标题 | 情感语录英语的句子 |
范文 | 情感语录英语的句子 在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家一定都接触过一些名人语录吧,语录具有短小简约,不重文彩的特点。那么问题来了,到底什么样的语录才经典呢?下面是小编为大家整理的情感语录英语的句子,希望对大家有所帮助。 情感语录英语的句子1各自忙碌,互相牵挂。 They are busy and concerned about each other. 从来都不会想起,永远也不会忘记。 Never remember, never forget. 交人要真诚,才能长久。 To make friends with others, one must be sincere, so as to last a longtime. 君有奇才我不贫。 You have a genius, I am not poor. 一个真正朋友,十年不见却更感亲切。 A true friend is more intimate after ten years' absence. 智慧不凭年龄凭心灵,友谊不在一。 Wisdom depends not on age but on heart, friendship is not one. 过客千千万万,不如真朋友一个。 A true friend is better than thousands of visitors. 你珍惜一个人,一定是感动过。 You cherish a person, must have been moved. 人生在世无朋友,犹如生活无太阳。 A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 没有彼此的敬重,友谊是不可能有的。 Friendship is impossible without mutual respect. 朋友,以义合者。 A friend is a man of righteousness. 朋友的真诚,缘份的珍惜。 The sincerity of friends, the treasure of fate. 真正的知己,是心和心之间的共鸣。 A true confidant is the resonance between the heart and the heart. 闲时常聚,天长地久。 Leisure often gather, forever. 挚交之人不需要泛交之人用不着。 People who are close to each other don't need them, and those who haveextensive contacts don't need them. 未言心相醉,不再接杯酒。 No words, heart drunk, no more wine. 彼此光照,彼此星辉。 Light each other, starlight each other. 真正的朋友应该说真话,不管话多么尖锐。 A true friend should tell the truth, no matter how sharp it is. 很多事情你看开了,方能有快乐幸福。 Many things you see open, can have happiness. 真正的交情,交得是内心而非脸色。 True friendship is the heart, not the face. 情感语录英语的句子2即便是对我这样的人来说,生活中也毕竟还有几缕阳光呢。 Even for people like me, there are still a few rays of sunshine inlife. 我越是孤单,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重自己。 The more lonely I am, the less friends I have and the less support I have,the more I have to respect myself. 被命运所抛弃的人,总是被他的朋友们遗忘! Those who are abandoned by fate are always forgotten by their friends! 那是一种内在的东西,他们抵达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。 It's something inside that they can't reach or touch. It's yours. 有人说,回首痛苦的`往事是一种享受。 It is said that looking back on the painful past is a kind ofenjoyment. 荒凉不堪岩石嶙峋的边界之内,仿佛是囚禁地,是放逐的极限。 Within the desolate and rocky boundary, it was like a prison, the limit ofexile. 你冷,是因为你孤独;没有什么人际的接触能撞击出你心中的火。 You are cold because you are lonely; there is no interpersonal contact thatcan strike out the fire in your heart. 幸福不会时时等着你,爱你的和你爱的人不是随时可以出现,请你学会珍惜。 Happiness will not always wait for you, love you and the people you lovecan not appear at any time, please learn to cherish. 我从来不懂得取悦他们,他们不爱我,我也不爱他们。 I never know how to please them. They don't love me and I don't lovethem. 我的原则从未接受过训练,由于缺乏照料,所以有可能长歪了。 My principles have never been trained, and they may have gone awry due tolack of care. 我生活的一个阶段今晚就要结束,明天将开始一个新的阶段。 A stage of my life is coming to an end tonight, and a new stage will begintomorrow. 你以为我穷卑微普通渺小,就没有灵魂没有感情了吗? Do you think that if I am poor, humble, ordinary and insignificant, I willhave no soul and no feelings? 没有理智的感情固然淡而无味,但缺乏感情的理智也太苦涩粗糙,叫人难以下咽。 The feeling without reason is insipid, but the reason without feeling istoo bitter and rough to swallow. 耐心忍受只有自己感到的痛苦,远比草率行动,产生恶果好。 It's better to bear the pain that only you feel patiently than to actrashly and produce bad results. 我只会平静地生活,并默默地期待着末日的来临。 I will only live in peace and silently look forward to the end. 我贫穷,卑微,不美丽,但当我们的灵魂穿过坟墓来到上帝面前时,我们都是平等的。 I'm poor, humble, not beautiful, but when our souls come through the graveto God, we are all equal. 不能忍受生命中注定要忍受的事情,就是软弱和愚蠢的表现。 It is a sign of weakness and stupidity to be unable to bear what isdestined to be endured in life. 我越是孤独,越是没有朋友,越是没有支持,我就得越尊重我自己。 The more lonely I am, the less friends I have and the less support I have,the more I have to respect myself. 我生活的一个阶段今晚就要结束,明天开始一个新的阶段。 A stage of my life is coming to an end tonight, and a new stage will begintomorrow. 喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看着你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。 Like your smile, like quietly looking at you, my sadness like clouds all ofa sudden fly away. 情感语录英语的句子3一个人有多不正经,就有多深情。 How serious a person is, how affectionate. 真心实意爱着你,一心一意恋着你。 I love you with all my heart and soul. 花开堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝! Flowers can be folded straight to fold, do not wait for no flowers emptybroken branches! 所谓爱情,其实就是一场大病。我的病就要好了。 The so-called love is actually a serious illness. My illness will bebetter. 感情,。在无声无息中加深。让人无法自拔。 Feelings,. Deepening in silence. People can't extricate themselves. 据说,一个男孩喜欢你,他会一直不叫你的名字。 It is said that a boy like you, he will never call your name. 除了恋爱,我和你没啥好谈的。 You and I have nothing to talk about except love. 太不完善的我,蒙受不起你太完美的爱。 I am too imperfect to bear your perfect love. 找不到合适的雨伞,我宁愿一辈子撑伞。 If I can't find the right umbrella, I'd rather hold it all my life. 温山软水也不抵你唇畔吻过的桃花。 Wenshan soft water is not the peach blossom that you kiss by the side ofyour lips. 你问我爱你有多深,关怀依然真。 You ask me how much I love you, care is still true. 嘴唇很干,想借你的亲一下。 My lips are dry. I want to borrow your kiss. 有的时候,感情对有些人来说,真的是很轻易的东西。 Sometimes, feelings for some people, really is very easy things. 当面对心爱的男人,每个女人都有返老还童的绝技! When facing the beloved man, every woman has the unique skill ofrejuvenation! 许一世承诺只因为你那回眸一笑。 Xu I promise, just because you look back and smile. 不可以失去留恋,只可以放肆的想念。 Can not lose nostalgia, can only wantonly miss. 我路过了全世界,却只停留在你的面前。 I passed the world, but only stay in front of you. 时光流逝,岁月总是容易催人老,有你相伴便好。 Time goes by, time is always easy to urge people to grow old. It's good tohave you with you. 除非黄土与白骨,我守你一世无恙。 Unless loess and white bone, I will keep you safe for the rest of mylife. 我宁可记着所有伤心,也不想把你忘净。 I'd rather remember all the sadness than forget you. |
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