标题 | 给四川小朋友的一封信英语作文 |
范文 | 给四川小朋友的一封信英语作文 无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编整理的给四川小朋友的一封信英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助。 电视上看到你们那里地震的画面,我忍不住哭了。 I couldn't help crying when I saw the earthquake pictures on TV. “轰隆隆!”一声巨响震撼着大地。那一刻,高楼、学校、家……几乎都倒塌了,变为一片废墟——那就是天灾地震。我看到许多学校,幼儿园倒塌了,许多哥哥姐姐,弟弟妹妹被压在砖石瓦块底下,黑黑的夜里,你们害怕吗?我看到和我差不多大的小朋友头上缠着纱布,自己坐在木板上,眼睛空空的望着前方。有好多小孩子围绕在周围,还有一个小姐姐在哭,我想问,你们的爸爸妈妈呢?我看到许多小朋友不说不动,不哭不笑的躺在冰冷的地上,身上只盖着塑料布,快下雨了,你们冷吗? "Boom!" A loud noise shook the earth. At that moment, tall buildings, schools, homes Almost all of them collapsed into ruins - that is, the natural disaster earthquake. I saw many schools, kindergartens collapsed, many elder brothers and sisters, younger brothers and sisters were pressed under bricks and tiles, black night, are you afraid? I saw a child about my age with gauze wrapped around his head, sitting on a wooden board, his eyes empty looking ahead. There are many children around, and a little sister is crying. I want to ask, what about your parents? I see a lot of children lying on the cold ground without talking, crying or laughing, covered only with plastic cloth, it's going to rain, are you cold? 在报纸上,在网络上,在电视上都播放着你们的消息,你们有的被埋在废墟下面,有的在等待了90个小时才被救了出来,有的离开了我们,有的虽然活了下来,却失去了自己的父母,成了孤儿……听着听着,我的鼻子一酸,眼里噙着泪花;看着看着,我被不由自主地被画面所感动,而放声大哭起来。 In the newspapers, on the Internet and on TV, you are all broadcasting your news. Some of you are buried under the ruins, some are saved after waiting for 90 hours, some have left us, some have survived but lost their parents and become orphans Listen to listen, my nose is sour, with tears in my eyes; look at it, I am involuntarily moved by the picture, and burst into tears. 我一直在想:远在荆州的我可以为你们做些什么呢? I have been thinking: far away in Jingzhou, what can I do for you? 老师给我们讲了地震的危害,说我们应该捐出自己的.零花钱,帮助你们早日治好伤,早日上学。今天早上,我豪不犹豫地拿了零用虽然只有100元,但这是我的一片心,希望能帮助你们重建美好的家园,愿你们能像我们一样能回到宽敞明亮的教室里学习。希望你们面对天灾要顽强挺过去,不要太悲伤,解放军叔叔一定会来救你们的,我和全国的小朋友也一定会帮助你们的! The teacher told us about the damage caused by the earthquake and said that we should donate our pocket money to help you heal your injuries and go to school as soon as possible. This morning, I took my pocket money without hesitation. Although it's only 100 yuan, it's a piece of my heart. I hope it can help you to rebuild a beautiful home. I hope you can go back to the spacious and bright classroom to study like us. I hope that you will persevere in the face of natural disasters and not be too sad. The PLA uncle will come to save you, and I and the children all over the country will help you! 灾难考验着我们,在灾难面前,一声亲切的问候,一张热情的笑脸,一双援助的手,都能给人带来无尽的关怀和温暖。俗话说:天地无情人有情,一方受难八方支援。全国人民在听到震灾发生后都非常关心,我们也会帮助你们度难关的,亲爱的同学们!,我知道你们没有了家,失去了很多,如今你们一定是在灾后的悲愤中,但请不要伤心,不要难过,还有我们。特别是在有关部门的关心下,你们会重新住进温暖的房屋,也会重新进入明亮的课堂上课。亲爱的同学们!化悲痛为力量吧!阳光总在风雨后,我相信任何困难都打不倒你们的,你们是坚强的!你们是勇敢的!让全世界人们携起手来,共同帮助你们战胜灾难,渡过难关!在这里,我真诚地祝愿你们以后的生活能够平平安安、快快乐乐! Disaster tests us. In front of the disaster, a kind greeting, a warm smile and a pair of helping hands can bring endless care and warmth to people. As the saying goes: Heaven and earth have no lovers, and one side is suffering with all kinds of support. People all over the country are very concerned after hearing about the earthquake, and we will help you to survive, dear students! I know that you have lost a lot without a home. Now you must be in the post disaster anger, but please don't be sad, don't be sad, and us. Especially with the concern of relevant departments, you will live in warm houses again, and also enter bright classes again. Dear students! Turn grief into strength! Sunshine always after the wind and rain, I believe that any difficulty can not beat you, you are strong! You are brave! Let people all over the world join hands to help you overcome the disaster and tide over the difficulties! Here, I sincerely wish you a peaceful and happy life in the future! |
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