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标题 英语作文



英语作文 篇1

Study the picture above carefully and write an essay entitled “It is Good Bad to write about(?) Martial Arts Novels in the Textbooks” In the essay, you

should (1) describe the picture and interpret its meaning (2) give your opinion and support it with some proof (3) get the conclusion. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)

The picture describes an interesting phenomenon. When a student is reading his textbook, what flashes in his mind is a scene of fighting between two martial arts fighters. Last year, the compiling group of the Chinese textbooks made a decision that some parts of a marital arts novel would be selected as one of the texts. This has sparked off a heated debate. Some say that it is a new idea to do so. The martial arts novels are a new genre of literature and should be included in the textbook. Some others are strongly against this decision. They say it will do no good to students because they will think about nothing but fighting and revenge when they read this kind of novels.

In my opinion, it is not reasonable to select such texts. Firstly, the main theme of these novels is revenge. To all the characters, not for a minute was revenge forgotten. The purpose of their life is to seek revenge. Secondly, the characters do nothing but fight with each other. They needn’t make a living. Their main job is to find someone to fight with. Thirdly, there are all kinds of factions in the novels. People are always belonging to a kind of faction. Students who have not established their values and outlook of life will be affected by these ideas. They may imitate the characters and do some bad things.

Therefore, these novels should be removed from the textbook. Some good materials should be selected to instruct the students and help them to form the correct outlook of life. They can benefit from the selection for his whole life.

英语作文 篇2

It is quite common phenomenon that manyparents will bring their children to All kinds of classes as long as theirchildren have weekends or holidays. This kind of situation has been hotdiscussed among public. Some people hold that children deserve to have playtime as much as possible. Some believe that children should learn as much aspossible since they have strong ability to grasp new knowledge. Standing on mypoint of view, I’m convinced that children should be sent to training class tolearn as much as possible so that they can be more brilliant.


Firstly, training class can broadenchildren’s knowledge. For almost all children, they have very limitedknowledge. But if they are sent to training class, they can learn variousknowledge of life.


Secondly, training class helps children toimprove their skills. Nowadays, there are many kinds of training agents forchildren to train children a certain kind of skill. For example, a great numberof parents will send their children to dance class. In this kind of class, notonly children can learn dance skills, but they can practice themselves at thesame time.


Thirdly, children can be more outstandingin the future compared with those who don’t attend training class. Kids learnmore skills will be more flexible and smart than those who never attendtraining classes in doing certain kinds of things.


All in all, sending kids to trainingclasses will do a lot of good to children’s future.


英语作文 篇3

To give birth to children and raise them was difficult in the past and this was largely the result of the inadequate medical knowledge and equally inadequate medical facilities in those days. Clearly it was because of this difficulty that families of former times tended to play it safe, producing a lot of offspring so as to guard against any possible loss. Of course, such a thing occurs more frequently in an agricultural society than in an Industrialized one as in an agricultural society extended families are the fashion.

Times change. Most of us live now in an industrialized society where overpopulation is seen oftener as a bane than as a boon, and that is also why family planning is now all the rage, particularly in populous countries. Family planning not only can stem the population growth, but can also provide the needed information for those who want to start a family. To make their lives happier and more harmonious, couples should subscribe to this kind of planning, avoiding unnecessary births of putting a limit on the number of their children, as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to plan childbirth. as it is, family planning is meant not only to practice birth control, but also to plan childbirth. The following is what I think we should do in regard to the promotion of family planning.

1) Disseminate information on family planning and persuade people to scrap the traditional thinking that a boy is better than a girl and that having no heir is a shame.

2) Regard population problems and the way to build a happy family as apart of the educational course.

3) Positively strive for support from government officials and leaders of a consortium.

4) Put continuous emphasis on the need to tie up the oviduct or the vas deferens for either sex. In a word, family planning rests with every citizen, not merely with a few persons.

英语作文 篇4


In speaking with hundreds of executives and senior leaders over the past twenty years, certain phrases consistently come up as career-limiting phrases that jeopardize one’s professional image and potential for promotion. To the speaker they may seem like harmless words, however, to the listener they reveal a more critical issue: In a workplace where employers must be cutting-edge, competitive, and cost-effective, employees who use these phrases will likely be replaced with those who convey a more positive attitude, collaborative spirit, proactive behavior and professional demeanor. Here are 13 phrases that should be banned from the office:


1. “It’s not fair.”

