标题 | 14岁抒情曲英语作文 |
范文 | 14岁抒情曲英语作文 在日常学习、工作或生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是小编为大家整理的14岁抒情曲英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 走出了童年的稚气与天真,匆匆忙忙地步入了这个多梦、多爱、多感慨的花季。就在我虔诚地许了三个愿、而后又神圣地吹灭了生日蛋糕上的14枝蜡烛时,从心底油然升起一份喜悦,却也伴着一丝淡淡的惆怅。人生的14块里程碑,被我用尚还稚嫩的双手颤巍巍地竖了起来。蓦然回首,昨天走过的13个春、夏、秋、冬,那些不规则的脚印牵出我几缕眷恋的情丝。不禁对眼前陌生且需要独行的路生出几分胆怯。 Out of the childishness and innocence of childhood, I hurriedly stepped into this flower season with many dreams, love and feelings. When I sincerely made three wishes, and then the Holy Land blew out 14 candles on the birthday cake, a joy rose from the bottom of my heart, but also accompanied by a touch of melancholy. Life's 14 milestones, I still use the hands of young tremble to stand up. Suddenly looking back, yesterday passed 13 spring, summer, autumn, winter, those irregular footprints lead me to several wisps of sentimental feelings. I can't help being a little timid about the strange road I need to walk alone. 然而人不能永远倚慕昨天,我要自信而勇敢地开始新的旅行。凭着那份执着,那颗年轻而凝重的心,我洒脱地挥挥手,开始了坚定的第一步…… However, people can't always rely on yesterday. I want to start a new journey confidently and bravely. With that persistence, that young and dignified heart, I waved freely and began the firm first step 当风雪无情地向我袭来,令我束手无策时,我后悔过;当密林中的荆棘划破衣衫、肌肤时,我抱怨过;望着无限漫长而又坎坷崎岖的道路,我想过退却;常为沮丧而无奈的成绩,低吟着“今天不回家”;徘徊在屋门口,聆听着父母焦急等待我的踱步声,面对那扇熟悉的门,却迟迟不敢举起沉重的双手。我希望在内心深处祈求得到一丁点儿的安慰,然而属于我的却只有寂寞、呵斥与嘲讽。干涸的心上那一道道暴裂的伤痕正在无言地叙述着伤感和苦楚。被那一个个的骇人的关卡,撞得头破血流,遍体鳞伤,却只能含笑地爬起来,自勉一句:“我还行!” When the wind and snow hit me mercilessly, which made me helpless, I regretted it; when the thorns in the dense forest cut my clothes and skin, I complained; looking at the endless long and bumpy road, I thought of retreating; I often murmured "don't go home today" for my frustrated and helpless achievements; I wandered around the door, listening to my parents anxiously waiting for my pace, facing the familiar one But I dare not lift my heavy hands. I hope to ask for a little comfort in my heart, but what belongs to me is only loneliness, reprimand and ridicule. The bruises on the dry heart are describing the sadness and pain without words. By that one by one appalling checkpoint, bumped the head to break blood, bruised all over, but can only smile to get up, encourage a sentence: "I'm ok!" 经历了这些磕碰,感到疲倦时,我静坐着、思忖着:是否没有面对现实的信心,是否没有坚强的意志……突然,天更暗了,我的心像受到了震撼似的.,我意识到:黎明将要来了。困难正像黎明前的黑暗,我体味到了人生的真谛:14岁,生命已赋予我们舵手的重任,生活不能让别人来主宰,要用自己的双臂竖起生命的擎天柱,让困难、失败成为走向成功与辉煌的垫脚石。 After all these bumps, when I feel tired, I sit still and think about whether I don't have the confidence to face the reality, whether I don't have a strong will Suddenly, it was getting darker, and my heart seemed to be shocked. I realized that the dawn was coming. Difficulties are just like the darkness before dawn. I have learned the true meaning of life: at the age of 14, life has given us the important task of helmsman. Life can't be dominated by others. We should use our own arms to erect the prime of life, and let difficulties and failures become stepping stones to success and glory. 我背起空空的行囊,抬起头,瞥一眼前方,誓用心中的那份赤诚与庄严,点亮生命的火炬,划去本不该属于青春生命中的失落、焦灼、惘然与气馁。等到胜利女神垂青的那一天,用灿烂譬一顶最美最美的桂冠。 I picked up my empty suitcase, looked up, glanced at the front, swore to light the torch of life with the sincerity and solemnity in my heart, and cut off the loss, anxiety, loss and discouragement that should not belong to the youth life. Wait until the day that the goddess of victory falls in love with, with brilliant analogy a most beautiful most beautiful laurel. |
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