标题 | 精益生产口号 |
范文 | 精益生产口号推荐 精益从心开始,改善由我做起; IE is from the heart, improvement is from you. 下一道工序就是客户; The next position is your customer. 团队的'效率才是真效率; Team efficiency is the real efficiency. 标准作业,作业标准; Standard operating, operate standardized. 我的设备我保养,我的品质我保证; Keep equipments well maintained, let quality be better guaranteed. 坚持改善,天天向上; Pursue improvement, make progress everyday. 不求一次完善; Improvement is not for only once. 改善只有更好,没有最好; There is no best but better for improvement. 今天你提案了吗!今天你改善了吗! Have you submitted your proposal today? Have you made improvement today? 上联:整理整顿是基础;下联:清洁清扫是保持;横批:素养自然行。 SEIRI, SEITON are the foundation; SEISO, SETKETSU are for keeping. SHITSUKE comes naturally. 库存是万恶之源! Inventory is the resource of all badness. 降低库存,减少浪费; Reduce inventory, decrease waste. 一针一线,价值体现; A single needle or piece of thread embodies value. 搬运寻找,尽量减少; Movement and looking for things should be reduced to the minumum. 多余动作,劳而无获; No gain for unnecessary movements. 动作优化,有功无过; It is never wrong to optimize movements. 过量加工,费时费工; Surplus process is a waste. 浪费资源,金钱去填; Resources waste needs money to fill. 优化程序,省心省力; Optimized procedure saves time and money. 一二三四,步调一致; One, two, three, four, keep the step along the goal. 发现问题,及时报告; Discover problem, report it in time. 隐藏错误,害人害己; Hiding mistake is harmful. |
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