标题 | 被嘲笑的梦想的中英文演讲稿 |
范文 | 被嘲笑的梦想的中英文演讲稿 大家好! 首先我要非常感谢主持人撒贝宁,感谢栏目组邀请我到中国,也感谢你们邀请我参加今天这个节目,给大家分享一下我生命当中的故事。我想给大家分享的可能不仅仅是关于篮球,其实可以运用到大家的工作和生活当中。无论你从事何种职业,只要有梦就要专心致志地去追,去寻找你的梦想去追求它。 我在密歇根底特律的平民家庭长大,我的父亲是一个言语不多的人,他是个商人,我父亲告诉过我很重要的一点,也是我从他身上看到的,父亲教会我,每天都要为梦想竭尽全力。那就是每天他起床穿戴衣服之后,他会告诉他自己,无论你是生病了还是你觉得劳累了,但是他总会竭尽全力。 很多人认为我是某天醒来发现自己突然长到2米05,我可以打进NBA也是很自然的事儿,但没有人认识到成为NBA球员靠的是恒心和毅力。其实我在整个追梦的过程中都是靠恒心和毅力才使自己最终进入NBA。当我12岁的时候我身高是1米8,当时就像铅笔一样的瘦,没有一个女孩愿意跟我约会或者跟我接吻,因为她们觉得我长得很好笑。有天我跟小伙伴们聊天,我告诉他们说有一天我会到NBA赛场上去比赛,你们猜他们什么反应,他们嘲笑我,他们嘲笑我的梦想。他们告诉我说,肖恩你太瘦了,而且你跑得不快,跳得也不够高,你绝对不可能到NBA去打球的,你绝对不可能完成你的梦想。作为一个12岁小男孩我听到这样的话我觉得很伤心,因为他们不认可我的梦想。那么当时我觉得我最看中的是我自己的想法。 每天早上我起来看着镜子我问我自己:肖恩,你每天都准备好了吗?今天你要竭尽全力,去接近梦想,一点也好。 在我晚上睡觉刷牙的时候,我也是看着镜子问我自己,不要想昨天也不要想明天,只想想今天我是不是离我的梦想,离我的目标近了一点点呢?大部分的`时候我都可以说是的。我每一天都在练习、不断地练习,我一点一点地进步,当我十四岁的时候,我就已经有将近两米高了。我上高中后渐渐地开始成功,当时有一个篮球运动员叫克里斯·韦伯,他当时是NBA选秀的第一名,所以在我还是高一的时候,我十四、五岁左右我身边的人都告诉我说,你永远没办法像克里斯那样出色,因为克里斯很强壮,而且力气也很大,但是你跑得不快,弹跳力也不行,你永远也不可能成为他。但是我小时候,已经听过这种话了,那么我怎么做呢? 我看着镜子对自己说“你要知道,只有你自己的想法是最重要的”,所以我就不断地去努力。在我高中毕业的时候,我要准备去上大学了,我已经赢了三个全州的冠军,而且我还是那一年整个全美高中明星队里面的一员,我是当时全国高中生中最棒的篮球运动员。我后来就决定进入到美国一个学术与篮球都很出色的大学,那就是杜克大学。你们肯定想不到我在申请杜克时,人们对我说的话。他们说:“哦,肖恩,你现在篮球打得很好,但你在大学的时候,应该不会那么出色了,因为你速度比较慢,跳得也不高,而且你也不够强壮,你的篮球意识也不够强。”这些话都是我在十二岁的时候,在十四、五岁的时候也听过。 那么我怎么做呢,我也是站在镜子前,我问我自己,你准备好了吗?你要去向那些质疑你的人证明,证明他们是错的,所以我就不断地奋斗。在我四年的大学结束以后,我决定加入NBA。我到了NBA的时候,人们的质疑又来了,他们说肖恩你大学的时候是很好的球员,但是你绝对不可能是一个优秀的专业球员,很惊讶吧,很让人震惊吧。而我是怎么做的呢?我对着镜子告诉自己说:现在是你继续努力的时候了。 那么十二年之后,我站在各位的面前,我已经赢得了NBA的两个总冠军,而且我在非常棒的两支球队里面打过球,而且我让我的梦想成真了。我觉得我的故事当中,最美妙的一部分是告诉大家,并不是我一夜之间醒过来我就到了NBA的赛场,不是这样的。我这一路上每一小步,直到今天的成功,我被排挤过,有人说我不够优秀,有人说我永远不会成功,当我在篮球方面成功的时候,人们总是希望称我为篮球明星,但是对于我自己的话除了篮球之外还有很多的东西。 我非常地幸运,我的父母都非常重视对我的教育,但是我有一些朋友和老师,他们会说:“肖恩,你不需要成为一个很好的学生,只要好好打你的篮球就行了。”我说不“ 不,我不要这样子,我要成为一个很好的学生。因为我喜欢学习,喜欢看书,我喜欢学习新的东西。”在我整个四年的高中时间,我的成绩只得到了一个B,其他的都是A。 我还记得,我小的时候还踢过足球,当时有很大的一个球场,应该是类似锦标赛的一个比赛,现在仍然记忆犹新。当时我12岁,我非常地紧张,我害怕自己会犯错误,但当我带球跑时总是踢偏,怎么都跑不远,要知道我面对的是大概六万的观众,我不能面对这样的场面,我难过地哭了,但至少我努力过、我试过, 虽然我可能失败了,我从失败中的收获,可能比从成功中的收获更大。 其实我棒球打得也不错,我爸爸是我的棒球教练,他告诉我说,当你是团队中的一员,无论是棒球队还是篮球队或者一个俱乐部或者是家庭,你必须要是一个很好的队员,要有很好的团队合作精神。在比赛当中你并不需要是跑得最快的,跳得最高的,或者是投得最准的,才能成为一个好的团队合作者,你只需要准时参加每天的练习。不仅是为了你自己,而是为了你的队友,对你的家人来说你要为你的父亲母亲、你的姐妹、你的兄弟,能够在他们需要的时候,伴随着他们,你要充满着热情和激情去完成这一点。我觉得想获得成功这是非常重要的,很多人总是想要成为一个闪耀的明星。 他们想成为詹姆斯,想成为科比·布莱恩特,但是我想告诉大家,在一个篮球队里,在学校社团里,在你的交响乐团,在一个家庭当中,其实没有所谓的超级明星,每一个人都有自己的角色。在篮球场上对于詹姆斯来讲,他要去投最高分的球,得到三十分。他的工作非常重要,同样重要的是对他来说,有一个队友可以给他传球去帮助他去支持他的工作,并不能说这个角色就是次要的。因为对一个获得冠军的球队来说,那个角色至关紧要。有些人会说寻找一个强壮的绿叶比找到一个超级明星更难,没有所谓的超级明星,或者说每个人都是超级明星,你要让你自己变得有价值,让你成为团队当中有价值的一员,今天之所以在这个地方就是因为我是一个很强大的绿叶。是我队友的绿叶,是我团队的绿叶,我组织的绿叶,我时刻准备着,我相信我自己,即使所有人都怀疑我排挤我,我都会为机会做好准备,这可能是你一生之中要学到最重要的一堂课。 我的教练是美国最出色的之一,他叫麦克沙舍夫斯基,他曾经这样说道:“你最好准备好下一场的比赛,因为在篮球场上,有很多事情会发生,比如你在运球的过程中,突然一下被鞋子绊倒了,每个人都在嘲笑你,那么多国家的电视台都在直播你的现场,所有人都看到了,那你会怎么办呢?你会坐那儿哭吗,会说我被绊倒了太丢脸了,所有人都在嘲笑我?不,一定不要这样子。那你应该怎么做呢?你只有站起来,继续下一场的比赛,下一场的比赛是最重要的。” 我一定要进行下一场的比赛,这是非常重要的一种思维模式。如果我们能够形成这样的思维模式,会使你受益终生,你会一直能够继续打下一场的比赛。抓住下一次的机会,以及实现下一次的目标。到时我们必须拥有面对之前那个挑战时的激情和热情,如果一直这样坚持的话,你肯定会取得成功,我相信你肯定会取得成功。 我想要感谢大家到场,希望大家能够问一些,非常有趣的问题,尖锐的温柔的问题。然后我准备好回答大家的问题,非常感谢大家,谢谢! 以下是开讲啦肖恩巴蒂尔的英文演讲稿: Hello everyone! First of all I want to thank you very much host Sa Beining, thanks for inviting me to China column group, thank you for inviting me to participate in this program today, to share with you the story of my life. I want to share with you might not just about basketball, in fact, which can be applied to everyone's work and life. No matter what profession you choose, as long as you have a dream we must dedicate ourselves to chase, to find your dream to pursue it. I grew up in Detroit, civilian family, my father, who was a few words, he is a businessman, my father told me a very important point, which I saw from him, my father taught me, every day To dream of every effort. That is, after he gets up every day to wear clothes, he would tell himself, whether you are sick or you feel tired, but he always best. Many people think that one day I woke up to find themselves suddenly grow up to 2 m 05, I could have scored NBA is also very natural thing, but nobody