标题 | 英文爱情语录 |
范文 | 英文爱情语录 在日常学习、工作和生活中,说到语录,大家肯定都不陌生吧,语录是指一个人言论的记录或摘录。那什么样的语录才是走心的语录呢?以下是小编为大家整理的英文爱情语录,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、我想要和你一起遥望甜蜜蜜。 I want to look at sweet honey with you. 2、微风轻轻起,我好喜欢你。 I love you so much. 3、花再艳,终有凋零的一天。 The flowers will wither one day. 4、我伤的彻底,我爱你爱到绝望。 I hurt thoroughly, I love you to despair. 5、先止住专情,再戒了念念不忘。 First stop the obsession, and then stop thinking about it. 6、恋爱,只不过是青春的炒作。 Love is just the hype of youth. 7、真正的爱情足以够打败时间。 True love is enough to beat time. 8、你是一盏灯,值得我光明。 You are a lamp, worthy of my light. 9、错把今生负,相思一杯真。 Wrong life negative, Acacia a cup of true. 10、听着、我允许你喜欢我。 Listen, I allow you to like me. 11、坐在地板上,摆弄手中的单反。 Sitting on the floor, fiddling with the SLR. 12、有些人爱你,只是想要占有你。 Some people love you, just want to own you. 13、所谓白头到老,没什么秘诀。 There's no secret to being old all the time. 14、我想抓紧你的手再也不分开。 I want to hold on to your hand and never separate again. 15、当你爱我,我就拼命爱你。 When you love me, I love you desperately. 16、我的眼泪,不想让你看见。 I don't want you to see my tears. 17、兄弟们,你们有大嫂了! Brothers, you have a sister-in-law! 18、爱情和婚姻是两股道上跑的车。 Love and marriage are cars running on two tracks. 19、你已在我心,不必再问记着谁。 You are already in my heart, so you don't have to ask who you remember. 20、一个人的寂寞,是两个人的错。 One person's loneliness is the fault of two people. 21、暗恋,本身就是最伟大的'爱。 Secret love is the greatest love in itself. 22、依然年轻,依然热泪盈眶。 Still young, still full of tears. 23、爱你,是我一生要做的事。 Love you, is my life to do. 24、爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。 Love drives away the cold better than a coat. 25、全世界还有谁,比我们还绝配。 Who else in the world is better than us. 26、我给你的一切,你将永怀占有。 I give you everything, you will always cherish possession. 27、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。 The world you give is full of love. 28、空空的心,因为有你。满了。 Empty heart, because of you. It's full. 29、爱情的萌芽是智慧的结束。 The bud of love is the end of wisdom. 30、我活着,不是为了讨好谁。 I don't live to please anyone. 31、早点回来,我跟家等你。 Come back early. I'll wait for you at home. 32、我愿化作星星,为你照亮夜路。 I would like to be a star to light up the night road for you. 33、所有东西再冷,也冷不过人心。 No matter how cold everything is, it can't be cold. 34、如果爱、为何总是若即若离。 If love, why is it always so close. 35、我们要一起过每一年每一天。 We're going to spend every day and every year together. 36、花开若相惜,花落莫相离。 If flowers cherish each other, flowers fall apart. 37、你是一颗星,值得我追行。 You are a star, worthy of my pursuit. 38、让我爱你然后将我抛弃。 Let me love you and abandon me. 39、以后想吸烟了告诉我,我吻你。 I want to smoke later. Tell me, I'll kiss you. 40、爱你的感觉,永远都是那么美。 The feeling of loving you is always so beautiful. 41、刚切开的西瓜,是初恋的颜色。 Just cut watermelon, is the color of first love. 42、唇角那浅浅的笑,都是甜的。 Lips that shallow smile, are sweet. 43、停留在昨天,泪滴在琴上。 Stay in yesterday, tears on the piano. 44、最初不相识,最终不相认。 I didn't know each other at first, but I didn't know each other in the end. 45、幸福就象花期,开到荼靡。 Happiness is like flowering, in full swing. 46、傻傻的爱,傻傻的付出。 Silly love, silly pay. 47、你给的在乎,是我开心的理由。 You give care, is my happy reason. 48、你担心她孤单,却忘了我怕冷。 You worry about her loneliness, but forget that I'm afraid of the cold. 49、想要一个不要我先伸手的拥抱。 Want a hug that doesn't want me to reach out first. 50、爱才会执著,不爱就会洒脱。 Love will be persistent, not love will be free and easy. 51、容易掏心掏肺,更害怕失去。 Easy to dig out the heart and lung, more afraid to lose. 52、谁让我拥抱,再一次心跳。 Who let me embrace, heartbeat again. 53、我没有野心,我只想要你。 I have no ambition. I just want you. 54、爱情,原来是含笑饮毒酒! Love is drinking poison wine with a smile! 55、我除了谋生,就是光顾你。 Besides making a living, I just patronize you. 56、太爱自己,就很难相爱。 If you love yourself too much, it's hard to fall in love. 57、属于我的东西,谁也别想拿走! No one wants to take what belongs to me! 58、等一个人的心,错一个人的情。 Waiting for a person's heart, wrong a person's feeling. 59、沵悄然无息旳,闯入仂俄旳心。 You quietly break into my heart. 60、今生的明白,那是一个束缚。 This life's understanding, that is a fetter. |
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