Baroness Thatcher's claims seem credible to many 撒切尔女男爵的主张在很多人看来是可信的`。 I'm sure the Baroness will be able to make things fine for you. 我相信男爵夫人能够把家里的事替你安排妥当的。 " And what message shall I convey to the baroness!" “我对伯爵夫人怎么说好呢?” "In the baroness's box, I believe." “大概是在男爵夫人的包厢里吧。” M: Let's think of something to sing for the Baroness when she comes. 玛:让我们动动脑筋,想想男爵夫人来时给她唱什么歌。 上一篇:初中开学考 下一篇:高三开学品 |