But freedom is one thing, advisability quite another. 但自由是一回事,明智则完全是另一回事。 Advisability means to gain the best goal with the best method. 明智指的是用最好的办法去追求最好的目标。 The criteria for judging advisability of reference frame obtained with the two methods are given. 对这两种方法所采用的`参考框架的合理性给出了判别准则。 The new approach had wide applicability to all sorts of different problems. 新方法广泛适用于解决各种各样的问题。 As a source of knowledge the strength of rational statements lies in reliability and predictability, but not in breadth or applicability. 作为知识的来源之一,理论叙述的作用在于可靠性和预见性,而不在于广泛性和实用性。 上一篇:鸭子叫声的英文单词怎么写 下一篇:以ese为后缀的单词以及原型 |