标题 | 不是而是英语造句 |
范文 | 不是而是英语造句大全 造句就是根据所给的词语进行旷充的句子。下面是小编带来的是不是而是英语造句大全,希望对您有帮助。 1、不是老师不管你,而是你自己太让老师失望了 1, not the teacher regardless of you, but yourself too disappointed the teacher 2、困难不是用来抱怨的,而是让自己变得更坚强。 2, the difficulties are not to complain, but to make themselves stronger. 3、挫折不是高不可攀的高山,而是我们前进的动力! 3, the setback is not too high to be reached the mountain, but the power we go! 4、这本书不是我的,而是小红的。 4. This book is not mine, but Xiao Hong's.. 5、你这问题不是我不帮你,而是我实在不会. 5, you are not the problem I do not help you, but I really do not 6、我不答理他,不是讨厌他,而是没什么印象!!! 6, I do not answer him, not hate him, but not what impression!!! 7、完成统一中国大业的,不是刘备,而是曹操。 7. It is not Liu Bei but Cao Cao who has accomplished the great cause of china. 8、他不是不喜欢和我们一起玩,而是因为家里有太多事等着他做。 8, he doesn't like to play with us, but because there are too many things waiting for him to do. 9、不是我不想读大学,而是没钱读不起大学。 9. It's not that I don't want to go to college, but I can't afford to go to college. 10、一加一不是等于二,而是等于三。 10, one plus one is not equal to two, but equal to three. 11、你不是不聪明,而是不认真 11, you are not smart, but not serious 12、生活中不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。 12, life is not lack of beauty, but the lack of beautiful eyes. 13、读书不是为了父母,而是为了自己。 13, reading is not for parents, but for themselves. 14、努力学习不是为了考高分,而是为了求知,为了明理以及学有所用! 14, study hard not to test scores, but to seek knowledge, in order to understand and use! 15、工作不是简单地完成上级安排的任务,而是解决好问题或者优质完成任务,甚至为企业创造良好的信誉。 15, work is not simply to complete the task assigned by superiors, but to solve the problem or high quality tasks, and even create a good reputation for the enterprise. 16、他不是我们的敌人,而是我们的朋友 16. He is not our enemy, but our friend 17、我不是没有认真学习,而是这次考试时没看仔细题。 17. I didn't study hard, but I didn't watch the exam carefully. 18、挫折不是高不可攀的高山,而是我们前进的动力! 18, the setback is not too high to be reached the mountain, but the power we go! 19、这本书不是我的,而是小红的。 19. This book is not mine, but Xiao Hong's.. 20、我不是害怕面对,而是害怕失去。 20, I am not afraid to face, but afraid to lose. 21、小明不是一个坏孩子而是一个人见人爱,花见花开的乖孩子。 21, Xiao Ming is not a bad child, but a person to love, see flowers blooming good children. 22、努力学习不是为了考高分,而是为了求知,为了明理以及学有所用! 22, study hard not to test scores, but to seek knowledge, in order to understand and use! 23、这支铅笔不是你的,而是我的。 23, this pencil is not yours, but mine. 24、这个梨不是他的,而是我的。 24, this pear is not his, but mine. 25、这支铅笔不是小明的,而是我的。 25, this pencil is not Xiao Ming, but my. 26、小名的爸爸不是老师,而是校长。 26, the nickname of father is not a teacher, but the headmaster. 27、挫折不是高山,高不可攀,也不是江河,不可逾越,而是我们前进的动力! 27, the setback is not too high to be reached, not mountains, rivers, impassable, but the power we go! 28、不是没有美,而是我们缺少发现美的眼光。 28, not without beauty, but our lack of beauty to see the eye. 29、学习不是枯燥无味,而是趣味横生。 29, learning fun but not dull as ditch water. 30、那不是失败,而是成功的开始。 30. It's not failure, it's the beginning of success. 31、看到那轮火红的圆盘了吗?不是灯光的效果,而是黎明升起的一轮红日。多么刺眼,充满希望! 31, see that round of red disc? It's not the effect of light, but a red sun rising at dawn. How dazzling, full of hope! 32、报警的不是值班的看守,而是被划破的玻璃。 32, the alarm is not the guards on duty, but the broken glass. 33、挫折不是高山,高不可攀,也不是江河,不可逾越,而是我们前进的动力! 33, the setback is not too high to be reached, not mountains, rivers, impassable, but the power we go! 34、不是没有美,而是我们缺少发现美的眼光。 