标题 | 经典的英文座右铭 |
范文 | 经典的英文座右铭 书有可浅尝者,又可吞食者,少数则须咀嚼消化。换言之,有只须读其部分者,有只须大致涉猎者,少数则须全读,读时须全神贯注、孜孜不倦。下面是英文经典座右铭,欢迎参考阅读! 1、下定决心一定要,才是成功的关键。 Was determined to, is the key to success. 2、哪里有天才,我是把别人喝咖啡的工夫都用在学习上的。 Where there is a genius, I am all the others drink coffee time on study. 3、耕耘于分秒,收获于细微。 Cultivated in minutes, in small gain. 4、对于不可改变的事实,除了认命以外,没有更好的办法了。 For the immutable fact, except the fate, no better way. 5、我不相信手掌的纹路,但我相信手掌加上手指的力量。 I don't believe in the palm of the grain, but I believe in the power of palm and finger. 6、胜利不是战胜敌人,而是提高自己。我们只要每天进步百分之一,那就是成功。 Victory is not defeat the enemy, but to improve yourself. As long as we progress every day one percent, that is success. 7、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。激励自己的经典名言。 All the wise for himself, a fool all for others. Motivate yourself classic sayings. 8、有时候对一个作家而言,真正的奖赏不是诺贝尔奖,而是盗版。 Sometimes for a writer to real reward is not a Nobel Prize, but piracy. 9、喜欢吹嘘的人犹如一面大鼓,响声大腹中空。 People like to boast is like a big drum, make the greatest sound very empty. 10、当你劝告别人时,若不顾及别人的自尊心,那么再好的言语都没有用的。 When you advise others, if you don't care about other people's self-esteem, so it is a good words are useless. 11、一个人有钱没钱不一定,但如果这个人没有了梦想,这个人穷定了。 No money is not necessarily a person is rich, but if the person did not have the dream, this man is poor. 12、与其等着别人来爱你,不如自己学着努力多爱自己一点。 Rather than to wait someone to love you, is to learn to love yourself more. 13、看书和学习是思想的经常营养,是思想的无穷发展。 Reading and learning is often nutrition, is the endless development of thought. 14、永远不要回头看,有些人可能会瞬间超过你。 Don't ever look back, some people may instantly more than you. 15、把工作当乐趣看,那么我们天天有乐趣。 When the work fun, so we have fun every day. 16、困难是一块顽石,对于弱者它是绊脚石,对于强者它是垫脚石。 Difficult is a piece of stone, it is a stumbling block to the weak, for it is a stepping stone to the strong. 17、没有答不了的难题,只有学不完的知识。 Without a problem, only lots of knowledge to study. 18、酸甜苦辣都是营养,成功失败都是经验。 Suantiankula are nutrition, success is failure experience. 19、青年时的失败要比壮年时的胜利,老年时的成功更令人满意。 Youth is a failure to victory than when mature, the success of the old age is more satisfactory. 20、如果你曾歌颂黎明,那麽也请你拥抱黑夜。 If you once eulogized the daybreak, then also asks you to hug the dark night. 21、你拿了我的定海神针,海底失去平衡,害得我们只能移民上岸边。 Do you have my anchored, the bottom of the sea out of balance, may have caused, we can only immigrants on the shore. 22、忽视当前一刹那的人,等于虚掷了他所有的一切。 Ignore the current moment, equal to the squandering his everything. 23、要做到坚韧不拔,最要紧的是坚持到底。 To do perseverance, stick to it is the most important thing. 24、点燃心中的渴望,因为欲望决定你想做的程度。 Ignite desire of the heart, because the desire to determine the degree of you want to do. 25、如果不踏出第一步,就永远也不可能到达目的地。 If you don't make the first move, was never likely to reach the destination. 26、认真做人,踏实做事! Serious person, practical work! 27、人生的胜者决不会在挫折面前失去勇气。 The winner of life never lose courage in the face of a setback. 28、果真如此,不如历经风雨,把自己培养成名贵花卉。 If so, it is better after wind and rain, train for the rare flowers. 29、人生不可能总还是顺心如意,但持续朝着阳光走,影子就会躲在后面。 Life can't always is the best, but continued to walk toward the sun, the shadow will hide behind. 30、无论你觉得自己多么的了不起,也永远有人比你更强。 No matter how great you think you are always someone stronger than you. 31、谎言像一朵盛开的鲜花,外表美丽,生命短暂。 A lie like a blooming flowers, appearance beautiful, life is short. 32、如果不醒来,那么现实和梦境又有何分别。 If you don't wake up, so the reality and dream what respectively. 33、勤奋的人常把高山当平地,懒惰的人常把平地当高山。 Diligent people often think of mountains when the ground, the lazy people often think of the ground when the mountain. 34、不必遗憾。若是美好,叫做精彩。若是糟糕,叫做经历。 Don't have to regret. If it is good, called the wonderful. If it is bad, called the experience. 35、用你的青春,展示出你骄人的`活力。让我们为今天而喝彩。 Use your youth, show you strong vitality. Let's cheer for today. 36、热忱是推销成功的最大要素,也是唯一要素。 Enthusiasm is to promote, the biggest factors in success is the only factor. 37、只有这样的人才配生活和自由,假如他每天为之而奋斗。 Only such people with life and liberty, if he had to struggle for a day. 38、能用众力,则无敌于天下矣;能用众智,则无畏于圣人矣。 With all the force, is unmatched in the world. In all the wisdom, fearless in sage. 39、我们不能控制机遇,却可以掌握自己。 We can't control the opportunity, but can grasp myself. 40、使人疲惫的不是远方的高山,而是鞋里的一粒沙子。 