标题 | 我的梦想英语作文 |
范文 | 关于我的梦想英语作文锦集九篇 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?下面是小编为大家整理的我的梦想英语作文9篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 我的梦想英语作文 篇1每个人的心中都会有梦想,或许还不止一个,这些梦想就是我们生活的目标,就是我们前进的动力。如果一个人连梦想都没有,那么他的生活将会是非常乏味甚至于不过是在吃喝等死,只因为他没有了奋斗的目标。 Everyone has a dream, maybe more than one. These dreams are the goal of our life and the motive force of our progress. If a man does not even have a dream, then his life will be very dull, even when he is eating and drinking, just because he does not have the aim of struggle. 我的梦想是当明星,我知道实现这个梦想有多困难,但是只要努力了,就总有实现的一天。 My dream is to be a star. I know how difficult it is to realize this dream. But as long as I work hard, there will always be a day to come true. 每次在娱乐新闻上看到某位明星的负面新闻时,我就会痛恨那些八卦记者,他们只顾自己的利益,不想想明星的感受,谁会愿意把自己的生活曝光在聚光灯下呢?当我看到有些明星因为好友的出卖,许多生活私密照都被曝光。有时候明星稍不留心做出一些冲动的事,就会被记者拍下来,然后就会遭到众人的指责。有时他们想发泄也一定要忍住。 Every time I see the negative news of a star in the entertainment news, I hate those gossip reporters, they only care about their own interests, not to think about the star feeling, who will be willing to give his life under the spotlight? When I saw some stars because of friends sell, many private photos are exposure. Sometimes, a star who does not pay attention and does something impulsive will be photographed by reporters and then will be blamed. Sometimes they want to vent, and they must refrain from it. 背后的痛苦,却换来了舞台上的辉煌。当明星们承受着所有痛苦站在舞台上时,他们觉得这一切的痛苦都是值得的。当我们看到我台上光芒四射的明星,一种崇敬之情油然而生,喜欢他们不如说喜欢他们的意志力和克服困难的决心。他们背后曲折又辛酸的故事常常令我感动,他们拥有着比超人更强大的能量,他们忍受了所有的委屈,只为了台下的`掌声,我觉得他们真的很值得崇敬。 Behind the pain, but in exchange for the stage of the brilliant. When the stars were standing on the stage with all the pain, they felt the pain was worth it. When we see the radiant stars on my stage, a feeling of reverence arises, and I like them more than I like their will and determination to overcome them. They are behind the twists and turns of sad story often makes me moved, they have a more powerful than superhuman energy, they endured all the grievances, only to the audience's applause, I think they are really worthy of honor. 虽说我的梦想是当明星,但其实,不如说是我想要挑战自己,同时也想锻炼我自己的意志力。明星所经历的苦我都了解、明白,但正因为如此所以我想要去尝试,我想去获得克服困难的勇气,所以我在努力着。 Although my dream is to be a star, it is better to challenge myself than to exercise my will power. I know and understand the hardships experienced by the stars, but because of this, I want to try. I want to get the courage to overcome the difficulties, so I am trying. 你的梦想是什么?你已经决定好自己要怎么做了么?努力吧,我们一起努力! What's your dream? Have you decided what you're going to do? Try. Let's work together! 我的梦想英语作文 篇2Maybe I will become a doctor. If I become a doctor, I will help many sick people. I can give him some advice. I love to help other people, because my mother always tells me that helping others is good for me and helping others can make me happy. I believe it. But doctors always work at night,then I can’t have dinner with my family and play with them. Maybe I’ll be a police. It’s a very exciting job! I can catch many thieves and do some exciting work. But I will always be in danger.It’s a dangerous job. So I think I will be a doctor. 我的梦想英语作文 篇3i have a dream : i want to be a lawyer .the reason i want to be a lawyer r is i think this profession is very important and meaningful. if i am a lawyer, i will can contribute to maintaining the fairness and justice of society in the form of law: on one hand, i can take advantage of my expertise help mediate peoples conflicts and disputes, so that they can live in harmony. on the other hand,i can defend legitimate rights and interest s for innocent, avoiding them suffering from some unnecessary injury. in addition, i can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to teaching them some basic legal knowledge,therefore they can obey the law and apply the law. 我的梦想是成为一个法律工作者,我之所以想成为法律工作者是因为我认为这个职位是非常重要且有意义的。如果我可以成为一个法律工作者,那么我可以以法律的形式为维护社会的公平和正义做出自己的一份贡献: 一方面,我可以充分利用我的'专业优势帮助解决人们的矛盾纠纷,以便让他们和睦相处。 而另一方面,我可以为无辜受害人争取合法权益,避免他们收到不必要的伤害。 此外,我还会经常与一些需要法律援助的人经常进行交流,尽力教给他们一些基本的法律知识,让他们能够守法用法。 然而,我现在所学的法律知识还远远不够,为了能够在未来实现我的梦想,我应从现在开始,努力学习。 