标题 | 热闹的健身广场英语作文 |
范文 | 热闹的健身广场英语作文 在学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文根据体裁的不同可以分为记叙文、说明文、应用文、议论文。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编为大家收集的热闹的.健身广场英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 20xx年5月2日 星期五 晴 Friday, May 2, 20xx 迎着日出,看着朝霞,我和哥哥来到了健身广场。 Facing the sunrise, looking at the sunrise, my brother and I came to the fitness square. “哇——广场可真热闹呀!” "Wow, the square is so busy!" 有十几个老爷爷在打太极拳,他们的姿势有时好像在打麻将,有时好像白鹤展开翅膀,有时好像抱着大西瓜…… There are more than a dozen old grandfathers playing Taijiquan. Their posture sometimes seems to be playing mahjong, sometimes like a white crane spreading its wings, sometimes like holding a big watermelon 有二十几个阿姨在音乐中跳舞,他们的姿势有时像风车在转动,有时像天女在散花,有时像在捣蒜,有时像蜻蜓点水…… There are twenty aunts dancing in the music. Sometimes their posture is like a windmill turning, sometimes it's like a fairy scattering flowers, sometimes it's like playing garlic, sometimes it's like a dragonfly skimming the water 小朋友们像一只只快乐的小鸟,有的在玩滑梯,有的在玩皮球,有的在荡秋千。我和哥哥呢?在玩翘翘板呢。 The children are like a happy bird. Some are playing on the slide, some are playing on the ball, some are playing on the swing. Where are my brother and I? Playing with the warping board. 真是一个热闹的健身广场。 It's really a busy fitness square. |
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