标题 | 妈妈英文作文 |
范文 | 妈妈英文作文锦集9篇 在学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,下面是小编精心整理的妈妈英文作文9篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 妈妈英文作文 篇1Today is my mother's birthday. My father and I wanted to give her surprising birthday presents. In the morning we went to the shop and bought a big cake. Then we went to the market and bought some food that mother liked very much. After getting home, we began to prepare our presents. Father went into the kitchen to prepare a big meal while I went into my room to make a birthday card. I drew three rabbits biggest one was eating grass while the other two were playing happily under a big tree. To tell you the truth, it was my family because all of us were born in the year of rabbit.It was almost 12 o'clock. The delicious food on the table made my mouth water. Everything was ready. We seated ourselves at the table, waiting for my mother. When we heardthe sound of opening the door, we hid behind the door and cheered, "Happy Birthday!" as soon as mother came in.Mother was seated at the table and I showed her my present. She looked at it and smiled. "Have a taste of the delicious food. It was made by Father himself."I said. Mother looked at my father and me, picking up her chopsticks. How happy we were! 妈妈英文作文 篇2今年,家住潍坊市奎文区的曾小雨考托福,英语得了让人意想不到的高分119分(满分120分)。我们都知道这个分数的含金量,她真行! 曾小雨当年就读的中新双语学校数学老师曾经说过:“曾小雨是一个万里挑一的好学生,她每一次做的数学题都可以作为标准答案。她是各科成绩都好,教这样的孩子又省心又有成就感。” 因为学得非常好,曾小雨看上去要比一般人都轻松、快乐、自由,知识面也广。小学三四年级时,她就读完了全套中文版《哈利波特》,其它的世界名著更是读了不少。小学毕业之前就把全套英文版《哈利波特》读完了。 刚上初中时,小雨提出免修英语,因为她和妈妈都觉得已经学会了的知识没有必要再学一遍,她有能力不用上初中英语课就达到与之相当的水平。到了高中,她再次向英语老师提出免修英语的要求,英语老师觉得可笑,笑她无知自大,老师还没有遇到过不用上英语课就把英语学好的孩子。小雨给老师用英文写了一封信,说明她不用上英语课的理由,老师看后连连称赞,说她教了一辈子英语,都没见过英语句子如此连贯、语法措词如此准确的学生,于是就允许她在英语课上阅读课外英文、自学雅思英语。 很多孩子到了青春期就出现很多问题,可小雨却没有。闲暇的时候,人们经常看到小雨的父母和小雨一起散步,一起聊天,一起交流人生,那种温馨真是让人羡慕。 很多人都说这样的孩子实在是可遇不可求,但有的家长即使遇到了也未必能培养出这么出色的孩子。小雨爸妈对孩子的教育非常用心。 曾小雨的爸爸在北京工作,妈妈在潍坊的医院工作,平时很忙,但是不论多忙,两口子都没有忽视小雨的成长。刚上小学,妈妈就很重视她的英语学习。曾小雨在双语学校上小学,英语课比一般学校要多。妈妈谦虚地说自己听不懂英语,但会给孩子买各种英语书和磁带。家里在任何时候都放着英语磁带,不强求孩子听,但是一直放着,培养孩子的语感。 当很多孩子的家长看那些肥皂剧,孩子也跟着上瘾,连做作业都写不安稳,心里总想着电视剧的情节及后面的剧情时,小雨的妈妈却在给孩子放英语磁带听,不是逼孩子坐下来安静地听,而是不管吃饭、洗涮,还是睡前,都给孩子打开录音机,放上英语磁带。当小雨有了一定的词汇量,妈妈就和她一起看英文频道的新闻。 对于她们来说,学好英语很简单,就是得多听多看多说。简单,但是要坚持。 很多学生不爱学英语,因为我们中国学生在学英语的过程中,常常是前一个步骤还没学就学下一个步骤,就像没学会爬就先学跑。比如有好多中学生没经过学习字母、音标的过程,以至于到了大学连字母的读音都读不正确,音标也认不全。许多学生到了初高中见了有音标的单词自己也不会读,只是听老师怎样读,自己就死记住单词的读音。 学习任何一门功课都是循序渐进的,可在学英语时,我们学习的某些步骤被中断了。因为这些步骤的中断,学起来就比较困难,这也就是为什么有许多聪明的孩子数理化学得很好,就是对英语不感兴趣。 无论在哪个英语学习阶段,如果字母、音标不熟的话,就该回过头去补上这一课,因为这是最基础最容易学习的,我们不能因为容易就轻视这些最简单最基础的知识学习,而学好这些能达到事半功倍的效果。 