标题 | 动物的英语作文 |
范文 | 精选动物的英语作文汇总8篇 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的动物的英语作文8篇,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 动物的英语作文 篇1My favorite animal is the dog, they not only cute, and very clever, very gentle. Very attractive. My little dog - "full". It is a squirrel dogs, brown body like a cha oil, neck hair round bloom, like a flower. Watery eyes like two glass beads. A thin tail kept shaking, really liked. "With more than" a see me, have to jump down immediately. I walked over to it, it came to rush, have a smell of my body, its tail happily swaying, I use said touched its little head, it begin to add me by the hand, feel warm. Sometimes when I was eating, it also want to eat, but I didn't give it, it will make some strange sound to attract my attention. It every time after the shower, I take a towel to embrace it, it seems to be a baby, lay quietly in my hands. 我最喜欢的小动物是小狗,他们不但可爱,而且很乖巧,很驯良。非常讨人喜欢。我的小狗——“满余”。它是一只松鼠狗,褐色的身子像搽了油似的,脖子上的毛向四周盛开,仿佛一朵花。水汪汪的眼睛像两颗玻璃珠。一条细细的小尾巴不停地摇摆着,真惹人喜欢。 “满余”一见到我,立刻又蹦有跳的。我走到它跟前,它扑来扑去的,有嗅嗅我的身子,高兴地把尾巴摇来摇去,我用说摸了摸它的小脑袋,它昂起头来添我的手,感觉暖暖的。有时我在吃东西的时候,它也想吃,但我没给它,它就会发出一些奇怪的声音来吸引我的注意。 它每次洗完澡后,都是我拿着毛巾去抱住它,它好像一个小宝宝,静静地躺在我的手里。 动物的英语作文 篇2Elephant. It is the reason that the nostrils are tender and tender. It's like worms fear into the nostrils, so when it sleeps, always put the nose up high, sometimes simply put the nose into the mouth gently with. Dog. When you go to bed, you always keep one ear close to the ground. This is because the ground sound much faster than through air, to the ear to can call to the distant sound of the slightest movement, sleeping dogs wake up. So, in the event before the earthquake, when people are not what a dog, often with a sound and agitated, kept jumping at. Cattle and sheep. The mouths of the sleeping cows and sheep are always chewing. In the past, they didn't chew enough when they were eating grass during the day, so when they were sleeping at night, they could chew them again and then swallow them in the stomach. This phenomenon is called ruminating. Mandarin Duck。 They are regarded as symbols of love, and they are very loving between "couples". During the daytime they together, to go to bed at night, the male right left masked female, the female is in the left right concealed male, described as "Tongzhengongmian". 动物的英语作文 篇3If you ask me what the little animals I like, then I'll tell you that the little animal I like is the puppy. My dog's hair is snow white, like snow falling on the dog like, pretty very beautiful! A pair of eyes watery, as if just under a spring rain, rain fell into his eyes like; Long tail, if the dust on the street, you can use the tail to sweep the dust clean. Once I came home from school, I went to see the puppy. I bite it to eat it, but it not only does not eat, but also motionless, as if what was annoying. The original, the dog will have a baby ... ... Baby is born, I love the dog more. But did not last long, the unfortunate thing happened. One day, the dog squatting in the mother's parking position, when my mother came back, my mother could not see, the dog fell asleep, do not know. At this time, my mother parked in that position. At this time, the dog was killed by her mother. See this scene, I was sad, continuous cry for 2 hours. At this time, my feelings about the dog is still so deep, I feel reluctant to love the dog's death. Puppy i love you. 