标题 | 家乡美英语作文 |
范文 | 家乡美英语作文 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编帮大家整理的家乡美英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 我的家乡是一个普普通通的小山村。我热爱我的家乡。她是哺育我的母亲。她事我成长的摇篮。她记载着我童年五彩的梦 My hometown is a common small mountain village. I love my hometown. She is my mother. She is the cradle of my growth. She recorded the colorful dreams of my childhood 春天,这里山花烂漫,桃花柳绿。春姑娘悄悄地走来唤醒了万物生灵的大地。霎时间,百花盛开,春*满园。柳树摇着自己长长的辫子。杨树长起了嫩嫩的芽。看着桃花开的多漂亮,随着风飘着迷人的清香,这真是;桃花一簇开无主,可爱深红爱浅红;孩子们不舍得让春意偷偷溜走,忙拿出风筝放飞自己的'心情:一年之计在于春;人们怎么能让这希望的季节悄悄而过。 In spring, the mountain flowers here are blooming and the peach flowers are willow green. Spring girl quietly came to wake up the earth of all creatures. All of a sudden, flowers are in full bloom, and the garden is full of spring. Willow is shaking its long braid. The poplar has sprouted tender buds. Looking at how beautiful peach blossom is, with the charming fragrance of the wind, it's really true; peach blossom cluster has no owner, lovely crimson love light red; children don't willing to let spring slip away secretly, busy to take out the kite to fly their mood: the plan of the year is spring; how can people let the season of hope pass quietly. 夏天,这里花繁叶茂,生机盎然,炎热的夏日树木却生机盎然,小鸟在空中自由的飞翔,泉水叮叮咚咚地唱着歌。看池塘,荷花有白的,粉的,荷花展开了美丽的笑脸,随着微风吹过和风姐姐一起跳舞,散发着清香引来许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂,这真是:小荷才露尖尖角,早有蜻蜓立上头;。 In summer, there are luxuriant flowers and leaves, full of vitality. In the hot summer, trees are full of vitality. Birds fly freely in the air, and the spring is singing. Look at the pond. There are white and pink lotus flowers. The lotus unfolds a beautiful smiling face. With the breeze, it dances with Sister Feng and sends out a fragrance that attracts many butterflies and bees. This is true: the lotus only has a sharp point, and the dragonfly has long been standing on it;. 秋天,这里,枫红菊香,红叶金果走进花园,看树上硕果累累。有小灯笼似的柿子,玛瑙似的山楂,葫芦似的鸭梨。珍珠似的葡萄。红扑扑,黄澄澄,紫莹莹……好可爱啊。大大小小,数不胜数。在园中徘徊,不禁闻到阵阵幽香,芬芳扑鼻。好像朦朦胧胧地看到自己漫步走在‘‘天国花园’’。孩子们爬上树去,摘一颗仙果咬一口,甜丝丝,脆生生,酸溜溜,……凉爽的秋风阵阵拂面吹走了炎热的夏日带来凉爽的秋天。秋婆婆在告诉小朋友秋天来了要多穿些衣服,小心感冒。让妈妈担心。 In autumn, here, maple red chrysanthemum, red leaves and golden fruits come into the garden to see the fruits on the trees. There are small lanterns like persimmons, agate like hawthorn, gourd like pear. Pearly grapes. Red, yellow, purple How lovely. Large and small, countless. Wandering in the garden, I can't help but smell the fragrance. It seems that I saw myself strolling in the "heaven garden". The children climb up the tree, pick a fairy fruit and take a bite, sweet, crisp, sour Cool autumn wind blows away the hot summer brings cool autumn. Mother-in-law Qiu is telling the children to wear more clothes when autumn comes. Be careful of catching a cold. Let mom worry. 秋天随风而去,冬爷爷又来了。冬天这里,粉装玉切,银装素囊。一天清晨,我看见下雪了。雪纷纷的下着。犹如蝴蝶翩翩起舞,又好似嫦娥打翻了烟脂。雪停了。这时。雪白雪白的房子,雪白雪白了大道。简直就是粉妆玉砌的世界。 Autumn goes with the wind, and grandpa winter comes again. Here in winter, the powder is loaded with jade and the silver is loaded with plain bags. One morning, I saw snow. The snow is falling. It's like a butterfly dancing, and it's like Chang'e overturning the grease. The snow has stopped. At this time. Snow White House, snow white Avenue. It's a world of makeup. 啊,我的家乡,你的美丽容颜永远在我心中。 Ah, my hometown, your beautiful face is always in my heart. 刘思彤 Liu Si Tong |
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