标题 | 物理师岗位职责 |
范文 | 物理师岗位职责 在学习、工作、生活中,大家逐渐认识到岗位职责的重要性,岗位职责是一个具象化的工作描述,可将其归类于不同职位类型范畴。那么制定岗位职责真的很难吗?以下是小编精心整理的物理师岗位职责,欢迎阅读与收藏。 物理师岗位职责11、从事放射物理工作,负责肿瘤放射治疗计划的制定、放射剂量确定、放疗质量控制等; 2、协助完成设备的日常简单维修及维护工作,保证设备的.正常运转; 3、 积极配合放疗专家、医生等开展治疗工作; 4、完成中心要求的其他安排。 物理师岗位职责21.根据临床医师的处方剂量及照射范围要求,优化放射治疗计划。 2.核查临床医师的处方剂量。 3.参与特殊照射的`摆位。 4.定期检测各放射治疗设备的技术指标。 5.不定时地检查放疗技师的摆位及照射情况。 6.做好辅射安全防护工作。 物理师岗位职责31, radiation therapists perform a wide variety of technical therapeutic procedures by the application of ionizing radiation from radioactive materials or linear accelerator to treat benign or malignant diseases per radiation oncologist prescription; 2, 放疗技师通过应用放射性物质或直线加速器的电离辐射执行各种技术治疗程序,根据放射肿瘤医师的处方来治疗良性或恶性肿瘤 3, work closely with radiation oncologists and medical physicist to discuss the treatment plan and perform simulation, selecting immobilization and/or support devices for patient treatment; 4, 与放射肿瘤医师和医学物理师紧密合作,讨论治疗方案并进行模拟,为患者治疗选择制动和/或提供设备支持 5, confirm treatment plan is calculated per prescription and confirm that machine treatment parameters and accessories recorded is correct, prior to the first treatment; 6, 在首次治疗之前确认每个处方的'治疗方案,确认机器治疗参数和配件记录准确无误 7, demonstrate competence in all treatment modalities offered at the center; 8, 在肿瘤中心提供的所有治疗方法中表现出专业能力 9, educate and reassure patient and family members by answering questions regarding treatment, treatment reactions and post-treatment care; 10, 通过回答患者及家属有关治疗、治疗反应和治疗后护理方面的问题提供患者教育和消除患者和家属的疑虑 11, ensure that department safety policies and emergency procedures are followed; 12, 确保遵守部门安全政策和应急程序; 13, document accurately and timely the treatment delivered to patients; 14, 准确及时地记录为患者提供的医疗服务 15, comply with regulatory requirements; 16, 符合法规要求 17, demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of computer applications and systems related to radiation therapy; 18, 清楚了解放射治疗相关的电脑应用和系统 19, monitor patient closely throughout treatment process and report to clinicians if patient’s status changes; 20, 密切监测患者治疗过程,患者病情出现任何变化及时汇报给临床医师 21, ensure proper care in the use and maintenance of equipment and supplies; 22, 确保设备和物品在使用和维护过程中得到适当的保养 23, promote continuous improvement of workplace safety and environmental practices. 24, 持续改进工作安全和环保操作 25, actively communicate with patient for treatment to ensure flow efficiency and patient satisfaction. 26, 就治疗情况与患者主动沟通,确保高效、沟通顺畅,患者满意度高 27, perform general office duties such as delivering and retrieving patient records, recording procedure codes for billing purposes, typing forms, and scheduling patients. 28, 完成日常办公工作,如提供和检索患者病历记录,记录患者相关信息和代码方便结账、制定/填写表格、安排患者预约就诊 29, perform other duties as assigned 30. 积极完成主管分配的其他工作任务 物理师岗位职责41、负责公司油气勘探开发周期内地球物理领域业务,包括采集、处理、解释和储层反演技术负责; 2、勘探项目中负责地震采集和地震处理技术方案和质量把控,负责地震解释、层位标定、速度分析、构造成图和目标优选,并负责与承包商沟通协调; 3、开发项目中负责小层解释、微幅构造解释和储层预测,配合开发部门完成开发方案; 4、新项目中负责地震解释和快速区块评价。 物理师岗位职责51, radiation therapists perform a wide variety of technical therapeutic procedures by the application of ionizing radiation from radioactive materials or linear accelerator to treat benign or malignant diseases per radiation oncologist prescription; 2, 放疗技师通过应用放射性物质或直线加速器的电离辐射执行各种技术治疗程序,根据放射肿瘤医师的处方来治疗良性或恶性肿瘤 3, work closely with radiation oncologists and medical physicist to discuss the treatment plan and perform simulation, selecting immobilization and/or support devices for patient treatment; 4, 与放射肿瘤医师和医学物理师紧密合作,讨论治疗方案并进行模拟,为患者治疗选择制动和/或提供设备支持 5, confirm treatment plan is calculated per prescription and confirm that machine treatment parameters and accessories recorded is correct, prior to the first treatment; 6, 在首次治疗之前确认每个处方的治疗方案,确认机器治疗参数和配件记录准确无误 7, demonstrate competence in all treatment modalities offered at the center; 8, 在肿瘤中心提供的所有治疗方法中表现出专业能力 9, educate and reassure patient and family members by answering questions regarding treatment, treatment reactions and post-treatment care; 10, 通过回答患者及家属有关治疗、治疗反应和治疗后护理方面的问题提供患者教育和消除患者和家属的疑虑 11, ensure that department safety policies and emergency procedures are followed; 12, 确保遵守部门安全政策和应急程序; 13, document accurately and timely the treatment delivered to patients; 14, 准确及时地记录为患者提供的`医疗服务 15, comply with regulatory requirements; 16, 符合法规要求 17, demonstrate a clear understanding and knowledge of computer applications and systems related to radiation therapy; 18, 清楚了解放射治疗相关的电脑应用和系统 19, monitor patient closely throughout treatment process and report to clinicians if patient’s status changes; 20, 密切监测患者治疗过程,患者病情出现任何变化及时汇报给临床医师 21, ensure proper care in the use and maintenance of equipment and supplies; 22, 确保设备和物品在使用和维护过程中得到适当的保养 23, promote continuous improvement of workplace safety and environmental practices. 24, 持续改进工作安全和环保操作 25, actively communicate with patient for treatment to ensure flow efficiency and patient satisfaction. 26, 就治疗情况与患者主动沟通,确保高效、沟通顺畅,患者满意度高 27, perform general office duties such as delivering and retrieving patient records, recording procedure codes for billing purposes, typing forms, and scheduling patients. 28, 完成日常办公工作,如提供和检索患者病历记录,记录患者相关信息和代码方便结账、制定/填写表格、安排患者预约就诊 29, perform other duties as assigned 30. 积极完成主管分配的其他工作任务 |
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