标题 | 什么是生命? |
范文 | 什么是生命?英语作文 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是熟悉吧,借助作文可以宣泄心中的情感,调节自己的心情。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的.作文呢?下面是小编帮大家整理的什么是生命?英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 有一次,在花坛边,我看见一只蚂蚱,我饶有兴致地把它带回家放进水盆里。可是这只蚂蚁一点也不消停,砰砰作响,闹得我不能安睡,翻身下床看它:它拼命扑着翅膀,挣扎着,忽然间,良心斥责我,一个小生命要被我毁了,我忍不住放了它。 Once, at the flower bed, I saw a grasshopper. I took it home with great interest and put it in the water basin. But the ant didn't stop at all. It banged so loudly that I couldn't sleep. I turned over and looked at it: it was struggling with its wings. Suddenly, my conscience scolded me. A small life was going to be destroyed by me. I couldn't help letting it go. 我家有盆君子兰,拾掇房间,不小心把花盆打碎了,堆在墙角、不在理会。可是几天后,我竟发现新的枝桠长出来。在没有阳光没有水的情况下,君子兰竟顽强生长,啊!这就是伟大的生命力。 I have a basin of Clivia in my house. I picked up the room and accidentally broke the flowerpot. I piled it in the corner and ignored it. But a few days later, I found new branches growing. In the absence of sunlight and water, the monarch orchid is growing tenaciously, ah! This is great vitality. 从小就听过海迪姐姐的事迹:她身患重病高位截瘫,不能上学,她就以顽强的毅力自学了小学、中学的全部课程,获得了吉林大学授予的哲学硕士学位。她学针灸,医好了许多患者的病;他翻译着书,一部部作品展现给人们……她不断地努力、不断地创造,以不完整的身躯,奏响一曲完美的生命乐章。 Since she was a child, she has heard the story of sister Haidi: she suffered from high paraplegia and was unable to go to school. She taught herself all the courses of primary school and middle school with tenacious perseverance and obtained the master's degree of philosophy awarded by Jilin University. She learned acupuncture and cured many patients; he translated a book, a work to show people She works hard and creates continuously, playing a perfect life movement with incomplete body. 生命予昆虫予植物予人只有一次,因为一次更显珍贵,我们应该珍惜生命,让它变得有意义,让有限的生命,创造出无限的价值。 Life to insects to plants to people only once, because once more precious, we should cherish life, let it become meaningful, let limited life, create unlimited value. |
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