标题 | 教师节的小学英语作文带翻译:祝您节日快乐 |
范文 | 关于教师节的小学英语作文带翻译:祝您节日快乐 在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编收集整理的关于教师节的小学英语作文带翻译:祝您节日快乐,欢迎大家分享。 清晨,我来到郊外,采了许多野菊花。悄悄地走到老师办公室窗前,把挑出的几株嫩的野菊花插到靠近窗子的笔筒里,我看见老师桌上的物品有。哪一样不说明老师日日夜夜为我们付出的辛苦呢? In the morning, I came to the countryside and picked many wild chrysanthemums. Quietly walked to the window of the teachers office, and put some of the selected young wild chrysanthemums into the pen holder near the window. I saw that there were some things on the teachers desk. Which doesnt mean that the teachers work hard for us day and night? 几年来,是老师教给了我们知识,帮助我们树立远大的理想,教我们懂得了文明礼貌,把我们从一个不懂事的孩子培养成一名优秀的少先队员。而老师头上却添了根根银丝,每当看到着些银丝,我心中总是充满对老师无限的崇敬。老师给了我多少爱多少关怀啊! In the past few years, our teachers have taught us knowledge, helped us to set up lofty ideals, taught us how to be civilized and polite, and trained us from an ignorant child to an excellent young pioneer. But the teacher added a root of silver, whenever I saw some silver, my heart is always full of infinite respect for the teacher. How much love and care the teacher gave me! 有一次,我生病了,几天没有上课。是我们的老师放学后托着疲惫的身子来给我补习功课,使我的学习成绩没有因此而下降。我非常感激我的老师,心里暗暗下决心,一定要好好学习,来回报我的老师。 Once, I was ill and didnt have classes for a few days. Its our teacher who comes to make up my lessons with his tired body after school, so that my academic performance doesnt decline. I am very grateful to my teacher, secretly determined to study hard to repay my teacher. 老师您从事教育事业已经30年了,在着几十年里,您白天忙着给同学们上课,晚上又备课,批改作业到深夜。长期的劳累,您的眼睛花了。可您没有白操劳,您教出来的.学生真是桃李满天下:有的上了大学,有的在自己的岗位上担任着重要的工作。 Teachers, you have been engaged in education for 30 years. In the past decades, you have been busy giving lessons to students in the daytime, preparing lessons in the evening and correcting homework late into the night. After a long time of tiredness, your eyes are blooming. But you dont work in vain. The students you teach are all over the world: some have gone to university, some have taken important jobs in their own posts. 您对您所从事的教育事业是那样热爱,对工作是那样认真负责,对同学们是那样关心。 You are so passionate about the education you are engaged in, so conscientious and responsible for your work, and so concerned about your classmates. 老师您的学生从心底里深深的爱着您!在教师节来临之际,祝您节日快乐! Teachers, your students love you deeply from the bottom of their hearts! Happy Teachers Day! |
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