标题 | 职场英语辞职信怎么写 |
范文 | 职场英语辞职信怎么写 What to Include in Your Resignation Letter 辞职信该包含哪些内容 The fact that you are leaving and date when your resignation is effective. 离职的意愿和离职的日期是最重要的。 A thank you to your employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment. 感谢老板在你的任期内为你提供的工作机会。 It's usually better to resign in person, and then follow up with a formal resignation letter. However, if you need to send a resignation email, write it as professionally as you would a resignation letter on paper. 通常情况下,最好当面亲自提出辞职申请,随后补上一封正式的辞职信。然后,如果你需要通过电子邮箱发送辞职申请,那就尽可能按照书面的形式把邮件撰写得专业恰当。 Regardless of why you are resigning or how you feel about it, if you mention the reason you are leaving, make sure that you do not include anything negative or disparaging about the company, your supervisor, your co-workers, or your subordinates. 无论你的辞职原因是什么,或者你对辞职抱有什么个人感情,如果你在辞职信中提到了辞职的理由,请切记不要带有任何负面的或对于公司、上司、同事或下属的轻蔑语气的言论。 This letter will be included in your employment file and could be shared with potential future employers; therefore, it should be professional and polite. 因为辞职信将会存入你的求职档案,并且很有可能传递给你的潜在未来雇主手上,因此,这封辞职信必须是专业且有礼貌的。 Resignation Letter Writing Tips 辞职信撰写小贴士 Although under some circumstances, such as a cross-country move or a decision to focus on parenting, it may make sense to disclose the reason for your resignation, in many cases sharing the details about why you are resigning is not necessary. 尽管在某些情况下,比如横穿全国的移居或决定全心照顾小孩,这些辞职理由写到辞职信里也是没有问题的。不过很多情况下把辞职的原因细节详细交代也是不必的。 In general, keeping your resignation letter brief and to the point is advantageous. While it's not required, offering to help during the transitional period and weeks following is generally appreciated. 一般来说,保持辞职信言简意赅就是最合适的。另外,尽管这不是必须的,但是主动提供过渡期的帮助也是很令人欣赏的举动。 To make sure your resignation letter contains all the right details, and none of the wrong information, review these resignation letter writing tips before you submit your resignation. 请确保你的辞职信包含的所有细节准确无误。在递交辞职信前,先根据下面这些要点,检查一遍你的辞职信吧。 How to Organize a Resignation Letter 如何组织你的辞职信 A resignation letter should begin with both you and the employer's contact information (name, title, company name, address, phone number, email) followed by the date. If this is an email rather than an actual letter, include your contact information at the end of the letter, after your signature. 辞职信的开头必须包含你与老板的联系信息(姓名,职衔,公司名称,地址,电话号码,电子邮箱地址),紧随着日期之后。如果这是一封电子邮件而不是实际的信件,那就把你的个人联系信息包含在邮件的末尾,就在签名之后。 Salutation: Address the resignation letter to your manager. Use his or her formal title ("Dear Mr./Mrs./Dr. XYZ) 称呼:把这份辞职信提交给你的经理,并使用正式的头衔称呼对方(如,敬爱的XX先生/XX女士/XX博士)。 Paragraph 1: State that you are resigning and include the date on which your resignation will be effective. Check your contract to see how much notice you are required to give your manager. 第一段:表明个人辞职的.意愿,并把离职日期写清楚,这是最专业的方式。查看合同确认需要提前多少天告知你的经理。 Paragraph 2: (Optional) If you want, you can say why you are leaving (i.e. you are beginning another job, you are going back to school, you are taking time off), but this is not necessary. If you do choose to say why you are leaving, be positive - focus on where you are going next, not on what you disliked about your current job. 第二段:(可选)如果你有这个想法,你可以陈述个人离职的原因(比如,你正开启另一份工作,你打算继续上学,你想找点时间休息一下),不过这并不是必需的。如果你确实打算说明辞职原因,请保持积极正面的,专注于你的下一步目标,而不是你不喜欢当前工作的原因。 Paragraph 3: (Optional) Unless you know you will be completely unavailable, say that you are willing to help with the transition that your leaving will cause. 第三段:(可选)若你并非完全抽不出时间来,那么你可以表示愿意在离职后提供过渡期的帮助。 Paragraph 4: (Optional) If you would like a letter of reference from your manager, you can ask for it here. 第四段:(可选)如果你想要得到经理的一封推荐信,可以在辞职信里提出你的请求。 Paragraph 5: (Optional) Thank your manager for the opportunity to work for the company. If you had a particularly good experience, you can go into a bit more detail about what you appreciate about the job (the people you worked with, the projects you worked on, etc). 第五段:(可选)感谢经理为你提供的工作机会。如果你确实有特别的工作经验,你可以稍微深入描述自己对这份工作的好感(同事的友好,完成的任务,等)。 Close: 结尾: Use a kind but formal signoff, such as "Sincerely" or "Yours Sincerely." 尽量使用友好但不失正式的语气结束信件,比如衷心感谢”或感谢您”。 Signature: 签名落款 |
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