34, not without beauty, but our lack of beauty to see the eye. 35、学习不是枯燥无味,而是趣味横生。 35, learning fun but not dull as ditch water. 36、那不是失败,而是成功的开始。 36. It's not failure, it's the beginning of success. 37、困难不是用来抱怨的,而是让自己变得更坚强。 37, the difficulties are not to complain, but to make themselves stronger. 38、挫折不是高山,高不可攀,也不是江河,不可逾越,而是我们前进的动力! 38, the setback is not too high to be reached, not mountains, rivers, impassable, but the power we go! 39、不是没有美,而是我们缺少发现美的`眼光。 39, not without beauty, but our lack of beauty to see the eye. 40、那不是失败,而是成功的开始。 40. It's not failure, it's the beginning of success. 41、这支铅笔不是你的,而是我的。 41, this pencil is not yours, but mine. 42、不是我不喜欢你,而是我们年龄都太小了,我们没有什么未来的. 42. It's not that I don't like you, but that we're too young, we don't have a future 43、挫折不是高山,高不可攀,也不是江河,不可逾越,而是我们前进的动力! 43, the setback is not too high to be reached, not mountains, rivers, impassable, but the power we go! 44、你提的问题不是太难,而是太伤人脑经. 44, the question you ask is not too difficult, but it hurts the brain too much 45、看到那轮火红的圆盘了吗?不是灯光的效果,而是黎明升起的一轮红日。多么刺眼,充满希望! 45, see that round of red disc? It's not the effect of light, but a red sun rising at dawn. How dazzling, full of hope! 46、小明不是一个坏孩子而是一个人见人爱,花见花开的乖孩子 46, Xiao Ming is not a bad child, but a person to love, see flowers blooming good children 47、小名的爸爸不是老师,而是校长。 47, the nickname of father is not a teacher, but the headmaster. 48、工作不是生活,而是谋生的工具。 48, work is not a life, but a tool to make a living. 49、学习不是枯燥无味,而是趣味横生。 49, learning fun but not dull as ditch water. 50、不是水滴成就了大海,而是大海的广博成就了水滴。 50, not water drops make the sea, but the extensive achievements of the sea water droplets. 51、课外书不是不可以读,而是要有选择的读。 51, extracurricular books can not be read, but must have the choice to read. 52、我不是害怕面对,()而是害怕失去 52, I am not afraid to face, but fear to lose 53、路不是天生就有的,而是人走出来的。 53, the road is not innate, but people come out. 54、星期天我不出去玩了,不是我不想去,而是妈妈不让去。 54, Sunday, I do not go out to play, not I do not want to go, but my mother will not go. 55、生活中不是没有美,而是我们缺少发现美的眼光。 55, life is not without beauty, but we lack the beauty of the eye. 56、我昨晚做作业做到十二点,不是我太努力,而是题太难了。 56, I did homework last night to do twelve points, not I work too hard, but the problem is too difficult. 57、跌倒不是失败,而是成功的开始。 57. Falling is not failure, but the beginning of success. 58、不是妈妈想说你,而是你太让人生气了 58, not your mother wants to say you, but you are too angry 59、小日本不是想世界太平,而是也想染指中国的南海。 59, small Japan does not want peace in the world, but also wants to encroach on China's South China sea. 60、那不是失败,而是成功的开始. 60. It's not failure, it's the beginning of success 61、快乐并不是拥有的多,而是计较的少. 61, happiness is not to have more, but to care less 62、挫折不是高不可攀的高山,而是我们前进的动力! 62, the setback is not too high to be reached the mountain, but the power we go! 63、不是没有美,而是我们缺少发现美的眼光。 63, not without beauty, but our lack of beauty to see the eye. 64、失败不是自己的原因,而是把困难看得太清楚了。 64, failure is not their own reasons, but to see the difficulty is too clear. 65、不是我不会,而是我不想告诉你。 65, not I will not, but I don't want to tell you. 66、努力学习不是为了考高分,而是为了求知,为了明理以及学有所用! 66, study hard not to test scores, but to seek knowledge, in order to understand and use! |
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