1. “这不公平。”

She got a raise, you didn’t. He was recognized, you weren’t. Some people have food to eat while others starves. Injustices happen on the job and in the world every day. Whether it’s a troubling issue at work or a serious problem for the planet, the point in avoiding this phrase is to be proactive about the issues versus complaining, or worse, passively whining. Instead, document the facts, build a case, and present an intelligent argument to the person or group who can help you.


2. “That’s not my problem,” “That’s not my job,” or “I don’t get paid enough for this.”

2. “那不是我的问题”,“那不是我的工作”或“这不是我的分内之事”。

If you asked someone for help, and the person replied with one of the above phrases, how would you feel? As importantly, what would it say about him or her? Regardless of how inconvenient or inappropriate a request may be, it is likely important to the other person or they would not have asked. Therefore, as a contributing member of the team, a top priority is to care about the success of others (or at least act as though you do). An unconcerned, detached and self-serving attitude quickly limits career advancement.


This doesn’t mean you have to say yes; it does mean you need to be articulate and thoughtful when saying no. For example, if your boss issues an unreasonable request, rather than saying, ‘you’ve got to be kidding me. I don’t get paid enough for this,’ instead say, ‘I’ll be glad to help. Given my current tasks of A, B, and C, which one of these shall I place on hold while I work on this new assignment?’ This clearly communicates teamwork and helpfulness, while reminding your boss of your current work load and the need to set realistic expectations.


3. “I think…”

3. “我认为……”

Which of these two statements sounds more authoritative?: “I think our company might be a good partner for you.” Or, “I believe…” “I know…” or “I am confident that our company will be a good partner for you.”


There is a slight difference in the wording, however the conviction communicated to your customer is profound. You may have noticed, the first phrase contains two weak words, ‘think’ and ‘might.’ They risk making you sound unsure or insecure about the message. Conversely, the second sentence is assertive and certain. To convey a command of content and passion for your subject, substitute the word ‘think’ with ‘believe’ and replace ‘might’ with ‘will.’


4. “No problem.”

4. “没问题。”

When someone thanks you, the courteous and polite reply is, “You’re welcome.”


The meaning implies that it was a pleasure for you to help the person, and that you receive their appreciation. Though the casual laid-back phrase, ‘no problem’ may intend to communicate this, it falls short. It actually negates the person’s appreciation and implies the situation could have been a problem under other circumstances. In business and social situations, if you want to be perceived as well-mannered and considerate, respond to thank you’ s with, “You’re welcome.”


5. “I’ll try.”

5. “我试试看。”

Imagine it’s April 15th and you ask a friend to mail your tax returns before 5pm on his way to the post office. If he replies, ‘Okay, I’ll try,’ you’ll likely feel the need to mail them yourself. Why? Because that phrase implies the possibility of failure.


In your speech, especially with senior leaders, replace the word ‘try’ with the word and intention of ‘will.’ This seemingly small change speaks volumes.


6. “He’s a jerk,” or “She’s lazy,” or “My job stinks,” or “I hate this company.”

6. “他是个傻瓜”,“她很懒”,“我的工作真糟糕”或“我讨厌这家公司”。

Nothing tanks a career faster than name-calling. Not only does it reveal juvenile school-yard immaturity, it’s language that is liable and fire-able.


Avoid making unkind, judgmental statements that will inevitably reflect poorly on you. If you have a genuine complaint about someone or something, communicate the issue with tact, consideration and neutrality.


7. “But we’ve always done it that way.”

7. “但这是我们的惯例。”

The most effective leaders value innovation, creative thinking and problem solving skills in their employees. In one fell swoop, this phrase reveals you are the opposite: stuck in the past, inflexible, and closed-minded. Instead say, ‘Wow, that’s an interesting idea. How would that work?’ Or, ‘That’s a different approach. Let’s discuss the pros and cons.’


8. “That’s impossible” or “There’s nothing I can do.”