Make the person tired not far away mountains, but a grain of sand in the shoes. 41、外在压力增加时,就应增强内在的动力。 External pressure is increased, you should enhance intrinsic motivation. 42、漫无目的的生活就像出海航行而没有指南针。 Aimless life is like sailing without a compass. 43、好问的人,只做了五分种的愚人;耻于发问的人,终身为愚人。 Good q, do only a fool for five minutes; He who is ashamed of asking questions, lifetime for a fool. 44、三分天注定,七分靠奋斗,爱拼才会嬴。 Three day doomed, seven points by struggle, love spell will win. 45、一个人只有在全力以赴的时候才能发挥最大的潜能。 A person only when all can play a maximum potential. 46、我也曾失败,但没有倒下,我相信成功就在不远处。 I have failed, but he didn't fall, I believe that success is not far away. 47、为自已的心理整容比为容貌装饰更重要。 For their own psychological cosmetic is more important than for decorative appearance. 48、我们要好好活着,因为我们会死很久很久。 We want to live, because we will die a long time. 49、蝎子虽小,但须防其伤人,过失虽小,但须防其毁人。 Scorpions are small, but must prevent its harm, faults are small, but must prevent the destroy. 50、我相信青春没有地平线,只有奋勇向前。 I believe that youth has no horizon, only the valiant. 51、懒惰者等待机遇,勤奋者创造机遇。 Lazy person wait for opportunity, he who labors diligently to create opportunities. 52、天才与凡人只有一步之隔,这一步就是勤奋。 Genius is but a step between god and a mortal, this step is hard work. 53、如果失去了顽强的意志,困难就会给你戴上枷锁。 If lost the tenacious will, difficulties will give you put on shackles. 54、练字也不失为一种修身养性的好主意。 Word is a good idea to cultivate one's morality raises a gender. 55、只要坚持积极的理想,就能产生奋斗的勇气。 As long as adhere to the positive ideal, can produce struggle of courage. 56、不是要做一个单纯优秀的人,而是要做一个不可替代的人。 Not to do a simple good people, but to be a irreplaceable. 57、人生就像滚雪球,重要的是找到很湿的雪和很长的坡。 Life is like a snowball, the important thing is to find a very wet snow and a long slope. 58、心量狭小,则多烦恼,心量广大,智慧丰饶。 Heart amounts is narrow, more trouble, heart of the general, wisdom abundance. 59、每天早上醒来,你荷包里的最大资产是个小时。 Wake up every morning, your greatest asset is a hour in his pockets. 60、机遇是—位来去匆匆的过路旅客依靠它是危险的,冒失的,不可靠的。 Opportunity is - a hurry it is dangerous to passengers who rely on it, bold, unreliable. 61、原谅,不过是将遗憾悄悄掩埋;忘记,才是最深刻彻底的宽容。 Forgive me, but is the regret quietly buried; Forget, is the most profound tolerance. 62、你不要一直不满他人,你应该一直检讨自己才对。 You don't have dissatisfaction with others, you should always review yourself. 63、除非想成为一流,否则就是二流。 Unless you want to become a first-class, is the second. 64、我从不惧怕任何对手,只怕对手不够强大。 I never fear any opponent, is not strong enough. 65、成功网罗着大量的过失。 Successful snare a large fault. 66、今天的优势会被明天的趋势所取代。 Today's advantage will be replaced by the trend of tomorrow. 67、若生为林木,我当欣欣以向荣;若生为林木,我当萋萋而摇绿。 If I born for trees, as yan yan to toward; If I born for trees, when growing up and shake the green. 68、当困苦姗姗而来之时,超越它们会更有余味。 Come when difficult shanshan, transcend them will become more aftertaste. 69、死脑筋的人相信命运,活脑筋的人相信机会。 One reason people believe in fate, living brains of people believe that opportunities. 70、谁给我全世界我都会怀疑,心花怒放却开到荼靡。 Who gave me the world I would doubt, be elated to tea on Monday. 71、常求有利别人,不求有利自己。 Often benefit others, not to their advantage. 72、忍一时,风平浪静,退一步,海阔天空。 Bear, a calm, step back, brighter. 73、勤奋,是今天的热血拼搏,而不是明天的决心,后天的行动! Diligent, is the blood of today, not tomorrow's determination, the action of the day after tomorrow! 74、知识象烛光,能照亮一个人,也能照亮无数人。 Knowledge is like a candlelight, can illuminate a person, also can illuminate countless people. 75、来是偶然的,走是必然的。所以你必须,随缘不变,不变随缘。 To be accidental, go is inevitable. So you have to, pay the same, the same fate. 76、贫穷要一点东西,奢侈要许多东西,贪欲却要一切东西。 Poor for a little things, luxury many things, avarice is everything. 77、才能一旦让懒惰支配,它就一无可为。 Once to let lazy control, it is for. 78、孔雀因为自赏而禁锢,雄鹰因为远见而翱翔。 Peacock because up and locked, the eagle soar because of the vision. 79、我把苦难、挫折当作自己生存的最好导师。 I am suffering, frustration as his best teacher of survival. 80、只要比竞争对手活得长,你就赢了。 As long as to live longer than the competition, you win. 81、推动你的事业,不要让你的事业来推动你。 Drive your business, don't let you to advance your career. 82、谁肯认真的工作,谁就能做出许多成绩,就能超群出众。 Who will work seriously, who can make a lot of achievements, can be superb. 83、做人就不要做事,做事就不要做人!性格决定命运,气量影响格局。 The person don't do things, do things, do not have to be! Character determines destiny, volume effect pattern. |
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