我的梦想英语作文 篇4Every one has a dream. I have a dream, too. I have a dream that one day I could become a math teacher. I love math very much, because I think math is quite useful. It's useful when people are buying things. It is useful when students are learning subjects like physics and chemitry. And it's useful when scientists are doing experiments. Teachers can not only help students to learn things but also teach the students to apply what they learn into practice. Therefore, I hope to be a math teacher in the future. I want to help more students learn math. 我的梦想英语作文 篇5In my opinion, the movie “ the pursuit of happyness “ is a eaningful film, the hero of the movie is an active man. Though his life was very hard, his wife left because of the situation of their family, his work was also unfortunate, he never gave up and still work hard, then he took care of his little son. He is going after happiness all the time, so his life is running . Time is very importmant to him, he must finish his task on time , or he wouldn’t live a steady life , he has to pay the rent and taxes and so on, but he insist on taking every chance to make his life live better and he believe in himself. Finally, he succeed , his part of life in the movie is moving and real. I also like the song in the movie very much, it says “ the mountains have high places and low places ……” Everyone has a dream, if you work as hard as the hero of the movie , your dream will come ture, so I will learn from the hero ---Chris Gardner. And I believe my dream isn’t far away! 我的梦想英语作文 篇6人为什么要有梦想?因为梦想是故事的开始,我相信每个人都有一个梦想。 Why have a dream? Because the dream is the beginning of the story, I believe that everyone has a dream. 我的梦想是当一个顶级的厨师到世界各地比赛厨艺。第一、当了厨师以后也不用挨饿,可以自己煮东西吃。第二、我可以把我做的爱心食物送给大家吃,第三、退休后,可以自己开店赚钱,最重要的目的还是到世界各地比赛厨艺。 My dream is to be a top chef to the rest of the world match. First, when the chef will never be hungry, you can eat anything. Second, I can put my love of food do you eat, third, after retirement, you can sell to make money, the most important purpose is to race around the world. 至于该如何一步步实现我的梦想呢?第一、我要先培养味蕾,第二、也要练一下煮菜技巧,第三、创造一道属于自己的菜。曾经听过:厨师是饿不死的',如果我当了一位厨师,是件很幸福的事,又可以开店当老板,达成我今生这个伟大的愿望 As for how to step by step to realize my dream? First, I want to cultivate the taste buds, second, also want to practice my cooking skills, third, create a belongs to own. Once heard: the chef is hungry, if I became a chef, is a very happy thing, but also can set up shop when the boss, I have reached this great desire 我的梦想英语作文 篇7I hope I can become a doctor in the future.I was born in a doctor's family.My parents are both doctors.They are always busy working for patients' health and have no time to look after me.They saved many people's lives during their work.The doctor is called "Angles in White".Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore,i wish to be a doctor like my parents.I hoped future I might be a doctor. 我希望未来的我能够成为一名医生.我出生在一个医生世家.我的父母都是医生.他们经常忙于照顾自己的病人,没有时间来照顾我.在他们工作期间,他们挽救了许多人的生命.医生被人们称为"白衣天使".因为医生可以让那些身受病痛折磨的`人摆脱痛苦.可以让人变得健康.同时,我认为,帮助了别人,自己也将会得到快乐.所以,我希望自己成为像父母一样的医生,我希望未来我可以做一个医生. 我的梦想英语作文 篇8在我们每个人的心中都有自己不同的梦想。有的人想以后当一名老师、一名飞行员、一名律师、一名设计师、一名演员。但是这些梦想都是要通过自己的不懈努力和奋斗,才能够取得成功,完成自己心中的梦想。而我希望以后长大了能当歌手。能够在舞台上展现自我,能够在舞台上唱出自己喜欢的歌;唱出悦耳动听地音乐给观众听。让他们能够得到快乐,不向困难低头,继续向着梦想勇往直前。 在我的现实生活中,其实每一天都像在跟着时间赛跑。在我每天努力的过程中虽然很艰苦,可是我知道因为我为了自己的梦想,这些困难我一定要熬过去。 我还记得每一次,无论早晨、下课、还有放学回家,我都没有偷懒。在每天早晨还天没亮我就起床漱洗,然后就去复习功课。下课的时候,我也没有陪朋友出去散步,但有时是朋友觉得我总是闷在教室里学习,就把我拉出去走走。都几乎很少。不过我也总是静静地坐在自己的.座位上认真复习自己的功课。放学回家之后除了吃饭、洗澡,还有帮妈妈一些家务活,然后我也还是继续努力学习、认真复习,直到傍晚我才睡觉。 就这样,不论是每一次的努力换来每一次的考试失败,还是在每一次努力的过程中遇到的困难或解不出的难题,而且还被一些同学嘲笑,或被每一次的努力都被失败打击下来。但是我始终没放弃,依然朝着自己的目标继续前进。 从这篇文章中,让我领悟了一个道理,只要有梦想,认真去奋斗,不向困难低头、退缩,同时也为了祖国的富强、社会的安宁、人们的幸福。也为了我的梦想,相信自己,总有一天我一定会展现出我最希望、最美好的那一天。 我的梦想英语作文 篇9Since I was a little child, I had a dream that I wanted to be a doctor. When I was little, I watched many TV series and movies about doctors. I thought they were so great. Therefore, I made up my mind to be a doctor. In my opinion, doctor is the people who can help patience get out of sickness and pain.I want to be the person who can help others. However, being a doctor needs so much professional knowledge and there is a long way to go. So I have to try my best on my study and go to a good college. 其实从我还是个小孩开始,我就梦想着成为一名医生。当我还小的时候,我看很多关于医生的电视剧和电影。我认为医生很伟大。因此,我下定决心要成为一名医生。在我看来,医生是可以帮助病人走出疾病和痛苦的人。我想成为可以帮助他人的.人。但是,成为医生需要很多的专业知识,还有很长一段路要走。所以我必须努力学习,考上一个好大学。 |
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