标题 | 动物英语作文 |
范文 | 【推荐】动物英语作文集合九篇 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编为大家整理的动物英语作文9篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 动物英语作文 篇1Do you like the little white rabbit? To tell you, I can be like the small white rabbit! You see, the small white rabbit systemic snow-white hair, no noise. It a squat down, like a spirit of pompoms, how cute! It has a pair of red eyes, just like two stars embedded in a snowball of ruby, especially beautiful. , unlike other animals, the small white rabbit ears grow longer, as long as hear the sound of the slightly, it will brush to ears to turn around, warily watching what's going on around. The most interesting is the small white rabbit mouth. Other animals only up and down, two lips, can it? O lips into two, with one disc below the lips, just as "three petal mouths, it developed into the" three petal mouths "is to look pretty? No! Because of the small white rabbit favorite big turnip, small mouth zhang is not large, how can you eat turnips? Now with this "three petal mouths", it can not open mouth shoveled to eat? The small white rabbit front legs short, long hind legs, to walk always bouncing, it's behind the ass with a short tail, followed a pursed a lip, strange and interesting. I think I have such a introduction, you must also like the small white rabbit! 动物英语作文 篇2This afternoon, I went to the zoo with my mother and a good friend. As soon as we walked into the gate, we went to take a sightseeing car. Sit on the tour bus, we saw the lovely kangaroo, mysterious and dangerous wolf, majestic-looking tiger, naive black bear, these are the beast area animal star. Zone on the African continent, Z and y have found the deer, and the giraffe, wildebeest, dainty and cute antelope of odd shape...... Just at the sightseeing car, I saw a large group of beautiful dove at one glance. They have white, gray, flowers, beautiful! I bought a bag of corn and ran into the pigeon group. I reached out and the dove smelled the smell of corn and came to me. They're trying to grab me and tickle me. I threw out the corn at a sudden, and the dove saw it. It came up and began to scramble. It was a spectacular scene. After that, we went to the sea lion. I saw the rings of the sea lions, they were smart, and after they dropped, they snapped around their necks while their owners did not notice. We also saw the water roll, water head, they are versatile! It's really the second smart animal in the sea! The next place to go is the last place I want to go today. I think you've already guessed it. That's the beast show. The first stage is heavy, little bear, don't look at it like stupid, but it is not a small effort! Look at the look of his top circle. It's so lovely! Finally, I left the zoo with a full heart of joy. 今天下午,我和妈妈还有一位好朋友一起去动物园游玩。刚走进大门,我们就去乘坐观光车。坐在观光车上,我们看见了活泼可爱的袋鼠、神秘危险的灰狼、威风凛凛的老虎、憨态可掬的黑熊,这些都是猛兽区的动物明星。在非洲大陆区里,有身zī优yǎ的梅花鹿、亭亭玉立的长颈鹿、奇形怪状的角马、娇小玲珑的羚羊…… 刚下观光车,我一眼就看见了一大群美丽的鸽子。它们有白的、灰的、花的,漂亮极了!我买了一袋玉米,飞快地跑到鸽群里。我伸出手来,鸽子们闻到玉米的香味,纷纷向我走来。它们你争我抢的,把我弄痒痒的。我一下子扔掉玉米,鸽子们见了,一下子涌上前来,开始争抢起来,场面真壮观呀! 之后,我们又去了海狮表演场。我看见了海狮们表演的套圈,它们可聪明了,掉了圈过后,它们趁主人不注意的时候,飞快地把圈套在脖子上。我们还看到了水中翻滚、水上顶球,它们可真是多才多艺呀!真不愧是海里第二聪明的动物! 下一个要去的地方,也就是我今天最后一个要去的地方。我想你们已经猜出来了吧,那就是猛兽表演场。第一个上场的是笨重的小黑熊,别看它样子笨笨的,可功夫却不小呢!看他顶圈的样子,真是可爱极了! 最后,我带着满心欢喜的心情离开了动物园。 动物英语作文 篇3Dear classmates To live a happy life ,we should study hard and do more exercise .Having balanced eating habits is neccesary ,too.We should not just eat meat in the meals ,although it is really delicious,because it will make us fat.And we need to drink more milk but not coffee The good habits make us healthy ,then we'll do better in our school subjects. Thank you for your listening NAME 动物英语作文 篇4Today, I want to tell you: to protect the animals from me. China's statistics, the panda only a few thousand head, Zhu only a dozen, South China tigers and tigers are only dozens of head. Previously, because a large number of human hunting wolf, wolf almost extinct, and later, to the introduction of some foreign, the number of wolves was able to grow. We create high-tech human beings, to provide us with a convenient, good life so that we live comfortably. But we