有的学生学的是哑巴英语,只是看,不读,也不写,这是事倍功半的方法。请你记住,学英语,要大声朗读。 还有的同学死记单词,碰到比较长的生词,一下子就想记住,连续不停地写十遍二十遍,越写越心烦,越怀疑自己的记忆能力,这种学习方法在大学里都存在。碰到比较长的单词不要死记,写一两遍,下一次碰到有个印象就行,有了印象,再遇到时就比较容易记住,而且你还可以过一段时间再复习。 学好英语的方法有很多,可归结如下: 1、定期学习。每天学习一会儿比一周集中学几个小时效果要好。所以请你每天挤出一点时间读写英语。要记住一篇课文,每天读两遍,一个星期就能读14遍,这样的记忆效果更佳,可是你把这些工作量集中在一个时间段落内完成,一上午读一篇课文14遍,只能让你产生厌烦情绪,而且记忆效果还不行。 2、通过上下文记单词,别靠死记单词表。有的同学一见到课文生词多就一个一个地记忆,并一次把每个单词写上十遍二十遍,还咒骂自己记忆力不行,其实不如一次记忆很多单词多重复几遍效果更佳。 3、不管对课文理解了多少,尽可能多读。一个单词出现在不同课文中三遍,你就能对这个单词有深刻的印象,可你读同一篇课文把这个单词读上十遍也不一定记住。 4、学会使用一些常用短语。 5、使用不同版本的教材。包括阅读用的、听力用的和语法用的。变化学习所用的教材,看不同的.书,会更有兴趣学。 6、尽可能手写。拼写通过手指是最容易被记住的,正是移动的钢笔写字时的记忆有助于正确拼写。所以建议你抄写句子或课文,抄写也是一种思考方式。 7、经常拿出以前的课本翻翻看看,这样省去查词典的时间,还给你一种学好英语很容易的感觉。 语言是一座堡垒,是需要强攻的。 利用别人经常浪费掉的时间,乘车等车时间,上饭前的时间。 如果你遵守这些规则,你会达到事半功倍的效果,而且要比别的同学学得轻松些。 还有,如果有条件,家长要尽力为孩子提供一种英语的语言环境。 妈妈英文作文 篇3Mum, I Misunderstood You My mother is always strict with me, especially after I entered the senior middle school。 After I became a senior student, mum oftenpressed me to study。+ After school, as soon as I got home, mum hurried me up to do my homework。 Even on weekends, mum wouldn't give me free time。 She asked me to take many tutorial classes。 I had little time to play。 Why couldn't I play? Although I felt very unhappy, I was obedient to mum。 After a period of hard work, I made great progress in my study。 In the mid-term examination, I got the first place in my class。 when being told the news, Mum said she was proud of me。 Now I am full of confidence in my future。 I have understood my mum。 She has done all the things for the sake of me。 I will work even harder as repayment。 妈妈,我误会了你 我的妈妈总是对我要求严格,特别是我升入高中以后。 我成为一名高中生后,妈妈经常催促我去学习。放学后,我一到家,她就催着我去做作业。即使在周末,妈妈也不会让我有空闲时间,她要求我去参加很多补习班,我很少有时间玩。为什么我不能玩呢?尽管感到不快,我还是顺从了妈妈。经过一段时间的刻苦学习,我在学习上取得了很大的进步。在期中考试中,我取得了班级第一名。妈妈知道这个消息后,说她为我而自豪。现在我对未来充满了信心,我理解了妈妈,她所做的一切都是为了我。我会更加努力学习来报答妈妈。 妈妈英文作文 篇4My Mother's Birthday 妈妈的生日 March 19th Saturday Rainy 3月19日 星期六 有雨 Today is mother's birthday, but I didn't know what to by for her.A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy.Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon.A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didn't like it. 今天是妈妈的生日,可是我还不知道给她买些什么。手表是挺好的礼物,可是太贵了,我买不起。花倒是不贵,可是很快就枯萎了。生日蛋糕太甜,妈妈不喜欢吃。 Then father thought a good idea.He said, "Why don't we make a wonderful dinner for herThat will show our love for her!"Oh, that was good.Love is the most expensive present in the world. 后来爸爸相处个好主意。他说,“为什么我们不做一顿美味的晚餐呢!那会显示出我们对她的爱!”啊,太好了。爱是世界上最昂贵的礼物。 I will never forget the smile on mother's face when we were having supper together. 