标题 | 国庆节的小学英语日记带翻译:我的国庆节 |
范文 | 关于国庆节的小学英语日记带翻译:我的国庆节 即将要到一天的结尾了,相信你会领悟到不少东西,是时候用心地写一篇日记了。可是怎样写日记才能出彩呢?以下是小编精心整理的关于国庆节的小学英语日记带翻译:我的国庆节,希望能够帮助到大家。 在国庆节的`美好假期里,我们一家参加了小外公的七十大寿。 In the beautiful holiday of national day, our family took part in Grandpas 70th birthday. 清晨,我们赶快到了小外公那里做麻圆。我们到的时候,已经有几位舅舅、舅妈在那里煮糯米饭。煮好了饭,妈妈就把饭放进一个大盆子里再端上桌,由姨爹把糯米饭做成一个个圆形,我哥哥把芝麻和糖倒在一起搅拌一下,再把糯米团放在那里面,这样糯米团就裹上了一层黑白相间的外衣,好看极了。做完了,大家还叫小外公吃长寿面,他老人家可开心呢! In the morning, we hurried to my grandfathers place to make Ma Yuan. When we arrived, there were already several uncles and aunts cooking glutinous rice there. After cooking, my mother put the rice into a big basin and served it. My uncle made the glutinous rice into circles. My brother poured sesame seeds and sugar together and stirred them. Then he put the glutinous rice into it. Then the glutinous rice was wrapped in a black-and-white coat. It was very beautiful. After that, we also called grandpa to eat longevity noodles. He is very happy! 一转眼就到了中午,大家都到饭店里去吃饭,那里欢声笑语,热闹非凡。开饭了,我们吃到了一半,哥哥就叫我们小孩子去敬酒。我们到了包厢看见小外公,我们就对她说:祝外公福如东海、寿比南山。吃完饭后,大家纷纷都去玩了。 In a twinkling of an eye, at noon, everyone went to the restaurant for dinner, where there was a lot of fun and laughter. After dinner, when we had half eaten, my brother asked our children to toast. When we got to the box and saw Grandpa, we said to her, I wish grandpa happiness and longevity. After dinner, everyone went to play. 一个下午很快过去了就到了晚上,大家到舅舅家吃晚餐。舅妈们一个个争先恐后地要炒菜,厨房里热闹极了。过了一会儿,一盘盘热气腾腾的菜出炉了,大家津津有味地吃了起来。饭吃完了,生日蛋糕出场了,打开盖子,里面有个老寿星,舅妈把老寿星给了小外公,并祝他长命百岁。 One afternoon passed quickly and it was evening. Everyone went to my uncles house for dinner. Aunts are scrambling to cook, and the kitchen is very busy. After a while, a plate of steaming dishes came out, and everyone ate with relish. After dinner, the birthday cake came out, opened the lid, and there was an old birthday star in it. My aunt gave the old birthday star to my grandfather, and wished him a long life. 这个国庆节虽然我没有游山玩水,但是在小外公家我品尝了山珍海味,享受了与亲人相聚的快乐,非常开心。 Although I didnt visit mountains and rivers on this national day, I tasted the delicacies of mountains and seafood in my little grandfathers house and enjoyed the happiness of getting together with my relatives. I was very happy. |
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