标题 | 双语句子:察觉说谎的20个基本步骤 |
范文 | 双语句子:察觉说谎的20个基本步骤 1. 一个说谎者通常是不自在的,他们会在你们两人之间设立一道屏障。所以当你们坐在一起时,他会在自己左边或者右边的桌上放一些简单的小东西,例如铅笔之类。 1. A liar tends to be uncomfortable and will build a wall by placing an object between the two of you. So when sitting down place something simple on the table to their left or right side like a pencil. 2. 普遍而言,说谎者的身体关节处显得僵硬,会做出一些呆板的举动,尤其在他们的腿部。然而他们会极力保持手臂的自然放松。 2. Often a liars body will become rigid with stiff movement in the joints. Especially their legs and will struggle to keep their arms still and relaxed. 3. 通常而言,双手张开的姿势表示对方和你在一起很舒适,就如和兄弟姐妹或者配偶之间会有这样表现。而说谎者脸部表情局促不安,时不时的用手指搔他们的太阳穴或者鼻子。我们回到第一点来看,当你询问对方的时候,我们将第一点提到的.简单的小东西变成搔太阳穴和挠鼻子这两种无意识的举动,可以看出对方在说谎。 3. They fidget with their face, like scratching the sides of their temples or nose. Usually open hand gestures mean they are to comfortable around you. Most likely a sibling or spouse will be like this. Go back to number 1. And change the subject before coming back to the question. It will be an unconscious movement. 4. 当说话者完全失去如何处理真相以及如何保卫事实或者相对事实的现实可能性时会说谎。 4. They completely lose reality with how to deal with the truth and will go on the defensive fighting for the truth or rather their truth. A lie. 5. 说谎者以一种幽默的方式或者粗鲁的评论,一如既往的将问题抛给你来处理。 5. Becomes humored by joking or making a rude comment most likely they usually throw the question back at you. 6. 当与之交谈时,他们经历着一系列情感变化。只有改变话题才能让他们感到自在,当然前提在于你不进行深层次的追问。正常来说,如果说谎,他们耳朵和前颊处会泛红。 6. They go through a series of emotions when talking to them, change the subject and make them comfortable again before pursuing further. Watch the color of their ears and front cheeks. They will normal out again if lied to. 7. 如果你问对方今夜在哪里过夜,对方向左上方看去,说明在说谎。 7. If you ask about their location that night and they look up to the left. 8. 如果你们闲聊关于其他人或者事情的时候向左上方看。如果这个人是右撇子,他会改变看的方向。 8. If they gossip or ramble about other people or things they heard they look to the left. If the person is right handed this will change the direction they look. 9. 当对方会迅速回答:“我不知道。”表明这不是一个值得思考的问题。 9. Will give short brisk answer, “I don't know.” Not a question of thought. 10. 观察对方脖子上的动脉,特别是男士,留意对方被提问之前脉搏跳动的规律,在对方回答的问题的时候是否加速。 10. Look for the artery on the neck, especially men, note how it pulses before questioning and on whether it quickens when asked. |
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