标题 | 小学一年级我最喜欢的季节英语作文 |
范文 | 小学一年级我最喜欢的季节英语作文 我最喜欢春天,因为春天是一个生机勃勃的季节。你看,太阳公公绽放着微笑,小鸟沐浴着温暖的阳光,在刚刚长出绿叶的枝头上叽叽喳喳,仿佛在迎接春天的到来。 I most like the spring, because spring is a vibrant season. You see, the sun with a smile, the bird bathed in warm sunshine, just grow green branches on twitter, as if to greet the arrival of spring. 我最喜欢春天,因为春天百花齐放,迎春花、梅花……争奇斗艳。那边的桃花挨挨挤挤的,三个一群,五个一伙,就像可爱的小娃娃;远远望去,又像从半山腰飘来的彩云。 I like spring best, because All flowers bloom together. spring, winter jasmine, plum...... Contests. The peach blossom endure endure crowded crowded, a group of three, a group of five, like the cute little baby; from afar, like floating clouds from the hillside. 我最喜欢春天,因为春天是一首优美的交响乐。冬眠的小动物都从梦中醒来。叽叽”、咕咕”……这首动听的交响乐总能让人陶醉于其中。 I most like the spring, because spring is a beautiful symphony. Small animal hibernation wake up from the dream. "Ji Ji", "cuckoo"... This is the first symphony always make people intoxicated. 我最喜欢春天,因为春天是个让人放飞梦想的季节。广场上,孩子们在快乐地放风筝。他们飞快地奔跑,手中的风筝带着他们的憧憬和希望飞上高高的蓝天…… I most like the spring, because spring is a season of dreams. Square, children were flying kites happily. They run fast, kite with their vision and hope to fly high in the blue sky...... 我最喜欢春天,它不像夏天那样炎热难耐,不像秋天那样落叶纷飞,也不像冬天那样寒风刺骨,春天能让我尽情享受它的温暖和希望。 I like spring best, it is not so hot in summer, not like autumn leaves, winter is also not so cold, let me enjoy the warmth and hope of spring. |
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