recognizes become NBA players rely on the persistence and perseverance. In fact, I always rely on persistence and perseverance in the whole process only to make their dream of eventually entering the NBA. When I was 12 years old when my height is 1 m 8, was as thin as a pencil, does not want to be with a girl I was dating or kissing me because they think I looked funny. One day I chat with small partners, and I told them that one day I will go to the NBA game, you guess what they react, they laughed at me, they laughed at my dream. They told me that Sean you too thin, and you run fast, jump high is not enough, you absolutely can not go to the NBA to play, you absolutely can not fulfill your dreams. As a 12-year-old boy I heard so I feel very sad because they do not recognize my dream. So at that time I think I saw most of my own thoughts. Every morning I got up and looked in the mirror, I asked myself: Sean, you are ready every day? Today you have to make every effort to get close to dream a little, too. Brush your teeth in my sleep at night, I also looked in the mirror to ask myself, do not want to think yesterday, tomorrow, just think today I was not away from my dream, my goal from almost a little bit of it? Most of the time I can say yes. I have every day in practice continue to practice, I progress little by little, when I was fourteen years old, I would have been nearly two meters tall. After high school, I gradually began to succeed, then there is a basketball player named Chris Webber, he was the NBA's first draft, so I was a high school, when I was fourteen or so, five years old people around me told me that you can not always as good as Chris, because Chris is very strong, but also a great effort, but you run fast, jumping ability does not work, you will never be his. But I was a kid, have heard such things, then how do I do it? I looked in the mirror said to myself, "You know, just your own ideas is the most important", so I'll continue to work hard. In my high school graduation, I want to prepare to go to college, and I've won three statewide winner, but I'm still the nation's high schools throughout the year inside a star team, I was the most high school students nationwide great basketball player. I later decided to enter into an American academic and college basketball very well, and that is Duke University. You certainly can not think of when I apply for Duke, people say to me. They say: "Oh, Sean, you're a basketball playing well, but you're in college, you should not be so good, because you slower, jump is not high, and you are not strong enough, you basketball consciousness is not strong enough. "These words are my twelve years old, fourteen, five years old when I heard. So how do I do that before, I was standing in the mirror, I asked myself, are you ready? You go to those who question your proof that they are wrong, so I'll continue to struggle. After the end of my four years of college, I decided to join the NBA. I went to the NBA, people questioned again, they said Shawn your college is a good player, but you definitely can not be a good professional player, it is very surprising, very shocking it. And how I do it? I looked in the mirror told myself: Now is the time you continue to work hard. So after twelve years, I stood in front of you, I've won two NBA championships, and I played in great teams there, and I make my dreams come true. I think my story, the most wonderful part is to tell you that is not what I woke up one night I went to the NBA arena, not the case. I have every small step along the way, until today's success, I was squeezed off, someone said I was not good enough, some people say I will never succeed, when my success in basketball, people always want to call me a basketball star, but for my own words in addition to basketball there are a lot of things. I am very lucky that my parents are very emphasis on my education, but I have some friends and teachers, they will say: "Sean, you do not need to