我将永远忘不了我们共聚晚餐时妈妈脸上的笑容。 妈妈英文作文 篇5My mother is very kind and beautiful although she is not tall.She is 42 years old this year.She is a nurse,so she is always very busy day and night.But she loves her job,and she often takes care of her patients. Of course,she also likes singing,dancing,cooking and shopping,but she almost no time to do them.Oh,I love my mother. 妈妈英文作文 篇6My mother is a teacher of primary school. She teaches in countryside, and there are only several teachers in her school. Therefore, except for math, she also teaches Chinese and music. My mother is a good teacher and she is popular among her students. She cares every student in her class, both in study and life. Her class seems to be relaxed and lively, but students can learn a lot from her. To some extend, she is strict to her students. When they make mistakes in study, she would point it out directly and tells the student correct it by himself or herself firstly. If they can’t, my mother helps them at last. Besides the study, my mother is a good teacher in life. She focuses on healthy growth of her students. So she always cares about their life. No matter what happens to them, she is ready to listen and help. 我的妈妈是一名小学老师。她在乡村上课,那个学校只有几个老师。因此,除了数学以外,她还教语文和音乐。我的妈妈是一位好老师,在学生中很受欢迎。她关心班上的每一个学生的学习和生活。她的课堂似乎很放松很活跃,但是学生可以从她那学到很多。从某种程度上来说,她对学生很严厉。当她们在学习上犯错的时候,她会直接指出来然后让学生自己先改正过来。如果她们不会,妈妈最后才会帮她们。除了学习之外,我妈妈在生活上也是个好老师。她注重学生的健康成长,所以她总是关心她们的生活。不管她们发生了什么,她总是随时倾听和提供帮助。 妈妈英文作文 篇7My mom is 38 years old mow,she has a pair of pitch-black eyes and hair. She doesn't look very beautiful and tender,but her nose looks nice and she's a little bit fat.When I take a good look at her,I can see her winkle which was appeared by concerning about me. Besides,there has already accrued some white hair.I suppose it is.Maybe my mom is just a normal person in other's eyes ,but in my heart,she is a great mom. 妈妈英文作文 篇8母亲节什么礼物最热卖 What is the most popular gift for Mother's Day Cards, flowers and food are the most popular Mother's Day gifts this year. Eight out of 10 Americans celebrate Mother's Day and spend nearly $100 on average. 词汇: celebrate v.庆祝,祝贺,表扬,赞美,举行 on average平均起来 retail n.零售adj.零售的v.零售,转述adv.以零售方式 federation n.同盟,联邦,联合,联盟 妈妈英文作文 篇9My mother family name li,she is 30 years old,but she looks very young.She is tall ang thin.She has big eyes and small mouth,and she has a long cuely black hair.she is very kind and friendly .she likes reading books and collecting stamps .This is my mother,a smart and besutiful mothe |
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