标题 | 老鹰捉小鸡英语作文 |
范文 | 老鹰捉小鸡英语作文 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的`文体。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编整理的老鹰捉小鸡英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 星期天,我和邻居的小朋友到草地上玩老鹰捉小鸡的游戏。 On Sunday, my neighbor's children and I went to the grass to play the game of Eagle catching chickens. 我当鸡妈妈,邻居的小朋友当老鹰,别的小朋友当小鸡。 I am a chicken mother, neighbor's children are eagles, and other children are chickens. 游戏开始了,老鹰飞快地扑向小鸡,我迅速地伸开双手挡住老鹰。老鹰左跑跑右跑跑,小鸡在鸡妈妈的照顾下左躲右闪,玩了好长时间都没被捉到。老鹰愤怒了,生气地走了,我正高兴着,只见老鹰猛地扑过来,小鸡尖叫,我来不及抵挡,一只小鸡被捉走了。我输了,于是又重新安排游戏角色。就这样,玩到大家都累了才休息。 The game began, the eagle flew to the chicken, I quickly spread out my hands to block the eagle. The eagle ran left and right. The chicken dodged left and dodged right under the care of its mother. It didn't get caught for a long time. The eagle was angry and left angrily. I was just happy. I saw the eagle swoop over and the chicken scream. I had no time to resist. A chicken was caught. I lost, so I rearranged the characters. In this way, play until everyone is tired before rest. 老鹰捉小鸡的游戏真好玩。这个周末过得真开心。 The game of Eagle catching chickens is really fun. I had a great weekend. |
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