标题 | 考入重点中学需要“双重保险”英语作文 |
范文 | 考入重点中学需要“双重保险”英语作文 在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的考入重点中学需要“双重保险”英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 “你是如何考入中学的?”有一天一位同学这样问我。我当时就随便应付了一句:“靠自己呀。”便走了。现在想起来,这个问题,当时我似乎想的过于简单了。实际上,要不是老师们批评,鼓励与帮助,和同学们嘲笑与赞扬,还有父母的金钱(用来帮我买卷的),与我自己的勤奋、努力、刻苦,没准我还真考不上好中学呢!在迎接考试来临的那段紧张而又充实的时间里,我还发生了几件事呢! "How did you get into high school?" One day a classmate asked me this. At that time, I casually dealt with a sentence: "rely on yourself." Then he left. Now when I think about it, I seem to think too simply. In fact, if it wasn't for the teachers' criticism, encouragement and help, the classmates' ridicule and praise, the parents' money (used to help me buy the paper), and my own diligence, hard work and hard work, maybe I couldn't really get into a good middle school! In the tense and full time for the coming exam, there are several things happened to me! 记得是6月6日上午,我们学校的模拟华业考试卷发下来了,我数学才考了67.5分,我很伤心,因为我从没考过那么低的分,于是我大哭了一场,并且发誓,我从那时每天晚上都要做两张数学卷子,因为每天光老师留的作业我就能做到9∶00,这次再加上我自己做的两张卷子,我每天要12∶00才能睡觉,所以我每天早晨都不得不喝一包咖啡再去上学,否则到了学校我便会“大睡特睡”。终于,功夫不负有心人。我不但毕业考试三门都在90分之上,而且还考入了自己理想的中学。 I remember that on the morning of June 6, the simulated Huaye exam of our school was issued, and I only got 67.5 points in math exam. I was very sad because I never got such a low score, so I cried a lot, and vowed that I would do two math papers every night since then, because I could do 9:00 for the homework left by the teacher every day, this time plus two of my own I can't go to bed until 12:00 every day, so I have to drink a bag of coffee every morning before I go to school, otherwise I'll go to school and sleep. Finally, Kung Fu is not inferior to those who want it. I not only graduated in the examination of three above 90 points, but also into their own ideal middle school. 所以呢!考入中学是需要“双重保险的!”主要是靠自己的努力,这是第一份保险。其次是靠家长、老师和同学们的帮助与支持,这便是第二份保险了。只有这两份保险你都具备了,才可步入中学的大门,离开小学那宏伟的殿堂,去探索知识那深一层的奥秘。因此我要感谢我的父母,与关心、帮助过我的人。 So! Entering middle school requires "double insurance!" Mainly by their own efforts, this is the first insurance. Second, with the help and support of parents, teachers and students, this is the second insurance. Only with these two insurances, can you enter the gate of middle school, leave the Grand Palace of primary school, and explore the profound mystery of knowledge. So I'd like to thank my parents and those who have cared and helped me. 太好了,我现在终于可以回答那同学问我的问题,同时也回答了我自己。 That's great. I can finally answer the question that the classmate asked me, and at the same time, I can answer myself. |
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