They tried to make themselves heard over the din of the crowd. 他们力图让自己的声音盖过人群的`喧闹声。 There was an incredible din 声音异常嘈杂。 Then the din gradually dies down and the music stops. 接着喧闹声逐渐消失,音乐也终止了。 Living out of the city, I'm not bothered by the din of urban life. 住在乡间,可以不为城市生活的烦嚣之声所扰。 In the darkened room, the din of yesterday was going on again. 在那间黝暗的房间里,和昨天一样的嘈杂声又在继续进行。 上一篇:江西师范大学是一本还是二本院校? 下一篇:resist用法搭配 |