标题 | 值得赞扬的英文短语 |
范文 | 值得赞扬的是,奥朗德承诺为雇佣年轻人的`雇主减税。 To his credit, Mr Hollande is promising tax breaks for employers who hire young people. 值得赞扬的是,鲍克斯先生选择了温和道路,反对政府接管保险计划的提议。 Laudably, Mr Baucus has pursued a moderate course, rejecting a proposal for a government-run insurance scheme. “值得赞扬的是各代表团在有争议的问题上达成一致意见时所体现出来的合作精神和灵活性”,他说。 " The cooperation and flexibility that the delegations had shown in agreeing on contentious issues is commendable," he said. 值得赞扬的是,埃尔多安是第一个要求埃及穆巴拉克让位的穆斯林领导人。 To his credit, Mr Erdogan was the first Muslim leader to tell Egypt's Hosni Mubarak to step down. 值得赞扬的是,正在领导全球响应流感大流行的世界卫生组织已经把公平对待发展中国家作为了它的优先事项。 To its credit the WHO, which is leading the global responses to the pandemic, has prioritised equitable treatment for developing countries. 上一篇:高中开学准备什么东西 下一篇:love的形容词是什么怎么写 |
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