标题 | 背起行囊走四方英语作文 |
范文 | 背起行囊走四方英语作文 在生活、工作和学习中,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是小编为大家整理的背起行囊走四方英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 每次去旅游,都是人满为患之时,特别是七日长假,更是旅游的黄金日,大大小小的旅游爱好者,都去了自己慕名已久的向往地。 Every time I go to travel, it's a time of overcrowding, especially the seven day long holiday, which is the golden day of travel. All the tourists, big and small, have gone to the place they have long been yearning for. 不知年月日,不明旅游处,只记得那次上车,准备开往目的地(风景区)时的'情形。 I don't know the date of, I don't know the tourist office. I only remember the time when I got on the bus and was going to the destination (scenic spot). 那天,我和妈妈一块儿在车站上,由于要去下一个景点,我们只好等车,这时,人渐渐多起来,车子也一趟又一趟的从我眼前驶过。我不觉感到烦燥,心中隐隐有一团什么东西在燃烧。站台上的人也不免有些浮燥,心中急急想去目的地的欲望也渐渐提高。 That day, my mother and I were at the station together. We had to wait for the bus because we wanted to go to the next scenic spot. At this time, there were more and more people, and the bus passed me again and again. I didn't feel bored. There was something burning in my heart. The people on the platform are also a little restless, and their desire to go to the destination is gradually increasing. 这时,又来了一辆车,人群马上就引起了一阵骚动,大家不管三七二十一,一个劲儿地挤向车边。车门开了,一些大人马上就挤了进去,顺手拉住自已的儿女,一把将他们拉入了车内。一些年龄小的都哭了,我也不知所措,只感到自已不由自主地往前走,啊,妈妈为我开了一条道儿,我连忙跑过去拉住她,可是,我们终究势单力薄,一番“打斗”后,又被挤了出来。我们就像两条小鱼,被挤在了一些大鱼之中,进也不是,退也不是。啊,人们缩小了“包围圈”,把我和妈妈围在了当中。后来我只感觉,顺着波涛,被冲到了海岸上。定眼一看,才知我已远离了车子,我被人挤到了最边缘!妈妈跑过来拉我,我们又拥入了“人流”。挤呀挤,挤呀挤,终于挤到了车门旁,刚要进去,忽然一踉跄,身子往后倒了,妈妈连忙拉住我,哎,可想而知,我们又被挤到了外面……。 At this time, another car came, and the crowd immediately caused a commotion. Regardless of the number of people in the car, they pushed to the side of the car. When the door opened, some adults immediately squeezed in, grabbed their children and pulled them into the car. Some young people cried, and I was at a loss. I just felt that I could not help walking forward. Ah, my mother opened a way for me, and I hurriedly ran to hold her. However, we were weak after all. After a fight, we were squeezed out again. We are like two small fish, squeezed into some big fish, neither in nor out. Ah, people have narrowed down the "encirclement" and surrounded my mother and me. Then I just felt, along the waves, washed up to the coast. Fixed an eye to see, just know I have been far away from the car, I was crowded to the edge! My mother came to pull me, and we crowded into the crowd again. Squeeze squeeze, squeeze squeeze, finally squeeze to the door, just want to go in, suddenly a stagger, the body fell back, mother hurriedly pulled me, ah, can imagine, we were squeezed out again. 旅游,是我的最爱,也是大家伙的最爱,但在黄金日去旅游,这事,我再也不做了。 Traveling is my favorite and big guy's favorite. But traveling on golden day, I will never do it again. |
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