'I don't know what you're talking about,' he blustered. “我不知道你到底在说什么!”他气势汹汹地说。 I wasn't frightened by what he said ─ it was all bluster. 我没有被他的话吓倒——那不过是在吓唬人。 He was still blustering, but there was panic in his eyes. 他嘴上还在叫嚷着,但眼里却流露出恐慌。 She heard the blustering, defensive note in his voice and knew that he was ashamed. 她听出他话音里的气势汹汹和自我卫护,知道他感到了羞愧。 'That's lunacy,' he blustered “那真是疯了,”他吼道。 上一篇:autumn是可数名词吗 下一篇:5个hood后缀的单词 |