标题 | 爱英语作文400字 |
范文 | 爱英语作文400字汇编六篇 在日常学习、工作抑或是生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是人们把记忆中所存储的有关知识、经验和思想用书面形式表达出来的记叙方式。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,以下是小编为大家收集的爱英语作文400字6篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 爱英语作文400字 篇1最近,老爸心血来潮决定开始学英语。今天我一大早就被老爸那不流利的“morning……”给吵醒了。老爸啊老爸,你学就学,可这一大早扰我清梦,把我吵得一点儿都睡不着了。 于是我趁老爸不注意偷偷看了一眼老爸的英语书,这一看我被惊呆了。一脸茫然地看着他,我保证,你肯定三天三夜都想不明白:地主的英文“landlord”而老爸在旁边标注的是“懒的劳动”,还有快递员“postmen”则变成了“跑死他们”,救护车“ambulance”“俺不能死”。看到这些标注快要把我笑的吐血了。正好看见妈妈在准备早饭,我笑着问妈妈:“你老公的'英语读法可真的超人哦!”妈妈明显在帮老爸:“超人是超人,可你不觉得这方式,这锴音,生动有趣而且还易懂!”确实,我好像一下子就记住了,救护车“俺不能死”,地主“懒得劳动”……说完我们全家人都开心地笑了。笑完,老爸又开始读他的英语了。我想幸好英语老师不在现场,不然恐怕会当场气晕了。 这就是我的老爸,爱学英语,用自有适合他自己的那一套风格,他是不是很幽默? 爱英语作文400字 篇2Dear students, After the terrible earthquake, there are lots of children out of school. Some of them are even homeless. Their schools and houses have destroyed. They can just live in the open air.They don t have enough school things or clothes .As we all know,every kid has the right to go to school,but now they are in trouble.As a Chinese,we should help them as possible as we can. We can raise some money and things for them. And we can also write to them to encourage them. I hope they will return to school as soon as possible with our help 爱英语作文400字 篇3父母的爱是无微不至的,记得小时候的一个冬天,我的手很冷你便拿起学搓一搓握住我的手给我取暖。 Parents love is meticulous, remember one winter when I was a child, my hand is very cold, so you pick up and learn to rub my hand to warm me. 或是在下雨天,你总是把雨伞倾向在我这边,生怕我淋到雨。 Or on rainy days, you always lean your umbrella on my side, lest I get caught in the rain. 无论在哪里,你总是对我那么好。爸爸,我爱你,虽然所有的'父母都是这样,但我还是觉的你是的父亲! No matter where you are, you are always so kind to me. Dad, I love you, although all parents are like this, but I still think you are the father! 爱英语作文400字 篇4This Sunday is Father’s Day. I am very happy. I’m writing a letter for you now. But my classmates are playing games. Today is rainy. Please take care. Do you know? My study is good. There fore, don’t worry about my study. I have a good news to tell you. I have won the second award at the piano competition. Are you happy ? On the weekend, I usually go hiking on the Song Shan Lake. We are very happy. But after we walk for a long time, we feel a little tired. When the sun goes down, we return home. I like going hiking. What about you? 爱英语作文400字 篇5Mather's Love I got up late this morning and went to school without feeding my cats.When I came home in the afternoon, the cats almost starved to death. They circled around me and crying for food. I took one fish out and threw it to the cats. I wanted to see who was the first one to catch the fish. Mother cat held it in her mouth and nm away quickly. She didn’t eat it, but put it down, then called her children there. The four starving little cats began to devour the fish, but their mother just stayed there looking at them tenderly,without eating a little bit. On seeing that, I thought of my mother. She often does everything for me selflessly. This is a mother’s love, I think. 爱英语作文400字 篇6My Parents Love To MeMy father is a peasant. Four years ago he came to the city, and found a job. And then my mother and I moved here. At that time, my father earned little money and could hardly support the family. I was small, short and thin then. My parents sometimes bought me some good food for me. I remember clearly once they gave me the roast chicken.Oh, I liked it best. I asked them to eat together, but they both said they didn't like it. So I ate it up. Now our life is better. One evening, my father bought some roast chichen again, and we ate it happily. Suddenly, I understood why they didn't eat it before. They just wanted me to eat it.This is my parents' love! |
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