标题 | 学英语作文600字 |
范文 | 【精选】学英语作文600字三篇 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编精心整理的学英语作文600字3篇,欢迎大家分享。 学英语作文600字 篇1Everyone has dreams. Some want to be doctors. Some want to be scientists. Some want to be engineers. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. Because I’m good at talking to people. And I like the job. I would be nice to all my students. I would encourage them to be creative. I wouldn’t give them too much homework on weekends.Maybe I will be a manager. I would run a business and lead a team. I would work hard and make the company bigger and stronger. My teacher often says to us . “No matter what you will be ,you must work hard today”. The main thing is to know yourself and to choose the right path for you. Rich or poor, it doesn’t matter. Our biggest goal is to be happy. I think if we work hard ,our dreans will come true. We will have a good future. 学英语作文600字 篇2No one can deny the fact that today the environment is polluted seriously. Though the government has taken some policies to protect the environment, still some businessmen chase the profit by taking the cost of damaging the nature. Many animals are dying out as they lose their homes. Such as the national treasure, panda. The government has put a lot of money to protect them from dying out, and the new born panda babies will be looked after by experts and then release to the nature, in the hope that they won’t disappear in the nature. But the result is not always good, because when they return to the nature, the environment can’t provide enough things for them to live. If the nature loses its balance and there is no way for human beings living with nature harmoniously, then we also will disappear some day. 学英语作文600字 篇3自从唐僧师徒西天取经回来后,个个列位仙班,不过天庭有规矩,每天早要上早朝。 这天,八戒匆忙赶到,却发现早朝堂里空无一人,连老师太上老君都没来,他觉得很奇怪:这么晚了,这里怎没没人?可能不上早朝了,但他们都上哪儿去啦?想完,他就乘云来到太上老君的府上,见老君不在府上,就东张西望,突然,他发现老君的书桌上有一些书,他便过去看,发现是英语书,正巧,老君来了,八戒问:“今天怎么不上早朝?再说了,你们学英语干嘛?”老君说:“今年玉帝让我们去外国旅游开开眼界,要学好英语,现在还有三个月期限,还上什么早朝?赶快抓紧时间学英语吧!不学就晚啦!”八戒说:“原来如此!我要学,但让哪儿学?”“去你大师兄在水帘洞办的`“悟空优级英语培训班”呀!” “哈!这个猴子,什么时候由神仙成英语高手了?”说完,他驾上云彩来到水帘洞,只见水帘洞上面有一块精美的大牌,上面写着“优级英语培训班”,底下又用英语写了一遍,他进去一看,发现悟空正在上面讲课,就走过去说:“猴哥,我来学英语了。”“呦!真是太阳从西边出来了!你这懒鬼也知道学了!”“嘿!猴哥,我也有勤快的时候嘛!”“行,你找个位子坐下吧,只要你肯学,三个月后,你就可以去领背包旅游了。”八戒听完,就像悟空要了一套学习英语的用具,到一个座位上坐下了,由于悟空教得好管得严,八戒很快改掉了懒的毛病,他现在非常喜欢学英语,每天早拿一个馒头就去上课了,结果休息时他在读,甚至放学了他还在读,早上带的馒头竟只吃了五分之一! 长期的刻苦努力终于换来了优秀成绩,送行路上,玉帝拿出一份食品,装到了八戒的背包里,又拍了拍他的肩膀,说:“这一份食品是你改掉毛病勤劳学习的奖励!”八戒听了,不好意思的笑了。 |
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