标题 | 我最喜爱的书英语作文 |
范文 | 我最喜爱的书英语作文(通用18篇) 在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?下面是小编整理的我最喜爱的书英语作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇1I like reading very much.I read many books in the last.But my favourite book is 《Horry Potter》 . Horry Potter is a famous boy all over the magic world.But he did not know.He is lucky.Lord Voldemort want to kill him from Horry Potter borned.But his mother protect him with the love.So if he live with his uncle and his aunt,he will be safe before 17 years old. One day,he accepted a letter.Then he know he is a magician.It was no long before,he went to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.There are four institutes in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.They are Gryffindor、Hufflepuff、Ravenclaw and Slytherin.Horry Potter is in Gryffindor.He makes two best friends:Ron.Weasley.They learned magic in Gryffindor and happend a lot of things...... This story is very great.It is attactive.It is amazing,too.I often think:If I can do magic.The life will be more beautiful. This is my favourite book. I like it very much.I want to be a magician. How about you? 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇2books are our good friends. when we began elementary school, we started our friendship with them. they never leave us unless we throw them away. when we are alone, they help us to get rid of lonely feelings. when we are in iow spirits,they encourage us to stand up again. whenever we are in trouble, they always offer help to us. however, not all books are wortli, reading. certain ones can be harmful to our young people who have committed crimes which have resulted in their being seat to prison. this is the result of the negative influence that these books which are not worth reading have upon their young readers. so it is important to make wise use of books. our aim is not only to read them, but also to use them. how can we use them more wisely? the answer is to practise what we have read. only by practising and using the knowledge we have acquired from books,can we achieve more in our life. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇3There are many books in my family, father and mother, and many of them are mine. These books are thick and thin. In my book, what I like most is Tang Sulan's school life of the wolf. It is very interesting, especially when “ although the stupid wolf of art but utterly ignorant of, at the end of the semester, the school talent contest, he won the Wolf Prize, best performing ” I'm curious, eager to read. The original is brown bear make practical joke help honest stupid wolf, a fluke, won the best performance award. This book has a lot of wonderful clips, always makes me uproarious, taught me the truth in life a — — to do a good and honest people. Please have a look at this book! You're going to love it as much as I do. 我家有很多书,有爸爸的,也有妈妈的,其中许多是我的。这些书有厚有薄,在我的书中,我最喜欢的是汤素兰写的《笨狼的学校生活》。 它很有趣,尤其是看到“虽然笨狼对艺术一窍不通,但是,学期结束时,学校进行才艺比赛,笨狼却得了个最佳演艺奖”时,我充满好奇,迫不及待地往下读。原来是棕小熊搞的恶作剧帮助了诚实善良的笨狼,歪打正着,获得了最佳演艺奖。 这本书还有很多精彩片段,总是惹得我捧腹大笑,教了我一个做人的道理——要做一个诚实善良的人。请有空看一看这本书吧!你一定会和我一样,喜欢它的。 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇4Reading plays an important part in our daily life.We can gain knowledge through reading.It can not only open our minds but also make us cleverer and happier.Our study can be improved if we read more books.Reading also helps us grow as a person. However,it’s a great pity that many activities such as surfing the Internet,listening to music,and watching TV and so on take up too much of our reading time.So here,I would like to suggest that everyone should spend more time in reading books and reading good books.It will do good to us.Let’s start reading now. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇5Books are our good friends. When we began elementary school, we started our friendship with then,. They never leave us unless we throw then, away. When we are alone, they help us to get rid of lonely feelings. When we are in low spirits, they encourage us to stand up again. Whenever we are in trouble, they always offer help to us. However, not all books are worth reading. Certain ones can be harmful to our young people who have committed crimes which have resulted in their being sent to prison. This is the result of the negative influence that these books which are not worth reading have upon their young readers. So it is important to make wise use of books. Our aim is not only to read them, but also to use them. How can we use then, more wisely? The answer is to practise what we have read. Only by practising and using the knowledge we have acquired fron, books, can we achieve more in our life. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇6I recently seen a movice called "Alice in Wonderland". Maybe you have read a fiction named it.You should guess now.Yes,this film is based on the novel. And I have already read this book many times. It is so interesting a book that I enjoy read it.It was a good book, soI could not put it down.But the main reasn is that this book is my grandpa gave me the final book. He have been died last December.So it also has a special meaning to me.Alice is the main charater of the novel. She is very kind, beautiful, smart and brave.I hope to be a fantastic girl like Alice. I will never give up tring to achieve my dream.And I am always missing my grandpa.I will always be thankful to him. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇7I love for the book as Su Dongpo love bamboo like, although I am not as tall as Su Dongpo's thought, but I love reading, because good books is like a boat, carrying me to travel in the ocean of knowledge. I like reading so much to breathe, if there is no book to nourish my spirit will become a desert because of thirst and. There is a good saying: books are the ladder of human progress. In a person's life, if the lack of books such things, his life will be no light, no glory. As long as a man's life is accompanied by books, his life will surely be rich and colorful. The book is like a ladder, it can guide us on the palace of knowledge; books as a key, it will help us opens the window of wisdom; books like virgin land, work more deeply, the more abundant fruit. So, as long as more reading, there will be unexpected harvest. The book is like a tour guide, take you to the street, travel extensively, mountain water; book is like a friend to accompany you in your loneliness; the book is more like a silent teacher, teach you endless knowledge. The reason why you have books to accompany, you also have the best partner, your life will no longer be lonely. The book can also be wise, virtue, can support, can educate people … … On the second grade primary school, occasionally picked up a discarded books have been incomplete, but I still wonder was that the arcane will be learned without teacher's book &ldquo ” reading; reading finished, although foggy, but from then on I am craving book it crazy as long as the summer rain, often for various characters in the book or joy or anger, like crazy like crazy, for the fate of the characters and cherished, deeply sorrowed. I like a happy fish swim in the sea of books, like hunger and thirst to absorb the a fine, delicious wine. In the book the refined language is like a vast ocean of floating priceless treasures, shining, make me intoxicated. Through her, I admire Beethoven, Chopin immortal melody, Roman Rowland and Balzac · the eternal voice, appreciate Danner, Russell Li Bai, Su Dongpo flash philosophy, his style of writing, Confucius Wang Guowei, incisive thought. Read the brilliant, or nod, or surprise; for the penetrating insights and admiration, issued from time to time “ &rdquo wonderful Zai wonderful Zai praise. The book not only satisfies my thirst for knowledge, but also makes up for the emptiness of my spiritual world. I learned from a kind of spirit, a positive and upward things make me less impulsive reckless, vindictive and narrow, no longer like sesame seeds, liver and spleen injury over trifles. The book woke me up when I was pleased with the achievement of the light of fireflies; every time I lost my mind, the book gave me enlightenment. She made me less impetuous, more indifferent, so that I optimistic, optimistic face life. The book not only enrich my spiritual life, but also enriched my emotional world, made me a delay of the heart, a sense of shame, sympathy, sense of right and wrong people. Books are the pivot of my life. I love books. 我对于书的钟爱就如同苏东坡喜欢竹子一样,我虽没有苏东坡那么高的思想境界,但我爱读书,因为好的书犹如一叶轻舟,载着我在知识的海洋里遨游。读书对于我就像呼吸那么重要,如果没有书的滋养,我的精神世界会因焦渴而成为一片荒漠。 有一句话说得好:书是人类进步的阶梯。在一个人的生活中,要是缺少了书这种东西,他的生活必定会黯然无光,没有了光彩。只要一个人的.生活中有了书在左右陪伴,那他的生活肯定会丰富多彩。 书籍好比一架梯子,它能引导我们登上知识的殿堂;书籍如同一把钥匙,它将帮助我们开启心灵的智慧之窗;书籍就想开垦过的土地,功夫下得越深,果实长得越丰硕。所以只要多读书,就会有意想不到的收获。 书还像一位导游,带着你走街串巷、走南闯北、游山戏水;书还像一位朋友,在你寂寞时陪伴你;书更像一位无声的老师,教给你无尽的知识。之所以要有书陪伴,你也有最好的伙伴,你的一生将不再孤独。书还可以明智,可以修德,可以养性,可以育人…… 上小学二年级时,偶尔捡到一本被人丢弃已残缺不全的古书,到现在我还奇怪自己当时竟无师自通地将那本艰涩难懂的书“读”完了,虽说读得云里雾里,但从那以后我对书的渴求便疯长如夏季的雨林,常常为书中各种人物或喜或怒,似痴如狂,为人物的命运而魂牵梦绕,柔肠百结。我像一尾快乐的鱼儿在书的海洋中畅游,如饥似渴的汲取着琼浆玉液。书中的精警之语就像广阔的海洋中漂浮着奇珍异宝,溢光流彩,使我如痴如醉。通过她,我欣赏了贝多芬、肖邦不朽的旋律,罗曼·罗兰和巴尔扎克永恒的声音,领略了丹纳、罗素闪光的哲理,李白、苏东坡恣肆的文笔,孔子、王国维精辟的思想。读到精彩处,或颔首,或惊讶;为其中精辟独到的见解而折服,不时发出“妙哉妙哉”的赞叹。 书不但满足了我的求知欲,而且弥补了我精神世界的空虚。我从中汲取了一种精神,一种积极的、向上的东西,使我少了意气用事的莽撞、睚眦必报的狭隘,不再为芝麻粒般的琐事斤斤计较、大伤肝脾。每当我为取得萤火虫光般大小的成绩而沾沾自喜时,书令我惊醒;每当我彷徨迷惘时,书给我启示。她使我少了些浮躁,多了份淡泊,使我豁达乐观的面对生活。 书不仅丰富了我的精神生活,也丰富了我的情感世界,使我成了一个具有辞让之心、恻隐之心、是非之心、羞恶之心的人。 书是我生命的支点,我喜欢书。 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇8Everyone has their own habits, my habit is to watch TV. Watch TV, have the habit of sometimes good, sometimes bad, because many people watch TV and become nearsighted. I watch TV, as long as nobody, I can watch for several hours. It is because watching TV, my eyes now look on the blackboard the word do not know the look; is because watching TV, I am every day for my eyes to worry about, there are so afraid of the day, my eyes to develop into high myopia. But one day I do not watch TV, my mind is always uneasy, just as ants are the same as scratching, even in the homework, I can not help but turn on the TV to watch a little while. I can do homework, the grandfather in the side, did not dare go to open TV. I remember one occasion, grandfather accompanied my homework at home, this time, my favorite look of the TV drama "亮剑" soon began to open their hearts always want to go watch TV. I'd like to see on TV, Grandpa took a phone call is my Ho table go public and tell him to play chess, Grandpa went. One grandfather, and I opened the TV on. I have read, such as drama, it is already 22:00 o'clock. At this time, I did not expect to do work. Just then, Grandpa returned, he found that not to do my work, I criticized him. I really wanted to give up the habit watching TV and less watching TV, the protection of eyesight, healthy and happy to do a small man. