标题 | 我与部队的第一次亲密接触英语作文 |
范文 | 我与部队的第一次亲密接触英语作文 无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是小编帮大家整理的我与部队的第一次亲密接触英语作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 我的童年有很多趣事,翻开照片,哇,真是丰富多彩啊!你看,这是在野餐,这是在郊游,这是在摘草莓、挖土豆,这是在小溪里游泳,这是在参加游园活动……这些,小朋友们都经历过吧,可是有一件事情,我猜你们肯定没经历过,那就是去部队里参观,这也是我最难忘的童年趣事。 My childhood has a lot of interesting things, open the photos, wow, it's really colorful! You see, it's a picnic, it's an outing, it's picking strawberries, digging potatoes, it's swimming in a stream, it's participating in a garden tour All of these have been experienced by the children, but there is one thing that I guess you certainly haven't experienced, that is to visit the army, which is also my most unforgettable childhood anecdote. 记得六岁的一个晴朗的周末,我和一群大哥哥、大姐姐一起去部队里参观。部队驻扎在瑞安陶山的山边,周围群山环绕。到了那里,看到的`是一排排房子,前面是训练场,后面是一个大水池,里面有荷花还有小鱼儿在欢快的游玩,部队里种满了各种花草树木,美极了!我们都兴奋的大叫起来。 I remember a sunny weekend when I was six years old. I went to visit the army with a group of big brothers and sisters. The troops were stationed on the edge of Mount Ryan Tao, surrounded by mountains. When I got there, I saw a row of houses, in front of which was the training ground, behind which was a big pool with lotus flowers and small fish playing happily. The army was full of flowers and trees. It was very beautiful! We all shouted excitedly. 解放军叔叔热情地接待了我们,先给我们示范了如何行军礼、如何进行队列训练。他们的动作十分标准,整齐划一,侧面看过去一排队伍就象一条直线。再让我们开始做,我向右转的时候转反了,跟天天哥哥开了个“碰头会”,嘿嘿,真好笑!起步走的时候还有人同手同脚呢,像个机器人,逗得大家哈哈大笑。接着,我们来到了解放军叔叔的卧室,呀,真整齐啊!我们目瞪口呆,解放军叔叔的被子都叠得四四方方的,旁边都是直角。我们也试着叠了一下,结果乱七八糟的,后来在解放军叔叔的指导下,我们也叠出了像样的被子,大家兴奋极了,还互相比赛呢。又来到了图书馆、卫生间、餐厅,一切都是那么的整齐,给我留下了深刻的印象。 The PLA uncle warmly received us. First, he showed us how to conduct military etiquette and how to train in line. Their movements are very standard, neat and uniform, and they look like a straight line from the side. Let's start again. When I turn right, I turn the other way around. I have a "meeting" with my brother every day. Haha, it's funny! When I started walking, there were people with the same hands and feet, like a robot, which made everyone laugh. Then, we came to the PLA uncle's bedroom, ah, so neat! We were stunned. Our uncle's quilts were all folded in four directions, with right angles beside them. We also tried to fold them. The result was a mess. Later, under the guidance of the PLA uncle, we made decent quilts. We were so excited that we even competed with each other. I came to the library, bathroom and restaurant again. Everything was so tidy, which left a deep impression on me. 参观完了,我们在部队里吃了中午饭,对了,解放军叔叔他们吃饭前还唱军歌,喊口号呢,最后我们依依不舍地告别了。参观部队给了我很多乐趣,也使我懂得了很多道理。我多想再去一次部队,去看望解放军叔叔,如果有机会,小朋友们愿意和我一起去吗? After the visit, we had lunch in the army. By the way, the PLA uncles sang military songs and chanted slogans before eating. Finally, we said goodbye reluctantly. Visiting the army has given me a lot of fun and made me understand a lot of truth. How much do I want to go to the army again and visit the PLA uncle? If there is a chance, would the children like to go with me? |
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