标题 | 腾飞吧,巨龙英语作文 |
范文 | 腾飞吧,巨龙英语作文 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是小编为大家收集的`腾飞吧,巨龙英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 同学们: Students: 我们是龙的传人,祖国——那条巨龙养育了我们。我要演讲的题目是:腾飞吧,巨龙! We are the descendants of the dragon, the motherland - the Dragon raised us. The title of my speech is: take off, dragon! 在这条巨龙还年幼,不堪一击时,我们受过屈辱。我无法忘记,那次南京大屠杀,我们没有能力反抗,只有被杀的份!但是,我们就算死,也要死得有尊严,多少英雄人物,在死前高呼着:“我是中国人,我为中国死!抗日万岁,中国万岁!”我们曾被叫成“东亚病夫”,但是,谁又会喜爱这个称呼呢?我们努力着。直至第23届奥运会才有资格参加,在上届雅典奥运会时,我们登上了世界第二的宝座,而在这次奥运会,这次在北京举行的奥运会,我们登上了世界的顶端!从没有资格参加奥运会,到参加奥运会,到来我国的首都北京举行奥运会,谁还有资格叫我们“东亚病夫”?!那只不堪一击的幼龙不复存在,那只代表过去的幼龙已经变成了巨龙。让我们高呼:啊,祖国!啊,腾飞的巨龙!我们为您而骄傲! When the dragon was young and vulnerable, we were humiliated. I can't forget that Nanjing Massacre, we didn't have the ability to resist, only to be killed! However, even if we die, we have to die with dignity. Before we die, many heroes shout: "I am Chinese, I die for China! Long live Anti Japanese, long live China! " We used to be called "sick man of East Asia", but who would like that? We worked hard. It was not until the 23rd Olympic Games that we were qualified to take part in. In the last Athens Olympic Games, we were on the second throne in the world. In this Olympic Games, the Olympic Games held in Beijing, we were on the top of the world! From not qualified to participate in the Olympic Games, to participate in the Olympic Games, to come to our capital Beijing to hold the Olympic Games, who is qualified to call us "sick man of East Asia"?! The vulnerable young dragon no longer exists. The one that represents the past has become a giant dragon. Let's shout: ah, motherland! Ah, flying dragon! We are proud of you! 同学们,这条闪亮的巨龙使我们骄傲,使我们自豪,我们作为龙的传人,我们昂首挺胸!那么,我们就应保卫它,以自己毕生所学来回报它! Students, this shining Dragon makes us proud, makes us proud. As the descendant of the dragon, we hold our heads high! Then we should protect it and repay it with what we have learned in our lifetime! |
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