标题 | 英语经典爱情语录 |
范文 | 英语经典爱情语录 无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家或多或少都接触过一些有名的语录吧,语录是指一个人言论的记录或摘录。你还在找寻优秀经典的语录吗?下面是小编为大家整理的英语经典爱情语录,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 英语经典爱情语录1爱不止是要有爱,更要有习惯。 Love is not only to have love, but also to have habits. 你是一束光,带给我暖与爱。 You are a beam of light, bring me warmth and love. 爱你,是我做过最好的事。 Love you is the best thing I've ever done. 听着小情歌却任然写不出味道。 Listen to the little love song but still can not write the flavor. 你知不知道,你对我的重要。 Do you know what you mean to me. 叹如今,忆往昔,泪彷徨。 Sigh now, recalling the past, tears hesitation. 使你不爱我,我会一生保护你。 If you don't love me, I will protect you all my life. 谁都没资格给你幸福除了我。 No one is qualified to give you happiness except me. 来世的挂牵,今生的温柔。 The care of the next life, the gentleness of this life. 爱就要在一起,不爱就会放弃。 Love is to be together. If you don't love, you will give up. 好好活着,因为我们会死很久。 Live well, because we will die for a long time. 爱你,是我做过的最好的事。 Love you is the best thing I've ever done. 爱+爱+习惯+永远=一辈子。 Love + love + habit + forever = a lifetime. 爱你的人,要你的未来。 Those who love you want your future. 你说你嫁给我,等于嫁给幸福! You say you marry me, equal to marry happiness! 爱,要么不开始,要么一辈子。 Love, either do not start, or a lifetime. 再美的梦,也有苏醒的一天。 No matter how beautiful the dream is, there will be a day to wake up. 你衣上的花样,我都还记得。 I remember all the patterns on your clothes. 读懂的心,失去唯一的错。 Understand the heart, lose the only mistake. 奈何桥边,等待前世的缘。 Naihe bridge, waiting for the fate of the previous life. 各种的话题,永远说不完。 All kinds of topics can never be finished. 爱并不复杂,复杂的是人。 Love is not complicated. It is human. 我爱你,就会爱你的一切。 If I love you, I will love everything about you. 多少真,藏着一个人的泪。 How much true, hiding a person's tears. 短暂的.瞬间,漫长的永远。 Short moment, long forever. 幸福来的快,消失的也快。 Happiness comes quickly and disappears quickly. 走走看看,一个人的逗留。 Walk around and have a look, a person's stay. 一句我爱你,不如在一起。 I love you, it's better to be together. 单曲循环,其实是一种心情。 Single cycle is actually a kind of mood. 你可以创造属于自己的幸福。 You can create your own happiness. 英语经典爱情句子 喜欢一个人的感觉,大概就是听别人讨论爱情,我只想起你。 Like a person's feeling, probably is listening to others discuss love, Ionly think of you. 你上辈子积了多少德遇上了我。 How much virtue did you accumulate in your last life and met me. 你走了以后我才知道,买来的苹果不是放两天就会自动脱皮的。 I didn't know after you left that the apples that I bought didn't peel offautomatically in two days. 想念一张脸。我也如此,闭上眼,脑海满满都是你的样子,挥之不去。 Miss a face. I do the same, close my eyes, my mind is full of yourappearance, lingering. 喜欢是一朝一夕,爱是从心动到古稀。 Like is day and night, love is from heart to ancient rare. 爱就是,我明明一直在做自己,最后却变成了你。 Love is, I have been doing myself, but finally become you. 不用牵手,不用拥抱,只要你在我视线之内,我就心满意足。 No holding hands, no hugs, as long as you are in my sight, I will besatisfied. 爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验。 Love is a common experience between two people. 你爱上的我也爱上了,你喜欢的我也喜欢了。 I love what you love, and I love what you like. 我行遍世间所有的路,逆着时光行走,只为今生与你邂逅。 I walk all the roads in the world, walking against time, just for meetingyou in this life. 