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介绍丝绸之路的英语作文 导语:丝绸之路,简称丝路,一般指陆上丝绸之路,广义上讲又分为陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! 
One of the worlds most ancient and historically important trade routes,the Silk Road conjures up exotic images of camel caravans,windswept deserts,and such legendary figures as Genghis Khan and Marco Polo. Extending as far as the Indian kingdoms in the west,to present-day Xian in China in the east,the Silk Road was already a crossroads of Asia by the third century B.C. 【参考译文】 世界上最古老,历史上最重要的贸易路线之一——丝绸之路,总给人一种富有异国情调的印象:骆驼商队、狂风肆虐的沙漠,还有诸如成吉思汗和马可波罗等传奇人物.丝绸之路绵亘远长,西至印度王国,东到中国现在的西安,早在公元前三世纪,丝绸之路就已经成为了亚洲交通的十字路口. |