be a good student, as long as you play good basketball on the line . "I say," No, I do not like this, I want to be a good student because I like to learn, like reading, I like to learn new things. "the entire four years of high school in my time, my grades only got a B, the other is A. I remember when I was little also played football, was a great stadium, should be a similar tournament game, and still fresh. I was 12 years old, I was very nervous, I was afraid that they will make mistakes, but when I run with the ball always side kick, how far are running, you know my face is about sixty thousand spectators, I can not Faced with such a scene, I am sad to cry, but at least I tried, I tried, though I might fail, I fail in the harvest, may be greater than the gain from the success of the. In fact, I played good baseball, my dad was my baseball coach, he told me that when you are in a team, whether it is baseball or basketball team or a club or a family, and if you have a good players, have a good team spirit. You do not need them in the game is the fastest, jump the highest, or most prospective bidders, in order to be a good team player, you just need time to participate in daily practice. Not only for yourself, but for your teammates, your family who you want as your father and mother, your sisters, your brothers, when they need to be able to, along with them, you will be filled with enthusiasm and passion to accomplish this. I feel like this is very important to be successful, a lot of people always want to be a shining star. They want to be James, Kobe Bryant wants to be, but I want to tell you, in a basketball team in the school community, in your orchestra, in a family which, in fact, no so-called superstars, each people have their own roles. For James, the basketball court is concerned, he was going to throw the ball the highest score, get thirty. His work is very important, equally important is for him to have a teammate to give him the ball to help him to support his work, and can not say that this role is secondary. Because a win for the team, that role is crucial. Some people would say that looking for a strong leafy harder than finding a superstar, no so-called superstars, or that everyone is a superstar, you have to let yourself become valuable, which allows you to become a valuable team one, in this place today, the reason is because I am a very strong green leaves. Green leaves are my teammates, my team leaves, green leaves my organization, I am ready, I believe in myself, even though I suspect everyone crowding me, I will be ready for the opportunity, this could be your life's you want to learn the most important lesson. My coach is one of the best the United States, he called Krzyzewski, he once said: "You'd better be ready the next game of the match, as on the basketball court, there are a lot of things will happen, for example, In the course of your dribble, suddenly what was tripped shoes, everyone laughing at you, so many TV stations in the country live your site for all to see, then, how would you do it? you you sit there crying, would say I was too ashamed tripped, everyone laughing at me? No, certainly not like this. then how should you do it? you just stand up and continue to the next race, the next a game is the most important. "I certainly want to be the next game in the tournament, which is a very important mode of thinking. If we are able to form such a mode of thinking, make you a lifetime, you will always be able to continue to lay a game. Seize the next opportunity, and the realization of the next target. When we have to have passion and enthusiasm to face the challenges before, and if you have been so insistent, you will definitely succeed, I'm sure you will succeed. I want to thank everyone arrived, we hope to be able to ask some very interesting questions, sharp gentle questions. Then I'm ready to answer your questions, thank you very much, thank you! |
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