标题 | 小蜘蛛英语作文 |
范文 | 小蜘蛛英语作文 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家对作文都不陌生吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?下面是小编为大家收集的小蜘蛛英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 你们喜欢蜘蛛吗?很多人都不喜欢蜘蛛。而我却非常的喜欢蜘蛛,因为它为了治好我的伤口而失去了自己宝贵的生命。这里还有一个感人的故事呢! Do you like spiders? Many people don't like spiders. But I like spider very much, because it lost its precious life in order to cure my wound. There is also a touching story here! 在我上幼儿园时我们家的门口的右上角,有一只手掌心那样大的蜘蛛,长着一个黑不溜秋的身子,长长的八条腿,在我家的门角上织了一张网,网的样子好像渔网,蜘蛛每天都在网上扑食。 When I was in kindergarten, in the upper right corner of our door, there was a spider as big as the palm of my hand, with a black body and eight long legs, weaving a net on the corner of my door. The net looked like a fishing net. Every day, the spider was eating on the net. 刚刚开始看见它的时候,就好像看见了一只八条腿的小怪物似的,有时晚上出去散步,偶尔看见它,我都会吓得尖叫起来,因为那个时候,天真的我以为这是一只恐怖的毒蜘蛛,后来才知道这是一只没有毒的蜘蛛。再后来我就慢慢的喜欢上了这只蜘蛛。 When I first saw it, it was as if I saw an eight legged little monster. Sometimes I went out for a walk at night, and sometimes I would scream with fright when I saw it. At that time, I thought it was a horrible poisonous spider, but later I knew it was a spider without poison. Later, I gradually fell in love with this spider. 一个星期天,我在院子里玩耍,一不小心就被毒蝎子扎了一下,手指立即钻心的痛,使我痛苦难忍,邻居阿姨立刻把我家门角上的`蜘蛛捉住,放在我的手指上,我当时很好奇,不一会,蜘蛛就变成了O型后来蜘蛛就死了,我这才明白,蜘蛛是帮我把毒汁吸出来,光荣的牺牲了,伤口一下子就不痛了,过了一会就好了。 One Sunday, when I was playing in the yard, I was stabbed by a poisonous scorpion. The pain in my fingers made me feel unbearable. My neighbor's aunt caught the spider at the corner of my house and put it on my fingers. I was very curious at that time. Soon, the spider became O-shaped, and then it died. I realized that the spider helped me to suck out the venom, Glorious sacrifice, the wound will not hurt for a while, after a while. 我小心翼翼地把蜘蛛的尸体埋在土里,还给了一只又大又肥的苍蝇,和它埋在一起,伤心的说:“小蜘蛛,你安息吧,这里有你喜欢吃的苍蝇,你是饿不着的,我会永远记住你,你是我的“救命恩人”。 I carefully buried the spider's body in the soil and gave back a big and fat fly. I buried it with it and said sadly, "little spider, rest in peace. Here are the flies you like to eat. You are hungry. I will always remember you. You are my" Life Saver ". 从此,如果我再看见别人欺负蜘蛛,我会狠狠的教训他,让他不要欺负小蜘蛛,因为它是大家的好朋友! From then on, if I see other people bullying spiders, I will teach him a lesson and ask him not to bully little spiders, because they are good friends! |
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