8. “那不可能”或“我一筹莫展”

Really? Are you sure you’ve considered every single possible solution and the list is now exhausted? When you make the mistake of saying these negative phrases, your words convey a pessimistic, passive, even hopeless outlook. This approach is seldom valued in the workplace. Employers notice, recognize and promote a can-do attitude. Despite the glum circumstances, communicate through your words what you can contribute to the situation.


Instead, try something like, “I’ll be glad to check on it again,” “Let’s discuss what’s possible under these circumstances,” or, “What I can do is this.”


9. “You should have…” or “You could have…”

9. “你本应该……”或“你本可以……”

You probably wouldn’t be thrilled if someone said: “You should have told me about this sooner!” Or, “You could have tried a little harder.” Chances are, these fault-finding words inflict feelings of blame and finger-pointing. Ideally, the workplace fosters equality, collaboration and teamwork. Instead of making someone feel guilty (even if they are), take a more productive non-judgmental approach. Say, “Next time, to ensure proper planning, please bring this to my attention immediately.” Or, “In the future, I recommend…”


10. “You guys.”

10. “伙计们。”

Reserve the phrase “you guys” for friendly casual conversations and avoid using it in business. Referring to a group of people as ‘you guys’ is not only inaccurate if women are present, it is slang and lowers your level of professionalism. With fellow professionals such as your boss, co-workers and clients, substitute “you guys” with terms such as “your organization” or “your team” or simply “you.”


11. “I may be wrong, but…” or “This may be a silly idea, but…”

11. “有可能是我错了,但……”或“这个想法或许有点蠢,但……”

These phrases are known as discounting. They diminish the impact of what follows and reduce your credibility. Remember that your spoken words reveal to the world how much value you place on yourself and your message. For this reason, eliminate any prefacing phrase that demeans the importance of who you are or lessens the significance of what you contribute.


Don’t say, “This may be a silly idea, but I was thinking that maybe we might conduct the quarterly meeting online instead, okay?” Instead, assert your recommendation: “To reduce travel costs and increase time efficiency, I recommend we conduct the quarterly meeting online.”


12. “Don’t you think?” or “Okay?”

12. “你不觉得吗?”或“好吗?”

These phrases are commonly known as hedging—seeking validation through the use of overly cautious or non-committal words. If you truly are seeking approval or looking for validation, these phrases may well apply. However, if your goal is to communicate a confident commanding message and persuade people to see it your way, instead of hedging make your statement or recommendation with certainty.


Imagine an investment banker saying, “This is a good way to invest your money, don’t you think? I’ll proceed, if that’s okay with you.” Instead, you’d probably want to hear something like: “This strategy is a wise investment that provides long-term benefits. With your approval, I’ll wire the money by 5pm today.”


13. “I don’t have time for this right now,” or “I’m too busy.”

13. “我现在没有时间”或“我都忙死了”

Even if these statements are true, no one wants to feel less important than something or someone else. To foster positive relations and convey empathy, say instead: I’d be happy to discuss this with you after my morning meetings. May I stop by your office around 1pm?”


These are common phrases that might be difficult to eliminate completely from your everyday conversations—but the trick is to gain awareness of the language you’re using. As is often the case with bad habits, we are unconscious of the fact we’re saying career-limiting words and phrases.


英语作文 篇5

These days we often hear that ( 1 ).

It is common that ( 2 ).

Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social

protects? For one thing ,( 3 ).

For another,( 4 ). What is more,

since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 ).

To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worth

trying .We should do something such as ( 7 )

to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything

will be better in the future .








pollution of environment

These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed .).

Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing ,(the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded. ).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology ). What is more , since ( the industrial revolution ) ,it is natural

that (a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms .The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment ).

To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthying .We should do something such as (planting more trees , equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources )to improve the present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future .

Football is the most popular ball in the world. More and more people like watching football matches. They can’t sleep or eat when their teams are playing.They shout for their players. I think many Chinese football player have done better match after match since the Professional Football league of China was set up. But we still have a long way to go to Asia and to the world. We should learn from foreign teams. Foreign players and coaches must be invited. Dalian Wanda, Shanghai Shenhua and Guangd0ng Apollo are among the best.






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