标题 | 我的梦想中考英语作文 |
范文 | 我的梦想中考英语作文 每个人都有美好的梦想。 Everyone has a beautiful dream. 有的'想当白衣天使——医生,有的想当人类灵魂的工程师——老师,有的想当国家栋梁管理国家大事。而我的梦想是当一名导游。 Some want to be angels -- doctors, some want to be engineers of the human soul -- the teacher, some want to be a pillar of the State Administration of state affairs. But my dream is works as a tour guide. 每当我看见导游小姐向自己的客人介绍当地的风俗、名胜古迹、悠久历史时,我的心里不禁暗暗佩服、羡慕她们。她们那么有才干、知识丰富,能和世界各地的游客打交道,我能不羡慕、佩服她们吗? When I see a tour guide to introduce their guests customs, places of historic interest and scenic beauty, has a long history of local time, my heart can not help but secretly admire, admire them. They are so talented, knowledgeable, and visitors from around the world to deal with, I can't admire, admire them? 假如我的梦想实现了,我便飞往孔雀之乡——西双版纳。向中外游客介绍“花谢花开无日了,春来春去不相关”的西双版纳。西双版纳是个美丽、神奇的地方。有茫茫无边的原始森林,奇花异草人眼花缭乱,千年古树比比皆是,有的甚至活了100万年。 If my dream come true, I will fly to the land of peacocks -- Xishuangbanna. Introduction to foreign tourists in "the flowers open day, spring to spring irrelevant" Xishuangbanna. Xishuangbanna is a beautiful, mysterious place. There is a vast and boundless forests, exotic flowers, see things in a blur, a thousand years old meet the eye everywhere, some even live 1000000 years. 为了实现我这个梦想,我一定要努力学习,拓展知识面,学会多门语言,学会和陌生人打交道。 In order to realize my dream, I must study hard, expand knowledge, learn more language, society of strangers. 这就是我的梦想——当一名出色的导游。我相信我一定会实现我的梦想! This is my dream -- to be a excellent guide. I believe I can achieve my dream! |
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