can know that a lot of things are cut down trees, many living in the tree animals were forced to leave their hometown. Why in the city can not see squirrels, crows, sparrows, swallows ... ... because of human greed, vicious, and poor quality, so that animals again and again to the end of life. In the circus, an elephant was caught at a very young age, and its mother died in order to protect it. How many years have passed, elephant grow up, remember that scene, in the unbearable point, the staff trampled to death. A lion can not stand the pain of the show, out of the circus, in a family will be a pair of mother and daughter bite into serious injuries. According to our reports, animal injuries a lot of things. For example: you killed a snake in the mountains, there will be a lot of snakes to attack you, they are also affectionate. Everyone to protect animals together! The The Let the animal happy life, let mankind have a harmonious big home! 动物英语作文 篇5If you ask me what my favourite animal.I can tell you pandas are my favourite.I like the pandas not only because they are one of the China's treasures,but also because they looks cute. Pandas are very fat and hairy. They have two colours:white and black.The panda'sd face,back and stomach are all white, their eyes nose legs and arms are all black. The pandas like eating bamboo. Using the paws,he chew the bamboo very slowly with his mouth. There are two pandas called tuantuan and yuanyuan will send to Taiwan. 动物英语作文 篇6Dogs are my favorite animal because they are our best friends and they can do a lot for us. For examples, dogs can help blind people and police dogs can help the police,too. Dogs are cute.friendly and clever. They can help people feel less lonely. I have a pet dog named Lucky which is my best friend. When I am free, I always talk with her, feed her, play with her which can make me be more responsible. So I love dogs best. 动物英语作文 篇7Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey。 Monkey is a kind of lovely animal。 Many people like monkeys very much。 Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur。 Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail。 I can see them on TV or the zoo。 Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them。 Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them。 They are so lively and favorable。 When they are happy, they will act for visitors。 It’s very funny。 动物英语作文 篇8Beijing Zoo is the largest in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundreds of different kinds of animals in it. We can see yellow, green, orange and brown birds, which can sing nice songs. The elephants have a big nose and big ears and they are kind to humans. We can also see big and little monkeys running and dancing, just like happy children. Pandas, with good manners, are very friendly and polite to visitors. We will certainly have a good time there. 动物英语作文 篇9unday Jane with her mother to go to zoo.In the zoo,they look mang animal.She and her mother look at elephants,lions and tigers.Some animals are very nice,some animals are very ugly,same animals are firendly.Jane have a good time,bcease sheis very like those animals. 星期天jane 和她妈去动物园 ,在动物园 他们看了好多动物. 她和她妈看了大象,狮子和老虎.有些动物还很漂亮.有些就好丑的.. 有些很友好. jane过得很愉快,因为她好喜欢那些动物 附:逛动物园作文今天,我和爸爸、妈妈乘坐游六路来到了石家庄市动物园。 走进大门,我们首先参观了“火烈鸟馆”,火烈鸟的嘴端是黑色的,它的中基部是粉色的,羽毛是粉红色的,特别美丽。接着,我们又参观了珍猴馆,里面有黑叶猴,黑疣猴,长尾猴,这些小猴子都非常的独特。我们又参观了“猩猩馆”,“大象馆”,“猴山”,还有“熊猫馆”。最使我们难忘的还是“熊猫馆”,里面有两只大熊猫,一只是“朵朵”,另一只是“娅祥”,“朵朵”很安静的在隔壁吃竹子,而“娅祥”在外边,是因为工作人员要清理一下“娅祥”的屋子,“娅祥”还以为进不去了,于是就用脚踹,屁股顶,身体撞,还站立起来拍打玻璃窗,非要进去,后来见撞不开,非常生气恼火,飞快的沿着馆墙愤怒的跑了一圈,紧接着又撞门,一连串动作非常滑稽又可爱,看得游人非常惊诧,与电视上温顺可爱的大熊猫完全两样。这样重复了好几次,后来“娅祥”可能气糊涂了,竟然倒着走路,我想这只熊猫脾气可真大呀!不达目的不罢休。后来,我进馆看到“娅祥”的屋子里不仅有新鲜的竹子,还非常的凉爽,怪不得“娅祥”这麽想进来呀!这时随着“嘭”的一声,“娅祥”终于把门撞开了,飞快的跑到竹子旁,立刻躺在地上,而且四脚朝天,紧接着两手拿起身边将近两米竹子,用力地折为两截,一手拿一截,放到嘴里用牙齿剥皮,剥掉的皮放到自己的肚皮上,光吃里面的肉,就像我们吃甘蔗一模一样,吃得津津有味,看的我目瞪口呆,“娅祥”和在外边判若两人,真是太可爱了! 依依不舍得离开了熊猫馆,我们又去了动物表演场,我看到了猴升旗,小猴骑单车,狮子、老虎作揖敬礼、小狗熊骑无座车,还能带人呢!还有山羊走独木桥……非常的有趣。直到散场了我还舍不得离开。 还有我和爸爸还登上了动物园最高峰,在顶峰的凉亭上,四处眺望,整个动物园尽收眼底,风景特别的好,真有一览众山小的感觉。 游玩了一天,让我收获颇多,了解了好多动物,又从新认识了好多动物,从中学到了好多知识,让我大开眼界,傍晚的时候带着对动物们依依不舍得心情我和爸爸妈妈离开了动物园回家。 |
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