning. 把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。 Instead of snacking on crisps and chocolate, nibble on celery or carrot 不要把薯片和巧克力当零食来吃,要吃些芹菜和胡萝卜。 They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them 会给他们设定目标,如果能达到,就能得到额外的.现金和报酬。 They are holding out a carrot of$ 120 million in economic aid. 他们许诺给予1.2亿元的经济援助。 The history of the carrot dates back thousands of years. 胡萝卜的历史可上溯到几千年前。 上一篇:ter结尾的单词加后缀 下一篇:capital是什么意思 |