标题 | 小学六年级感恩节英语作文 |
范文 | 小学六年级关于感恩节英语作文 感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日(holiday),它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。起源于马萨诸塞普利茅斯的早期移民。这些移民在英国本土时被称为清教徒,因为他们对英国教会的宗教改革不彻底感到不满,以及英王及英国教会对他们的政治镇压和宗教迫害,所以这些清教徒脱离英国教会,远走荷兰,后来决定迁居到大西洋彼岸那片荒无人烟的土地上,希望能按照自己的意愿信教自由地生活。 Thanksgiving is an ancient festival American original people, is also the American family reunion holiday, so the Americans brought Thanksgiving always feel warm. Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national holidays in the United States (holiday), the early history of the United States and is most closely connected. The early settlers of Massachusetts originated in Plymouth. These people were called pilgrims in the UK, because of their religious reform of the Church of England is not completely satisfied with, and the king and the Church of England for their political repression and persecution, so the pilgrims from the Church of England, went to Holland, then decided to move to the other side of the Atlantic that desolate land, hope in accordance with the wishes of their religious freedom in life. 1962年9月,五月花号”轮船载着102名清教徒及其家属离开英国驶向北美大陆,经过两个多月的艰苦航行,在马萨诸塞的普利茅斯登陆上岸,从此定居下来。第一个冬天,由于食物不足、天气寒冷、传染病肆虐和过度劳累,这批清教徒一下子死去了一半以上。第二年春天,当地印第安部落酋长马萨索德带领心地善良的印第安人,给了清教徒谷物种子,并教他们打猎、种植庄稼、捕鱼等。在印第安人的帮助下,清教徒们当年获得了大丰收。首任总督威廉·布莱德福为此建议设立一个节日,庆祝丰收,感谢上帝的恩赐。同时,还想借此节日加强白人与印第安人的和睦关系。1621年11月下旬的星期四,清教徒们和马萨索德带来的90名印第安人欢聚一堂,庆祝美国历史上第一个感恩节。男性清教徒外出打猎、捕捉火鸡,女人们则在家里用玉米、南瓜、红薯和果子等做成美味佳肴。就这样,白人和印第安人围着篝火,边吃边聊,还载歌载舞,整个庆祝活动持续了三天。 In 1962 September, "May flower" ship loaded with 102 pilgrims and their families to leave England to North America, after two months of hard sailing in Plymouth, Massachusetts ashore, settled down. The first winter, due to lack of food, cold weather, disease rampant and overworked, the settlers died more than half. The second year spring, the local Indian tribal chiefs, Masaso de led the kind-hearted Indian, gave the Puritan grain seed, and teach them to hunt, planting crops, fishing etc.. With the help of the Indians, the pilgrims had a good harvest. The first governor William Bradford has proposed the establishment of a festival to celebrate the harvest, thank you for the gift of god. At the same time, also want to take a holiday to strengthen the harmony between whites and indians. In late November 1621 Thursday, 90 Indians have a joyous gathering the Pilgrims and Massa Soder, celebrated the first Thanksgiving USA history. Male pilgrims go out hunting, capture Turkey, women in the home with corn, pumpkin, sweet potato and fruit to make delicious food. Thus, whites and Indians around the bonfire, chat while eating, but now singing, now dancing, the celebration lasted three days. 初时感恩节没有固定日期,由各州临时决定。直到美国独立后的1863年,林肯总统宣布感恩节为全国性节日。 At Thanksgiving without a fixed date, the provisional decision by the state. Until America after independence in 1863, President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday. |
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