标题 | 小学一年级英语作文:钟表Clocks |
范文 | 小学一年级英语作文:钟表(Clocks) Clocks 钟表 小作者描绘了布朗一家的钟,中的大小到钟摆放的位置。 There are many clocks in the Brown's house. They are in different rooms.A big clock stands in a corner of the sitting room. It is a very, very old clock, but it still keeps good time. Mr. Brown winds it once a week. 【参考翻译】 有许多钟表在布朗的房子。他们在不同的声房大钟矗立在客厅的一个角落里。这是一个非常,非常古老的时钟,但它仍然保持很好的时间。布朗先生蜿蜒每周一次。 我的钟表 我是一个超级小熊维尼迷,我有小熊维尼茶杯、笔袋、本子、书皮、尺子、雨伞、枕头、床单……反正,你要是到我家来,就会发现几乎没有不是小熊维尼的东西,我自己差不多也成了小熊维尼了。 I am a super Winnie Vigny fan, I have Winnie Vigny cup, pen, book, book cover, ruler, umbrellas, pillow, bed sheets ... ... Anyway, if you come to my house, you will find almost no not Winnie Vigny stuff, I almost became Winnie Vigny. 时钟,我有许多,而且都是带有小熊维尼的,闹钟、挂钟、座钟、手表,我全都有。但那一次我去商场,看见一个小熊维尼的挂钟,它深深地把我吸住了,我望着它大约是半分钟,我很渴望能够拥有它,但家里钟已经够多了。算了,望多两眼还是离开吧!这时,爸爸走过来,他好像看透了我的心,亲切的问:怎样,你喜欢吗?你已有很多钟了,还要买呀!”我当然想要,便使劲地点点头。爸爸终于同意买了。我高兴得一蹦三尺高。 Clock, I have many, and it is with Winnie Vigny, alarm clock, wall clock, clock, watch, I had it all. But that time I go shopping, see a teddy bear Vigny clock, it is deeply attracted me, I hope it is about half a minute, I'm eager to own it, but home clock has enough. Well, look at two eyes or leave! At this time, my father came, he seemed to see through my heart, kind to ask: "how, do you like? You have a lot of time, but also to buy ah!" Of course I want, then he nodded. My father finally agreed to buy. I was so happy I jumped three feet high. 回到家,我仔细欣赏这个钟。它的外形就是一个小熊维尼,全身金黄,身穿一件红色衬衫,向着你微笑,笑得那么可爱。它的下半身是一个钟,三根指针不停地转,两条腿还不停地摆。我看着它,总会提醒自己,时间在不断的流逝,光阴似箭,日月如梭,一定要好好珍惜时间。看着它,我就禁不住抓紧时间学习。我把它挂在我房间写字台上方,它就时刻提醒着我珍惜时间,催我奋进。早上,我去上学,它的腿仿佛摇得更欢,好像在与时间竞争。晚上放学回来;它的腿仿佛摆得更乐,好像在与时间赛跑,让我再次提醒自己要抓时间。 Back home, I enjoyed this clock. Its shape is a teddy bear Vigny, whole golden, wearing a red shirt, with you smile, laugh so cute. Its lower body is a clock, three hands keeps turning, two legs kept swinging. I looked at it, always remind myself, time goes by, the flight of time, time flies like a shuttle., must cherish the time. Look at it, I could not help but to seize the time to study. I put it in my room above the desk, it reminds me to cherish the time, urge me forward. In the morning, I go to school, its legs seemed to shake more Huan, seem to compete with time. Back at school; its legs seemed to put more music, as if in a race against time, let me once again remind yourself to catch time. 我喜欢这个挂钟,因为它是小熊维尼挂钟,但我更喜欢它让我懂得要珍惜时间,让我懂得一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴这个道理。 I love this clock, because it is Winnie Vigny clock, but I like it let me know how to cherish the time, let me know time is money, time is money. |
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