动物的英语作文 篇4Puppy is very lovely animals, they will house when the owner to go out to work, the dog will be quietly at home, such as if a stranger near the door, it will certainly loudly cried, until the people left. When the owner returned home, the puppy will shook tail to meet the master excitedly, some dog trained, one will also help a Lord of diao slippers! Dogs are very clever, like what can understand master thinking, when master happy, it will play with his master, but when the host is in a bad mood, it will be issued a "blare..." Voice, like a child crying. Dog likes eating bones and cookies, they don't like to take a bath, because they are a little afraid of water, but you can't because of fear of water is not to give them the dog a bath, because they do not clean, they will have a taste, MAO also President of bugs inside. Give the dog a bath, later must hurry up to help their blow dry hair, otherwise they will catch a cold. I hope one day, I can also have a lovely dog, I like chocolate puppy, because chocolate is very special is very beautiful. I like to look on the whole body covered with long hair, fluffy puppy, because the dog is generally very docile, I sat on the sofa, it will sit on my body, I will gently touch it while watching TV. I will take it out for a walk every day, make it grow up healthy. 小狗是非常可爱的动物,它们会看家,当主人出门上班时,小狗会安静地等在家里,如果有陌生人靠近门口,它一定会大声的叫起来,直到那个人离开。当主人回到家,小狗会兴奋地摇着尾巴迎接主人,有的小狗经过训练,还会帮主人叼拖鞋呢!小狗们都很聪明,好像能懂得主人在想什么一样,当主人开心的时候,它会和主人一起玩耍,但是当主人心情不好的时候,它也会发出"呜呜…"的声音,就像小孩在哭一样。 小狗都喜欢吃骨头和小饼干,它们不喜欢洗澡,因为它们有点怕水,但是不能因为小狗怕水就不给它们洗澡了,因为不保持清洁,它们身上会有味道,毛里面还会长小虫。给小狗洗澡以后,一定要快点帮它们吹干毛,不然它们也会感冒的。 我希望有一天,我也可以养一只可爱的小狗,我喜欢巧克力色的小狗,因为巧克力色很特别很漂亮。我喜欢全身长满长长的毛,看起来毛茸茸的的小狗,因为这样的.小狗一般都很听话温顺,我坐在沙发上的时候,它会坐在我的身上,我就一边看电视一边轻轻的抚摸它。我也会每天带它出去散步,让它健康的长大。 动物的英语作文 篇5My favourite animal is tortoise. Tortoise walk not fast. But I like the tortoise. Why? Because, tortoise is a cute animal. It have a short tail and a four short foot. It have a little head and a hard shell. They are forty-five little and cute tortoise in My home. They like to play in the water. When they afraid some thing. They wall run fast. They like to eat the fish. I often buy some small fish to them to eat. They can catch the fish fast. First, they fake(假) sleep. When the fish swim near they mouth. They catch the fish fast and bit the fish head. So, the fish die. They can eat the fish. In winter. They like to sleep in the sand. When they sleep, they don’t eat any food.Because they wall hibernation. But, when they are thirsty. They come out of the sand. So, we must give water to them to drink. I love the tortoise. I hate the eagle. Because, the eagle often eat the tortoise with it sharp mouth.My favourite animal is tortoise. 我最喜欢的动物是乌龟。乌龟走路快。但我喜欢乌龟。为什么?因为乌龟是一种可爱的动物。它有短尾巴和四个短脚。它有一个小脑袋和一个坚硬外壳。他们是45小和可爱的乌龟在我的家。他们喜欢在水里玩。当他们害怕一些事情。他们墙跑得快l。他们喜欢吃鱼。我经常买一些小鱼给他们吃。他们可以很快的抓到鱼。首先,他们假睡眠(假)。当鱼游在他们的嘴。他们很快的抓到鱼,鱼的头。所以,鱼类死亡。他们可以吃鱼。在冬天。他们喜欢睡在沙滩上。他们睡觉的时候,不要吃任何食物。因为他们冬眠。但是,当他们渴了,他们就会从沙子中走出来。所以,我们必须把水给他们喝。 我喜欢乌龟。我讨厌鹰。因为,鹰经常吃乌龟用它锋利的嘴。我最喜欢的动物是乌龟。 动物的英语作文 篇6动物世界多姿多彩。每一只小动物都灵巧、可爱。童真童趣的孩子们都有自己及其喜欢的小动物,喜欢它们的眼神,喜欢他们俏皮可爱的滑稽表演。我,当然也不例外啦!我喜欢的小动物它姓“黄”,哦,不要误会,不是“黄飞鸿”,而是小鸟“黄鹂”。 它从头到脚一身黄,从远处看特显眼!一双小眼睛炯炯有神的东望西望,好像在说:我还要熟悉熟悉环境呢!毛绒绒的羽毛下面,缩着两个小红爪子。 它呀,连睡觉都跟别的鸟两样儿。嘿!真可爱!黄色的羽毛最令人惊奇。一般的鸟羽毛的颜色都是咖啡色的,显的很普通。 可黄鹂的羽毛的颜色却是金黄色的,真奇怪!我想,它可能是去染过毛赶流行吧!一双黑色的小眼睛嵌在那小小的头里,一眨一眨的。好像在说:“你们不要再伤害鸟类了!”说的那么凄惨与肯定!小红爪子从那黄色的羽毛里伸了出来,一伸一曲,好像在领着大家做体操呢!“来,一二三四,二二三四……”红色的爪子在黄色羽毛的衬托下更加突出了黄鹂的美丽。怪不得说“红配黄,亮堂堂”呢!啊,太可爱了!黄鹂鸟儿连睡觉都不跟别的鸟儿一样。每当夜幕到来时,黄鹂就飞到杆子上,把它那金黄色的毛绒绒的身子卷成一个大圆球。这个时候,你就会看到一个“小毛球”立在杆子上,我不说,你还真不知道那是小鸟黄鹂在睡觉呢!啊,贼可爱了!黄鹂鸟的歌声也是远近驰名的。每天早晨,人家从不睡懒觉,早早的起床,还“叽叽喳喳”的把我也叫了起来。 “叽叽喳喳”好像是在说“一年之计在于春,一天之际在于晨”呢!每当我放广播的时候,小鸟也争着说、唱,把整个家都搞得鸡飞狗跳的。我喜欢的小动物—黄鹂鸟儿有特点吧!其实只要你细心观察,就会发现每一个动物都有它的特点和可爱之处。