标题 | 给人生一个挑战英语作文 |
范文 | 给人生一个挑战英语作文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。写起作文来就毫无头绪?下面是小编为大家整理的给人生一个挑战英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 寒梅没有了温室的保护,才傲立枝头;苍鹰没有树木的保护,才能搏击长空,笑傲苍穹……给人生一个挑战也许你的人生会绽放出美丽的芬芳。 Without the protection of the greenhouse, the plum tree can stand on its branches; without the protection of the trees, the eagle can fight against the sky and smile Give life a challenge maybe your life will bloom with beautiful fragrance. 摔了一跤,家庭、学校和社会可能会同时给您准备帮助,也许会问道:“出事了吧!”拒绝这些,勇敢站起,证明这是给人生的一个挑战,勇往直前。 After a fall, your family, school and society may be ready to help you at the same time. You may ask, "what happened?" Refuse these, stand up bravely, prove that this is a challenge to life, go forward bravely. 很多人生活在被娇生惯养的笼子里,而埋没了人生。从未给人生一个挑战的机会,结果碌碌无为,终结平凡的人生。 Many people live in cages that are pampered and buried. Never give life a chance to challenge, the result is mediocre, the end of ordinary life. 我们要拒绝平庸,惟有给人生一个挑战的机会才能取得成功。项羽给人生一挑战的机会,破釜沉舟,不给自己留后路,结果巨鹿之战,他胜了,留下了“有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚”的壮举。试问项羽若是被众将士宠着,只思如何撤退逃脱总能创下战争的奇迹?给人生一个挑战的机会,方有可能取得事业的成功。 We should refuse mediocrity, only give life a chance to succeed. Xiang Yu gave life a chance to challenge. He did not leave a way for himself. As a result, he won the battle of Julu. He left the feat of "where there is a will, there will be a way. If there is a will, there will be a way to overcome it. The one hundred and two Qinguan pass will belong to Chu". If Xiang Yu is favored by all the soldiers, how can he retreat and escape to create a miracle of war? Only by giving life a chance to challenge can we succeed in our career. 吴越之战,越王率残部败逃会稽的时候,越国被灭的局面已到了无法挽救的局面。如果大夫仲不给自己的人生一次挑战,等待着灭国的来临,怎会有后来他向吴国请降,保存越国的实力而复国的壮举?失败了,不要退缩,还可以重新再来。给人生一个挑战,这样你才能有所突破,创造生命的奇迹。 In the war of Wu and Yue, when the king of Yue led the remnant to defeat and flee to Kuaiji, the situation of the state of Yue being destroyed was irreparable. If Zhong didn't give his life a challenge and waited for the coming of the destruction of the country, how could he later ask Wu to surrender to save the strength of Yue and restore his country? If you fail, don't flinch. You can try again. Give life a challenge so that you can make a breakthrough and create a miracle of life. 每个人都有失败的时候,然而能否接受住外界的考验,也就决定着你的人生将会如何。不妨给自己一次挑战,绽放生命的色彩。 Everyone has a time of failure, but whether you can accept the test of the outside world will determine how your life will be. May as well give yourself a challenge, bloom the color of life. 土木之战,明星大败。甚至御驾亲征的皇帝都被叛军抓获。后来瓦剌军挟持皇帝连克数座城池,首都即将不保。在这千钧一发之,是于谦力挽狂澜,另立新君,取得京城保卫战的'胜利,拯救了明王朝,若是于谦不给生命一个挑战,冒死相谏,何以有明朝由衰败到复兴的时刻? In the civil war, the stars lost. Even the emperor was captured by the rebels. Later, the Wara army seized several cities of the emperor, and the capital was about to be destroyed. At this critical moment, Yu Qian tried his best to turn the tide and set up a new king to win the battle of defending the capital and save the Ming Dynasty. If Yu Qian didn't challenge his life and remonstrate with his own death, how could there be a time when the Ming Dynasty went from decline to revival? 生命是如此脆弱,也是如此的短暂。摔了一跤,并不意外着会出事,那是对人生的一个挑战,是在向众人证明自己是如何站起,而又重新开始的过程。 Life is so fragile and so short. It's a challenge to life. It's a process of proving to everyone how to stand up and start again. 摔了一跤,并不代表永远摔下去,也不代表着会出事,那是对人生的一次考验,对自身的一种锻炼。拒绝平庸给人生一个挑战,也许明天成功的彼岸会出现你的身影。 A fall doesn't mean falling forever, it doesn't mean something will happen. It's a test of life, an exercise of oneself. Refuse mediocrity to give life a challenge, maybe tomorrow's successful other shore will appear your figure. |
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