标题 | 同情的英语及例句 |
范文 | 同情的英语及例句 同情,在英语当中有着多种的表达,你知道的有哪些呢?下面是小编给大家整理的关于同情的英语及例句,欢迎阅读! 同情的英语及例句 1同情的英文: compassion relent sympathize sympathy 参考例句: He is overflowing with sympathy. 他充满同情之心。 We pity the victims of war. 我们同情战争受害者。 His case is unlikely to evoke public sympathy. 他的情况不大可能引起公众的同情。 To coerce in an unsympathetic or cruel way. 胁迫以不同情或残忍的方式胁迫。 I don't tend to sympathize with those family heads who are oversensitive. 我对那些神经过敏的家伙并不同情。 Between them there was a deep unexpressed bond of sympathy. 在他们之间,有一种深深的未曾说出口的同情把他们连在一起。 To affect a wistful or languid air, especially in order to gain sympathy. 表现出惹人爱怜的.倦态做出渴望的或疲倦的神态,尤其是为了赢得同情 The cashier seemed apathetic, smiling a sardonic smile. A young clerk, however, was kind enough to tell me 但对方只是冷冷地一笑,似乎并不同情我,倒是一个小伙计对我很好,他说 Professor Hilton paused and glared at him, unsympathetic and unimaginative as one of his own test-tubes. 希尔顿老师停了停,瞪着地,缺乏同情和想像力,跟他的试管一样。 She longed for a sympathetic person to whom she could unburden herself. 她渴望有一个同情她的人,以便向他倾诉衰情。 同情的英语及例句 2sympathy。 读音:[smpθi] 表达意思:同情(心),理解;赞同,支持;(与某人的)同感,共鸣;和应。 词性:通常在句中作名词,作为主语或宾语。 固定搭配:in sympathy with同情;sympathy for对…表示同情。 例句 1、We expressed our sympathy for her loss. 我们对她的损失表示了同情。 2、Lithuania still commands considerable international sympathy for its cause. 立陶宛仍得到相当多对其事业的国际支持。 3、Myheartfeltsympathygoes outtoalltherelatives. 我对所有的.亲属表示衷心的慰问。 同情的英语及例句 3英文 sympathy;pity;sympathize;show sympathy for;commiserate 网络Sympathy;Ruth;compassion;condole 例句 1 . I clearly empathize with the people who live in those neighborhoods. 我非常同情生活在那些地方的.人们。 2 . Mace still remembers the pitiful wailing of the trapped and the wounded. 梅斯依然还记得那些被困者和受伤者的令人同情的哀号. 3 . I have had very little help from doctors and no sympathy whatsoever. 我从医生那里没有得到什么帮助,也未获得丝毫同情。 4 . The president insisted that he was acting out of compassion, not opportunism. 总统坚持说他如此做是出于同情而不是为了投机。 5 . Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin. 一开始她丈夫还抱以同情,可不久就失去耐心了。 |
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