标题 | 微笑的桑兰又来到美国英语作文 |
范文 | 微笑的桑兰又来到美国英语作文 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编帮大家整理的微笑的桑兰又来到美国英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 又见到了桑兰,许许多多美国人关爱和牵挂的桑兰,一个动人的故事。这次,她将随中国残疾人艺术团访美,并用英语朗诵《我的梦》,深情地向人们倾诉她的、也是所有残疾人的渴望——平等与友爱。 I saw SangLan again, a touching story about which many Americans care and care. This time, she will visit the United States with the Chinese Disabled Art Troupe and recite "my dream" in English, expressing her and all disabled people's aspirations - equality and friendship. 桑兰,着名体操运动员,被誉为中国的“跳马王”。?但,这是在1998年7月21日之前 Sang Lan, a famous gymnast, is known as the "king of horse vaulting" in China. ? but this was before July 21, 1998 那是在美国纽约,第四届友好运动会的体操赛场。只是一次赛前训练,只是一次偶然,桑兰的一个没有做完的手翻转体动作,结束了她的体操生涯,但她依然“着名”,甚至更为“着名”。?让桑兰“着名”的,是她的精神,她的毅力,是她永远灿烂的微笑。17岁的花季,即使受伤的花朵,也依然美丽。 It was in New York, the gymnasium of the fourth friendship games. It's just a pre competition training, just a chance. Sang Lan's unfinished handspring and turning movement ended her gymnastics career, but she is still "famous", even more "famous". What makes SangLan famous is her spirit, her perseverance and her ever bright smile. The 17-year-old flower season, even if the flower is injured, is still beautiful. 桑兰的伤势异常严重:第五—七颈椎呈开放性、粉碎性骨折,75%错位,中枢神经严重损伤,双手和胸以下失去知觉。美国的送护人员十分尽职:从长岛拿骚县医疗中心,到纽约市区最著名的蒙赛耐康复中心,医疗专家们拿出了最佳的治疗方案,使用了最好的药品。世人对桑兰极为关切:当地闻知此事的美国有关官员和普通百姓络绎不绝地前去探视,鲜花堆满了桑兰的病房;中国体操协会委托的监护人谢晓虹女士日夜守候,在桑兰最痛苦的时候紧握住她的手;祖国人民更倾注了无尽的亲情和关爱,十二亿份遥远的祝福飞越大洋彼岸……?但表现最出色的还是桑兰:从她苏醒过来以后,她就没有流过一滴眼泪;从她重新面对公众的目光那一刻起,她的面容就永远浮现着灿烂的.微笑。17岁的小姑娘,17岁的纯真的让人慨叹的微笑,征服了美国,征服了中国,征服了世界……十个月后,伤情基本稳定的桑兰终于回到了日思夜想的祖国,在中国康复研究中心继续接受康复治疗。 SangLan's injury was very serious: the fifth to seventh cervical vertebrae presented open and comminuted fracture, 75% dislocation, severe central nerve injury, loss of consciousness in both hands and under the chest. American paramedics are very dedicated: from Nassau County Medical Center in long island to the most famous Montserrat rehabilitation center in New York City, medical experts have put forward the best treatment plan and used the best medicine. The world is extremely concerned about Sang Lan: local American officials and ordinary people who have heard about the incident have been visiting her ward, which is full of flowers; Ms. Xie Xiaohong, the guardian entrusted by the Chinese Gymnastics Association, is waiting day and night, holding her hand when Sang Lan is in the most pain; the Chinese people are more devoted to endless affection and love, and 1.2 billion distant blessings are flying across the country Across the ocean But the best performance is Sang Lan: since she woke up, she has not shed a tear; from the moment when she faced the public's eyes again, her face will always appear a brilliant smile. 17 year old girl, 17-year-old innocent smile, conquered the United States, conquered China, conquered the world Ten months later, Sang Lan, who was basically in stable condition, finally returned to her homesick motherland and continued to receive rehabilitation treatment in China Rehabilitation Research Center. 这是一个更为漫长而艰苦的历程。 This is a long and hard journey. 桑兰挺住了。她忍受着极大的痛苦与送护人员积极配合,由截瘫可能引起的泌尿系统和呼吸系统感染、压疮、脊柱侧变等并发症得到有效的控制和纠正,体位性低血压已经缓解,名个关节保持着良好的活动度,肌肉力量开始恢复,轮椅已能自己摇出很远;桑兰的生活自理能力大为提高,她可以自己穿脱衣服、袜子和鞋,可以独立进食、洗脸、刷牙、洗澡,正在学习英语,可以操作电脑,可以完成从轮椅到床的转换……? Sang Lan held on. She endured great pain and actively cooperated with the paramedics. Complications such as urinary system and respiratory system infection, pressure sore and scoliosis caused by paraplegia were effectively controlled and corrected. Postural hypotension had been relieved, famous joints kept a good degree of activity, muscle strength began to recover, and the wheelchair was able to shake far by itself. Sang Lan had a great ability of self-care In order to improve, she can wear and take off clothes, socks and shoes by herself, eat, wash her face, brush her teeth and take a bath independently. She is learning English, can operate a computer, and can complete the conversion from wheelchair to bed ? 当然,实际上她完成的是角色的转换。她不再是一个体操运动员,甚至她也不是一个一般意义上的高位截瘫的残疾人。她是一个19岁的永远微笑的姑娘,是一个与常人一样对新生活充满渴望和希冀的活力四溢的年青生命。 Of course, in fact, what she accomplished was the transformation of roles. She is no longer a gymnast, even she is not a general sense of high paraplegic disabled. She is a 19-year-old girl who always smiles. She is a young life full of desire and hope for a new life just like ordinary people. ? 她现在是中国最著名的学府清华大学附属中学的学生,数学、语文、英语……花季中的蓓蕾在迫不及待地接受着人类文化知识的灌溉;她有着人天性中的善良,将社会各界赠给她的价值百万元的各种康复器械和残疾人生活用品,又全部转赠给北京博爱医院和更需要、更困难的残疾患者;她是人道主义的慈善大使,以残疾之躯奔波于祖国各地,在上海点燃中国第五届残疾人运动会的火炬,在深圳与施瓦辛格先生一起为智残儿童募捐,她的事迹感染着人们,一个服刑人员给她来信,一位不务正业的青年到病床前看望她,她都热情回信和接待…… She is now a student in the middle school affiliated to Tsinghua University, the most famous institution in China. She is majoring in mathematics, Chinese and English The bud in the flower season can't wait to receive the irrigation of human culture and knowledge; she has the goodness of human nature, and she gives all kinds of rehabilitation appliances and disabled living supplies worth millions of yuan from all walks of life to Beijing philanthropic hospital and disabled patients who need more and are more difficu< she is a humanitarian charity ambassador, who travels all over the country with her disabled body , lighting the torch of the 5th China Disabled People's games in Shanghai, collecting donations for the mentally disabled children with Mr. Schwarzenegger in Shenzhen, her deeds are infecting people. One inmate wrote to her, one young man who didn't work hard came to visit her in front of the hospital bed, and she warmly replied and received 19岁的桑兰,人生的美丽画卷刚刚展开。她曾经跌倒过,她正在站起来。 SangLan, 19, has just begun her beautiful life. She has fallen, she is standing up. 中国的一位著名作家问过:永远有多远?19岁的桑兰用她的人生经历如此回答:生命永远,微笑永远…… A famous Chinese writer asked: how far is it forever? The 19-year-old Sang Lan used her life experience to answer: life forever, smile forever |
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