标题 | nurse的例句 |
范文 | 3. She volunteered as a nurse in a soldiers' rest-home. 她自告奋勇到士兵疗养院当护士。 4. She wore a little nurse's hat on her head to identify her. 她头戴一顶小护士帽,很容易辨认。 5. The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit. 护士把体温计甩了甩,然后放到了我的'腋下。 6. He would have a nurse in constant attendance day and night. 会有一位护士日夜不间断地陪护着他。 7. The young nurse pulled a face at the Matron's retreating figure. 看着护士长离去的身影,这个年轻的护士做了个鬼脸。 8. A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby. 接受急性脱瘾治疗的病人身边会有一名指派的护士看护。 9. A doctor and a nurse caught hold of his arms. 一名医生和一名护士抓住了他的双臂。 上一篇:开学需要准备什么东西五年级 下一篇:go的短语表示超越 |
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