爱情要用忠诚播种,友谊要用谅解护理。 Love should be sown with loyalty and friendship with understanding. 和你在一起,你是一切!没有你在身边,一切是你! With you, you are everything! Without you around, everything is you! 爱比杀人重罪更难隐藏;爱情的黑夜有中午的阳光。 Love is more difficult to hide than a felony of murder; the night of lovehas the sun at noon. 碰上那个你能降的住,又能降的住你的人,才是真正的合适。 Meet that you can drop live, and can drop to live you, is reallysuitable. 希望等我白发苍苍牙齿掉光满脸皱纹时,你还是会说爱我如初。 I hope that when I'm gray and my teeth are gone and my face is wrinkled,you will still say that you love me as before. 每天醒来,阳光和你都在,就是我最想要的未来。 Wake up every day, the sun and you are there, is the future I wantmost. 你是我纸短情长的雨季,也是我往后余生的晴空万里。 You are my short rainy season and the sunny sky for the rest of mylife. 好想在你面前大醉,说出所有爱你的故事。 I want to be drunk in front of you and tell all the stories of loveyou. 我有一点点甜,一点点可爱,还有很多很多喜欢你。 I have a little sweet, a little bit cute, and a lot like you. 爱情里要是掺杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。 If love is adulterated with calculation which has nothing to do withitself, it is not true love. 英语经典爱情语录2对你的喜欢就像七八岁的英雄梦,不可一世又不堪一击。 Like you like seven or eight year old hero dream, invincible andvulnerable. 真的,输了你,赢了世界又如何? Really, how about losing you and winning the world? 不要让我爱你爱的没力气,因为那个时候可能不在需要你。 Don't let me love you without strength, because you may not be needed atthat time. 想陪你走到最后的心,一天一天在加深。 Want to accompany you to the last heart, day by day in deepening. 回忆就像赴一场与你的约会,你会想我么?会偶尔想我么? Memories are like going to a date with you. Will you miss me? Do you missme occasionally? 沉默像首悲伤的歌,捂上视线却模糊了。 Silence is like a sad song, but the sight is blurred. 就算大雨将整座城市颠倒,我也会给你拥抱。 Even if the heavy rain turns the whole city upside down, I will give you ahug. 当我们爱一个人的时候总会有点害怕,怕得到怕失掉。 When we love a person, there is always a little fear, afraid of getting,afraid of losing. 我不敢用一时的勇气,成全自己漫长的希望。 I dare not use a moment of courage, to fulfill their long hope. 明明是个特别容易放弃的人,却喜欢了你这么久。 Clearly is a very easy to give up, but like you so long. 对于那些虚伪的人,真想一巴掌扇烂她那颗虚伪的心。 For those hypocritical people, I really want to blow her hypocriticalheart. 慕尔如星,愿守心一人,从天光乍破,到暮雪白头。 Mu Er is like a star, willing to guard the heart of a person, from thelight suddenly broken, to the evening snow white head. 你能给我只左手,牵你到马路那头吗? Can you give me a left hand to lead you to the other end of the road? 爱叫懦夫变得大胆,却叫勇士变成懦夫。 Love makes a coward bold, but a brave man a coward. 感谢亲爱的老公,让我终于明白爱情,相信爱情。 Thank you dear husband, let me finally understand love, believe inlove. 世界充满了我们相遇的几率,我却始终无法遇见你。 The world is full of the chance that we meet, but I can't meet you all thetime. 陪她外出散心,顺便加深感情。 Go out with her to relax and deepen her feelings. 夺我所爱,我凭什么拱手相让。 Take what I love. Why should I give up. 绵绵的小雨,只不过更好的渲染离别的伤感。 Continuous light rain, but better rendering of the sad parting. 和不想你的人说你在等,等了也是浪费感情。 And do not want you to say that you are waiting, waiting is a waste offeelings. |
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