What is happening is an abomination. 正在发生的事令人非常反感。 Do you really mean to turn our home into an abomination. 你真的想把我们的船变成怪物吗。 The issue was not that this new technology created an abomination, a freak animal; 问题并不是这种新技术创造出了一个令人恶心的畸形动物; Some say she is an abomination of nature. 有人说她天生就招人厌恶。 Mark my words& I shall revenge this abomination! 留意我的.话&我会报复这件令人讨厌的事的。 上一篇:孟州市属于哪个市 下一篇:新初一开学军训大概是几天 |