标题 | 感受乡村英语作文 |
范文 | 感受乡村英语作文 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?以下是小编为大家收集的感受乡村英语作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 带着烦乱心境,穿梭于高楼大厦间的我,早已厌倦水泥的气息、车笛的声音,心中所企盼的,是宁静的山林、清清的泉水、低喃的鸟鸣和朴实善良的人。 I'm tired of the smell of cement and the sound of car and flute. What I'm looking forward to is quiet mountains and forests, clear springs, low murmur of birds and simple and kind people. 景之情 Scenery feeling 去年的假期,去了天台山,那个“一万八千丈”的山,在我的心中却永恒地印下了清美秀丽的感受。并不那么巍峨,蜿蜒的小径,高大的树木,些许小型的.瀑布,青草和碎石,便构成了它的全部。踏着那石阶,听着水声,嗅着泥土和青草的气息。我便毫无意外地被那一山的宁静和清新打动。不曾想,这简单的景致竟如此令人安心。是微风下摇摆的树枝打动了我?是流水滑过指间的温柔打动了我?抑或只是那几块青灰的山石便打动了我?是,又都不是……只是那单纯的自然,单纯的宁静,深深印入心底。 Last year's holiday, I went to Tiantai Mountain, the "eighteen thousand Zhang" mountain, but in my heart, I always printed the feeling of beauty and beauty. Not so lofty, winding paths, tall trees, some small waterfalls, grass and gravel, it is all. Step on the stone steps, listen to the sound of water, smell the smell of soil and grass. I was touched by the tranquility and freshness of the mountain. I never thought that this simple scene was so reassuring. Is it the twigs that sway in the breeze that move me Is the water sliding through the fingers of the gentle touched me Or just a few gray rocks that moved me Yes, not even It's just that pure nature, pure peace, deeply imprinted in my heart. 人之情 Human feelings 曾经看电视台类似“交换人生”的节目,每每看到城市里的孩子在贫困的农村,被那里的人的朴实和真诚打动,不禁潸然泪下的场面,自己的心里便会泛起波澜。自己本也是从叫做“乡村”的地方走入城市,自然感受更真切。 I used to watch TV programs like "exchange life". When I saw the children in the poor countryside in the city and moved by the simplicity and sincerity of the people there, I couldn't help crying. My heart would be filled with waves. I also came into the city from the place called "village", which makes me feel more real. 其实乡里人的朴实从不表现在多么华丽的壮举上,只平时细微的小事便让人觉得真切。外公去世的那一年,我曾踏回过那片熟悉却又陌生的地方。确切地说,我生于那里,却与那里的人和事远远地隔开。陌生的我回到那里,眼前除了如同想象的村舍,再也不熟悉什么,心中除了外公逝世的忧伤,再也不牵挂什么。那里的所有人和事,我早已远离。我担忧,甚至害怕,在那片陌生的土地上,徘徊,疑惑…… In fact, the simplicity of the villagers has never been shown in what magnificent feats, only the small things usually make people feel real. In the year of Grandpa's death, I once stepped back to the familiar but strange place. To be exact, I was born there, but I was far away from the people and things there. When I returned there, I was not familiar with anything except the imaginary cottage. In addition to the sadness of Grandpa's death, I had nothing to worry about. I am far away from all the people and things there. I am worried, even afraid, wandering and wondering in that strange land 可村人们迎面的和善笑容,亲切友好的问候感动了我。他们对我忧伤的心灵小心的维护,让我彻底放下伪装着的坚强,安然送走了逝世的亲人。只那一句“孩子,不怕,不哭!”就融化了我心中的冰雪,化作泪水,肆意却安然地流。 But the kind smile and friendly greetings from the villagers moved me. They carefully maintained my sad heart, let me completely put down the strong camouflage, safely sent away the dead relatives. Only that sentence: "children, not afraid, not crying!" It melts the ice and snow in my heart, turns into tears, wantonly but flows safely. 我的期望 My expectations 乡村的美,美得真实,美得简单,美得动人。那样的美,那样的感动,将留于世间,留于我心,再不消逝……即便无缘再踏入乡村的山山水水,走进乡村的流水人家,夜晚静坐于城市高楼窗前的我,亦可从那一阵阵微风中,嗅出熟悉的乡村味道…… The beauty of the countryside is real, simple and moving. So beautiful, so touched, will stay in the world, stay in my heart, never disappear Even if I have no chance to step into the mountains and rivers of the countryside, or enter the flowing houses of the countryside, I can still smell the familiar rural flavor from the breeze sitting in front of the window of the high-rise buildings of the city at night |
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