要保护动物呀! The animal world is colorful. Every little animal is clever and lovely. Childlike children have their own love and love the small animal, their eyes, love their playful antics. I, of course, is no exception. I love small animal it is named "yellow", oh, do not misunderstand, not "Huang Feihong", but "the Oriole bird". It is yellow from the head to the foot. It looks very well from the distance! A pair of small eyes of the east look west, as if to say: I also familiar with the environment! The fluffy feathers, with two red claws. It goes to sleep with two other birds. Well! Lovely! Yellow feathers are the most surprising. The color of the common bird feathers is coffee color, which is very common. Oriole feathers may be the color is golden yellow, really strange! I think it might be a hairy date. A pair of small black eyes embedded in the small head, blinking. It seems like, "you don't want to hurt birds anymore!" So sad and affirmative! The little red paw stretched out from the yellow feather and stretched it, as if it was taking everyone to do the gymnastics. "Come, 1234, 2234..." Red claws against a yellow feather under the more prominent Oriole beautiful. No wonder that "red with yellow, bright bright."! Ah, it's so lovely! Oriole bird did not even sleep with other birds. When night comes, oriole flying to the pole, his golden fleece was rolled into a ball. This time, you will see a "small ball" stand in pole, I do not say, you really do not know if it is sleeping at Oriole Birds do! Ah, the thief is lovely! Oriole bird song is famous. Every morning, people never sleep in, early to get up, and "twittering" I also called up. "Twittering" seems to be saying, "the year is in spring, on the day of the day in the morning." When I put the radio, birds are scrambling to say, sing, the whole family got the general turmoil. I love small animal - the yellow bird features! In fact, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that every animal has its characteristics and loveliness. To protect the animals! 动物的英语作文 篇7I have a dog. It is my favourite animal. His name is Beibei. His name and my name are the same. I like Beibei very much. He is only one year old now. He is very small. He is black and white. And he has one sister. She is yellow and white. His mother is white. His father is black. It is very clever. And it is very lovely. So I like him. He has a very small nose, two eyes and two small ears. He has a small mouth, too. He has four legs and a small face. He loves meat very much. There is a bowl near his house. There is always some bones or pork in it. And it is always very clean. His house is very beautiful. The door is red. And there are two windows in the wall. The wall is white and pink. There is a lock in the door. The lock is yellow. It is very nice. Beibei loves his house very much. He usually sleeps and rests in the house. I always give him lots of food. He likes me very much. He is very friendly. I like him, too. He thinks I am very helpful. I think so, too. 动物的英语作文 篇8First and foremost, I have a pet. It is my dog, the? name is coco, It is color is as white as snow, and have a two big eyes. It is very nice and loyalty. It makes me stress reliever, and forget about the busy thing in the school. For example, when I feel sadness, it? will accompany with me, I will talk about my feeling, not only share happy thing, but also share upset events. Therefore, this also lets me have a comfortable. By the way, when I go out, coco in order to wait me at the door. Visible it very loyalty. In addition, in order for the dog can make some new friends, I will help it to join many activities. Such as when I often take a walk with Coco, it will very happy. Since it can make some news friends. Last but not least, my dog makes me so happy, it can make me reduce an anxiety. |
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