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇9“The University Plan I have just become a new college student so I must make a good plan for my university life during the four years.Firstly,as a college student ,what I need to do at present is study hard and make good progress in study.Secndly,take an active extracurricular activities,especially social practice activities in order to get to know the society further. So after graduation,I may adapt to the developmenet and requires of society .At last,I must get along well with the teachers and classmates,be good at dealing with all kinds of the problems and relation beween the people and keep on training my comprehensive quality and abilities,so that I can lay a good foundation for going into the society later after graduation,and should be a mordern undergraduate with morality,civilization,ideals and disciplines.” 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇10“The University Plan I have just become a new college student so I must make a good plan for my university life during the four years.Firstly,as a college student ,what I need to do at present is study hard and make good progress in study.Secndly,take an active extracurricular activities,especially social practice activities in order to get to know the society further. So after graduation,I may adapt to the developmenet and requires of society .At last,I must get along well with the teachers and classmates,be good at dealing with all kinds of the problems and relation beween the people and keep on training my comprehensive quality and abilities,so that I can lay a good foundation for going into the society later after graduation,and should be a mordern undergraduate with morality,civilization,ideals and disciplines.” 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇11Hi everyone,i like read books .i like novels, because it is ful. i like guai wu da shi book best. books on a yound boy. he is poor .but he is kind and clever. he very love the world is made of the love. he is touch me i also like history .it make me have more knowledge .scond i like books because it make me relax i think we should read about a lot of knowledge book. i often keep reading for about half an hour every day . l think reading is very important and necessary for us. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇12Books are one of the important components of our life (Books are the most popular (stable/lasting) media through which we acquire knowledge). We can acquire various types of knowledge from them. But not every book is worth reading. The English philosopher Francis Bacon said that some books are to be tasted, some am to be swallowed. But only a few books are to be chewed and digested. Some books really contain poisonous things that are not healthful to the mind so that you'd better not to touch them. To select a really good book, I have some advice. First, you should think about what kind of books you want to read and what your needs are before you choose one. Second, read the preface fast to determine whether this book is the one that you really need. It is of great importance because the titles of some books may not match their content. As the old saying goes, we should never judge a book by its cover. Third, read books efficiently, or you will get lost, for it is not very easy to find where you were if you do not have efficient reading methods (To keep a continuous line of the story or of your thought, you should read effectively and efficiently). With the suggestions listed above, I am sure you can find a really good book and read it effectively. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇13The Chinese medicine is indicated for the treatment of stomachache. The usual dose is two pills once, three times a day. Tile dose can be increased by one or two pills if the stomachache grows worse. The medicine may pro, lute some side effects like sickness or sleepiness, but the symptom will disappear when the medicine is stopped. The medicine should be put where it is cool and dry. To achieve satisfactory 本品为中药;对胃病的治疗疗效显著。一般用量每天三次,一次两粒,胃不舒服时可以加服1—2粒。本药品可能会产生一些像恶心、嗜睡等轻微的副作用,症状停药后就会消失。本药品应放在阴凉干燥处。为了达到满意的效果,使用本药品请务必遵医嘱。 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇14Due to the comprehensiveness of China’s “reform and open” policies, economics plays an increasingly important role in the development of its global position. Though more and more companies built, management of companies cannot catch up with the development of the companies. Management is a burgeoning field in China, so I hope I can acquire more modern knowledge on management in England. The roots of my strong interest in business can be traced back to my childhood. My father was among the first of China’s new breed of modern entrepreneurs. As a young girl, it was inspirational hearing about his business ventures, and meeting the varied and interesting circle of entrepreneurs. My mother was also involved in business as an accountant, helping him with simple calculations. And so it was early in my life that I hoped I, also, would someday be able to enter the realm of business. With the time of growing up, I preferred reading books tosatisfy my curiosity. I never ceased to contemplate over the questions I encountered. Subjects on business and management became a special fascination to me and my knowledge of psychology as well as interest in this field was increasing rapidly. As a high school student in China, I had to concentrate on the College Entrance Examination (CEE), even so, books not related to the exams were never excluded from my life. Unfortunately when sitting in the exam in June, 2001, I was so nervous that I didn’t score well in the CEE exam. I enrolled in the department of Computer Science in Zhejiang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Any attempt to persuade myself to focus on my major turned out to be a failure at the beginning of my college life. After several terms, I realized that I would never be interested in being a programmer or an engineer. At that moment, I lost my direction and objectives. My persistence in reading saved me from the dark situation. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed reading the books included Encyclopedia American, and some books about management by Peter F.Drucker. I began to notice something interesting: Why some companies can produce more than others? Why some company can sell more than others? Why some companies can build up but others cannot when facing the same difficulties? With the questions in my mind, I started to read many relevant books. I was lucky to read the book “Jack: Straight from the Gut”by Jack Welch, in Which John A. Byrne makes a clear illustration that the management is important for a company. When I was a junior, I ran a bookshop by myself near my school. I should manage not only the finance in the shop but also the employees in my shop even made some strategies to enlarge the business in my shop to hold on the run the shop. From this, my interpersonal skills and the capacity in business has been greatly developed, definitely I was increasingly interested in what I was doing. By December, 2003, I had finally determined to take business management as my career instead of IT. To accumulate more relevant knowledge, I strived to gain more practical work experience in some big companies. Fortunately, as a senior, I began by conducting an internship in the Architecture Company in Zhejiang Province. Over six months, I worked as an assistant of the manager to harmonize the relationship between the different departments in this company and to draft some management system, which broadened my perspective of management conditions and business performance in different industries. The experience showed me that management is much more important than that of I thought in big companies. After graduation, I continued my work in this company. In May, 2005, the company offered me an opportunity to participate in an training program held by a famous management school. Through in-depth discussions with teachers and students in the classes, they all encouraged me to pursue my future career in management field because of my intellectual ability and the brand new ideas I mentioned. During the short period of training, I realized that pursuing a higher degree in management is a wise choice for me now. Lancaster, with its excellence in management, represents the perfect fit for my needs. In your challenging environment, I can build the required foundation of knowledge related to management to achieve my goals. I am firmly convinced that your admission will be my first step of success. With this in mind, I hereby submit my application, and await your favorable reply. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇15I like reading very much. The fairy tales are my favorites, such as Grimm’s Fairy Tales,Anderson’s Fairy Tales and so on. But I like Zheng Yuanjie’s fairy tales most, such as Shuke and Beita and many other books. The roles in his fairy tales are so funny. Sometimes, I think they are around me. They are my classmates or my friends. Therefore, these stories are also my own stories. And, his books also teach me to be a good kid. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇16For college students' advice, not the truth, but enough with you A student, don't think you can get in you ever want. Working enthusiasm probably because you see some things and experiences, but also not be afraid. Do you have a freshman to inherit and is or continue to quit or decisions. Second, the university might have true love, but remember just impossible. Many people love because they envy or other reasons and together. So, not for any break up by too big, remember, too big, true love is worth pursuing. if your family in general, so remember you in university has many unexpected places. Money, As two professional classes, or in the future for all of your family and your own future, always don't money. Remember, always. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇17Hi everyone,i like read books .i like novels, because it is ful. i like guai wu da shi book best. books on a yound boy. he is poor .but he is kind and clever. he very love the world is made of the love. he is touch me i also like history .it make me have more knowledge .scond i like books because it make me relax i think we should read about a lot of knowledge book. i often keep reading for about half an hour every day .l think reading is very important and necessary for us. 我最喜爱的书英语作文 篇18I like reading books so much, especially the comic book. When I start reading, I can’t focus my attention for a long time if the books are words everywhere, then I find comic book is perfect for me. I can not only read very quickly, but also won’t feel bored. It is a good way for me to gain knowledge. 我喜欢看书,特别是漫画书。我刚开始阅读时,如果书中都是密密麻麻的单词的话我根本无法长时间集中注意力,然后我发现读漫画书对我来说就是完美的存在。我不仅看得很快,也不会觉得无聊。这对我来说是很好的方法去获取知识。 |
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