标题 | 世界微笑日的英语作文 |
范文 | 关于2015世界微笑日的英语作文 On May 8, 1948, the annual, the spirit of the world health organization (who) the day was concluded as "world smile day". Indeed, everyone need to be slowing down, watch around a good transaction, peaceful nature TianLai, effort let taut face soothing, open the knits forehead, let a smile on the face bloom, to dissolve frost and chill between each other. Every year since 1948 this holiday to conclude, the May 8 will become warm rise. In the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself. 1948年起,每年的5月8日,世界精神卫生组织把这天被订立为世界微笑日”。的确,每一个人都需要放缓脚步,静观周遭美好的事务,凝神谛听大自然的天赖,让绷紧的脸庞舒缓,皱紧的眉宇打开,让微笑在脸上绽放,才能融解人们彼此之间的冰霜和风寒。 从1948年这个节日订立起,每年的5月8日就变得温馨起来。在对别人的微笑中,你也会看到世界对自己微笑起来。 |
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