标题 | 网上交友是否明智? |
范文 | 网上交友是否明智? Is it Wise to Make Friends Online? 在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编为大家收集的网上交友是否明智? Is it Wise to Make Friends Online?,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 网上交友是否明智? Is it Wise to Make Friends Online? When it comes to making friends online, different people hold different attitudes. Some people believe that it’s wise choice to make friends online since internet has enlarge their circle of friends. However, the rest of them argue that it is indiscreet to make net friends because internet friendship is not reliable. As far as I concerned, I agree with the former because there are more advantages than disadvantages to make net friends. 每当遇到网上交友的话题,不同的人有不同的态度。有些人相信网上交友是明智的,因为因特网能扩大我们的朋友圈。然而,剩下的人争辩说网上交友不谨慎,因为网络友谊不靠谱。就我认为,我同意先前的想法因为网络交友利大于弊。 In the first place, we can make good friends with the same interest online. Especially to the social elite, when they graduate from school and go to work, it is hard to find someone who shares the same interest with them, which make them hard to find a new good friend in the workplace. Internet provides an easy access to make new friends. 第一,我们能在网络上交到兴趣相同的朋友。特别是对社会人士来说,他们从学校毕业去工作,就发现很难找到兴趣相投的朋友了,所以这让他们在工作场所很难交到新的好朋友。因特网给他们提供了一条便捷的途径去结识新朋友。 In the second place, we can speak our mind freely with our online friends. For instance, when we fall into depression, we would like to go for our net friends because we are afraid of becoming a source of worries to our real-life friends if we do otherwise. In addition, net friends provide us with wider horizons to know the world in which we live, we can learn from them all kinds of information and knowledge from all walks of life. 第二,我们能够自由地对网友说出心里的想法。例如,当我们沮丧时,我们就会想找网友倾诉,因为我们害怕如果我们跟现实朋友说,会让他们担忧。还有,网友能拓展我们的生活视野,我们能从他们身上学到很多不同的信息和知识。 Therefore, a natural conclusion can be drawn that making friends online is beneficial to people’s communication and growth of knowledge, it is unwise that someone do not making friends online because fear of taking risks, in that case, we should only be careful of making net friends, and choose them wisely. 因此,可以自然地总结出网络交友对我们的交流和知识的增长有益处,因为怕风险而拒绝网络交友的人是不明智的,在这种情况下,我们只要小心地在网络交友,选择朋友的时候理智点就好了。 网上交友是否明智 益处: 拓展人际关系:网络交友可以帮助你结识来自世界各地的朋友,拓展你的人际关系圈。 节省时间成本:与传统线下交友相比,网络交友更加便捷,可以在短时间内了解更多的人。 突破地域限制:无论你身处何处,都可以通过网络交友平台找到志同道合的朋友。 个性化筛选:网络交友平台通常具有各种筛选功能,可以帮助你更快地找到符合自己需求的交友对象。 降低社交压力:在网络平台上,人们可以更轻松地进行自我表达和交流,降低线下交往中的社交压力。 弊端: 真实性存疑:网络交友中,有些人可能会隐瞒自己的真实信息,导致交友不成功或受到欺骗。 沟通不畅:与现实生活中面对面交流相比,网络交友可能存在沟通不畅、理解误差等问题。 安全隐患:网络交友可能存在泄露个人隐私和财产风险,特别是在未经核实的情况下轻易相信陌生人。 虚拟依赖:过度依赖网络交友可能导致现实生活中的沟通能力下降,影响真实的人际交往。 网络成瘾:过度投入网络交友可能导致网络成瘾,影响个人生活和心理健康。 |
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